
Now Playing: The United States Department of Justice hired Lynch and we are Lynched
Topic: Angered to tears
I , Belinda Jackson, am angered to tears. I am sadden to the point of heartbreak. I wish to God, every single American was able to live through my current situation, but I know you'd all die, basically you would of all commited suicide after year 10 less known year 21. It's not possible everything going on in my life: under attack, stalking and harassment is a secret-- It's not possible because I've knocked on doors and spoken with gatekeepers: CIA US Attorney FBI Senators Wyden Smith Merkley Defazio and Rep. Blumenaur-- I have been in Court Rooms and Filed Court Documents.... This is allowed to happen because at the heart of men is God, but our core is rotten. I am angered to tears based on the fact getting away with rape, corruption, obstruction, conspiracy and murder wasn't enough for this faction of fools within The United States Department of Justice-- they want my life, it is needed by this group of morons that, I Belinda Jackson, die.
It's just too bad for my tears as well as the idiocy controlling these rogue men and women-- my tears are proof of my beating Heart and my Compassion-- but not of my resolve. I am to blessed and strengthen by my Faith in the word of God to allow what is flat out garbage parading as law abiding citizen to mutilate truth-- still fighting not worried but quiet honestly angered to tears.
Why am I so upset-- It's because I am dealing with fools and reason nor intellect is present. A group of paid dummies with a single purpose of catastrophe and no regard. Rage is their intended goal in this act of psychiatric tactic to maneuver me into harms way. This Faction of fools with full resources and backing of our US Departement of Justice are playing with my life-- I am the constant target of psychological attacks to entrap me they fraudulently set up two fake job interviews with Temporary Agencies; whom swore up and down it was an immediate employment opportunity. All the time hoping I would become convinced so when these loons pull the chair from under each job; I'd fall hard into self loathing and depression, and an Oregon Unemployment Benefits filing over 28 days old that hasn't been assigned an Adjudicator. The rule at The Oregon Employment Office with Termination is up to 5 weeks-- not it will take 5 weeks every single time you file Belinda Jackson-- These idiots are taking my ability away to pay bills and it not Putin or the fellow in South Korea it the FBI or whomever. They will never be successful I have 21yrs to back this statement up. This has been going on for 21 years since April 1995 because thise group of Federal Agents have the ability to reach out to Law Enforcment and State and Federal Agencies to attack my life, livelihood and all the paperwork has been filed to prevent this but it means nothing because this is CRIMINAL ACTION rules do not apply. I am sure the Representatvie at Oregon Employment Department thought upon taking the bribe it'd be 3 weeks tops not a violation of the administrated rule...
Federal Agents using the full resource of United States Department of Justice to attack a US citizen and its not a secret; Their broken minds believe its a rights because I have to be taught a lesson-- But I ask whom do I have to be taught a lesson for? Whom is learning this lesson? I am upset but I am also under no weakness which would allow these idiot Federal Agents to be sucessful-- two job interview which were fake-- and a third which was so ridiculous is boggle the mind--The Security Guard attempted to talk me into believeing my job interview had been forgotten. No ways tired so don't worry your little minds about who's next? Just go fund me.
Trimet owes me over $300,000.00 because of a Writ of Review they conspired to undermine with this faction of idiots Federal Agents whom have decided to teach me a lesson and suppress damning evidence which prove Federal Law Enforcement utilizes torture on US citizen and it has nothing to do with the war on terroism but all about how they do business. Judge Jean Kerr Myers was an intricate part of this conspiracy and obstruction of justice; Trimet's Atty Mr Eric Van Hagen filed a document to close my case with Oregon Appeals Court-- because I did not pay a fee; but Judge Jean Kerr Myers had Ruled on my indigent status and waived all fees; Oregon Appeals Court closed my case; I, Ms. never been to law school, had to file a motion- to open my case. Juge Kerr Myers explain to Mr Van Hagen my fees had been waived and this was discussed at the last hearing. I request my case re-open, Oregon appeals had closed it on this motion to squash technicality and a penalty of 25k a day be imposed. Judge Kerr Myers, said " I am not going to do it." did not give a reason of law or ask Atty Van Hagen to express what led to his action. blatant enough for you, the level of corruption I existence within -- presiding judge controlled on the bench--- Mr Van Hagen said nothing, I was only one to object upon her ruling. This is the kind of corruption within our Country--AMERICAN citizens have alway laid down thier life to stop. CIA shame on you-- FBI shame on you and The United States Departement of Justice you broke my heart.