
Now Playing: WORLD gone pretend
The entire universe is engulfed into the land of utter pretense--TRUMP Era. The sort of thing you would experience at 5yrs old when your playmate doesn't catch on at first-- when you started pretending-- Yeah Billy it all for play play. Dazzling deception childhood pretense has comeback with a vengeance to haunt. This Charade #SCOTUS confirmation hearing-- Mr. Brett Kavanaugh and Republicans have us hook line and sinker-- Garland Merrick is a no account space in time--How did we get here? is a very simple response-- Republicans are shysters cheats and liars. How the hell has this pretense as upstanding citizens of merit and consquence for all these years fooled the American populace?
Evangelicals have some explaining to do because God absolutely care how you get there no matter what the outcome satisfied. The Slap the Shit out of me moment is Senator Mitch Mcconnel historically a normal guy this day forward he shall be known as the biggest liar to the entire United States of American EVER-- hashtag the American people should have a say in whom becomes nominated to Supreme Court.
Brett Kavanaugh has broken several social mores ethics truthfulness integrity responsibility and creditability-- This man after these SCOTUS hearing may not have his SOUL. This is most definitely a God situation because its truly a mystery as to why the Republicans are willing to risk so much; but it definitely starts with Senator Grassley and "Them REPUBLICANS" can give two shits as to how "THEY WIN". This is a phenomenon as Americans we protest--the opposite of what is happening should be in process aka honesty integrity accountability.
Republicans are not Rogue Corrupt dysfunctional losers without a CONSCIENCE. I thought in general the GOP was just a bit selfish--but a Trump has corrupted the party..... Lincoln is howling, Honest Abe is in a current state of incarnate on his WAY BACK to save the party. I think we might be in the middle of the beginning of the SECOND COMING-- Lying to Congress can be overlooked well lets be honest really within the Republican party in this Trump ERA lying all together is the Official language.
As an American I am livid seriously my eyes have popped outside my head and I am babbling at the telivision-- After Senator Kamala Harris Senator Dick Durbin Senator Cory Booker Co-Chair Dianne Feinstein and the gangs catastrophic evidence proved KAVANUAGH IS A NO VOTE--pundit are saying Mr Brett Kavanaugh will be confirmed. Rachel Maddow said, "I'LL take an impleachement." Are you joking a boldface liar on the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT for one second is a offence beyond FREEDOM AND LIBERTY FOR ALL.
If we are to remain AMERICA this boldface liar KAVANAUGH; who is corrupt and every aspect of existence must not be confirmed Senator Susan Collins Senator Lisa Murkowski Senator Bob Corker must see truth. These Republican American citizens must make the ultimate sacrafice for America The Beautiful; After all Kaepernick gave up his multimillion dollar pay day-- The Republican can find the courage to say no to a disnonest Mr. Brett Kavanuagh NO VOTE him back to the Appellate court bench.