
Now Playing: Poor CIA and the idiots runnning it
Topic: proven
Guess what, this poor Causcasian male out here in this world has made the utimate deal with stupidity... I meant to make a blanket statement because this is how my America works-- the one, I Belinda Jackson, am force to live in. I arrived at Tigard Library today, everything had changed-- these Rogue Federal Agents were set up and all I saw everywhere was a White male face-- sad, truly it is a very sad occurrence-- What this mean is White Men don't have a problem mutiliated US Constitution plus the only other persons White Men believe they can trust in a act of utter terriosm, depravity and treachery is another White Male (CIA). I don't know about the rest of America (the real America not the one I am forced to live in) but If someone is involved in mutilating the US Constitution, Depravity and Treachery; I'd personally feel some type a way if I was thier first and immediate call because they were assured I didn't give a fuck about all the dead US Veterans..... But this is the situation as it stands--
US Bank-- after 67 days of utter and complete lies by US Bank Representative I was afforded my Unemployment Benefits---Thank God for Kyle Ingham, He's the Assistant Regional Manager at US Bank; He told the truth and I knew from the day I met him he was a good egg in the worst of situation. Mr Ingham is also forced to live in My American; the one controlled by CIA which uses US Corporation for cover think Salt (the movie) this is how CIA control my life and harms me with this embargo on my ability to earn a living; it's through manipulation of the Agency(CIA) cover connection this relationship is being utilize to attack little old me-- and Kyle Ingham is caught up in it as well--Super shady practice. CIA is not at all worried about Congress, US Media Outlet or public opinion becuase these sad fucking pedophile have undermined and degradated us with the oldest trick in the book--STUPIDITY. Yes "WE" in My America and Your America find it absolutely unbeleivable anyone would be so demwitted and with this method my life, Kyle's life and a host of other millions of people are controlled by The Agency (CIA) ain't that a bitch. The one thing that is good about all of this utter and complete tradgedy is ME!!!! The Federal Agents couldn't find a Hammer I am not a Homosexual (CIA thinks this is the ultimate control--I don't know why but they've tried to make me gay for 20 years), I am not a Pedophile and I and not a drug addict-- these Federal Agents at the Good Old boy CIA had no Hammer to attack, control, and threaten I, Belinda Jackson, of Portland Oregon with-- What is next 21 years in counting and once again please be clear about this they ain't stupid but the people CIA has in place doing thier bidding is the genuine article. What a conundrum-- My Life simply because I wasn't depraved or an idiot I've spent the last 21 years embargo-ed in the America of the CIA and it been through Faith and Courage a spirit of God; I did not faint and am willing to fight on.
No Job, but unemployement benefits; The number of Company being used as a cover for CIA it would astound. The funny thing is when I do my interviews the Employer is wearing a wire (listening device) and I will toot my own horn I am brilliant while interviewing : Before I arrive I've research the position, Company and CEO - I am good so the Employer is actually astounded when thier told not to hire me. Why? in the case of Well Fargo I wasn't hired because the position I interviewed for did not have enough opportunities to attack me during working hours, you see in my American the one CIA has forced me to live in I, Belinda Jackson have to be available for manipulation, harrassment and physical torture 24/7 and example CIA had people calling my at US Bank just to masterbate on the call--Yep the people on the front line are the genuine article STUPID.
So lets have this conversation: I am being tortured, everyday my food is drugged and my personal belonging are altered to facilitate torture i.e. some sort of technololgy is sewn into the lining of my clothing to facilitate the technology being used to cause muscle spasm, severe headaches and laser burn my skin everyday--it all technology except for the drugging of my food; Do you know these idiot enter my home every day I leave; my interal organs are thier play ground-- You don't believe me? CIA expects that you see the foundation of this attack is STUPIDITY so over the top no one believes her and WE can call her crazy... But I ask you this if I am crazy why is my credit score over 700? Why do I never miss a payment whether it's a credit card, rent or car payment? Why am I dependable, Smart and Impressive in all my actions and finally if I am crazy why do I not have any records which say this is true? I am 50 years old do you mean to tell me I have faked sanity for 50 years!!! Nope this is a sad insecure broken man or woman in a room completely undone because I, Belinda Jackson, am proof psychiatry is nothing more than a failed field of study.