Name:  Ms Jackson

E-mail:  mikejones3000@lycos.com
Location:  Portland Oregon
Birthday:  1 January, 1970
Bio:  Contact Information PO Box 40804 Portland Oregon 97240 Cell 503 449 6913 Hello, This is Ms.Jackson alive still and in the Flesh... I can hardly believe it has almost been a year since the creation of my Blog--update 2 years I can hardly believe Sen. Clinton is trying to be the United States President ...Which is my plea for help because I am being attacked by Law Enforcement for the protection of cover up and profit. I am still in Portland Oregon, I moved back in October of 1997, from Los Angeles, CA forced by Rogue FBI Agents whom honestly believe total control is attainable, within a Democroacy. These idiots started with Sen. Ron Wydens office now I have documents which prove Democratic President Candidate Hillary Rodham-Clinton and DNC MCauliffe are so corrupt..What lunatics, I have contacted: Senators Ron Wyden Dem. OR, Gordon Smith, Rep. OR, Rep. David Wu, Dem OR, Rep. Earl Blumenaur Dem. OR...And that inside the states of Oregon...Outside Sen. Arlen Spector, Charles Grassley, And lately Sen. Hillary Rodham-Clinton..(see update above) my request is simple please HELP ME I AM BEING ATTACKED BY MY OWN LAW ENFORCEMENT ENTITY OF OUR GOVERNMENT. Inquire on by behalf as to why the US DOJ and FBI state they have no Jurisdiction with Federal Criminal infractions as well as filing a formal complaint with the USDOJ/OIG for Criminal Misconduct my US Department of Justice employees. But Obstruction of Justice has been the stronghold against assisting Ms. Jackson. Honestly the FBI has spent Millions to keep our Congress from inquiring on my behalf...Why? Do you wonder Why? What is the Crime Bill Act of 1994 some reason not a sole knows. This Rogue Law Enforcement faction has used all sorts of depravity and violated every word of the US constitution and even hired Psychiatrist and are listening to them when they were told to Rape and drug a United States citzen in America as a tactic of destruction and emotional harm...But I shall continue.
Interests:  The DNC will make a mistake if Hilary is the VP. Senator Gordon Smith is a crook and so is Sen. Ron Wyden...I have documented proof. President Obama...the Greatest President ever...I will just jump the gun on this fact.
Blog Created:  Thursday, 4 August 2005
Last Updated:  Tuesday, 15 January 2019 - 12:26 AM PST
Blog Entries:  528

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