
Now Playing: #Imwithher
Not one thing has changed; I have just survived it by the grace of God; you would not believe tactics our Government has employed against truth.
I suffer with Jesus Christ and count it all blessing, is a courageous statement, I am forced to make. The truth is my survival is fuel to the fire for every insane person on the planet. I am attacked in whatever I do its completely psychological and physical in nature-- Do you know I cannot shop for groceries-- it a major catastrophe I am living through. The level of bitterness is both distasteful and demoralizing; please understand there is nothing these Federal Agents will not do--Garnished my employment check-- I contacted the collection agency, Conserve, my question is why are you garnishing my paycheck-- Matthew the Manager said " We did not garnish your check, we sent it back to the Department of Education. Yet, all the documents say Conserve. Fearless in thier stupidity covered in our Flag, flaunting all of there shame in The RED THE WHITE and THE BLUE. Please understand the CIA is a Criminal Enterprise in OUR Name.
There's is no one I can contact-- every outgoing call is monitored, redirected, and these idiots impersonate companies-- I spoke with
Discover Card Service on July 28, 2016 made a payment- with a representative and Discover has no record of the payment-- I have a recording of the payment-- all my calls are recorded-- Yet another hired fool looking for a huge victory ripe for destruction the useless Federal Agents have put in place to attack me 24/7-- listen there's is nothing I do that is not stalked, attacked, and monitored.
I am with her because truly, I am living a Donald Trump Presidency right now-- Without care, mercy, consideration or intellect-- yes this is my now. I prayed President Obama would somehow releive this attack against my life-- I am not Angela Davis nor am I the first person to mock Psychiatry so why spend 21 years attacking Belinda Jackson?
Not broken, Not helpless, Not enraged just utterly enlighten about the human carnal understanding- folks we are a complete embarassment.