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These Mutha F@Ckas
These Mutha Fucka have gone bese
these simpletons need hel
They have jumped off
They Jumped Guys
They ran and told my Mom
thick like AIDS
this document was mailed
This I must share
This is a hot as hell
This is a plea....
This proves Obstruction
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To Jail with the Halfwits
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United States Postal
up a creek
us atty no jurisdiction
US Atty. Kent Robertson
US DOJ Letterhead
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Way Out Side the Line
We are a pitiful Nation
We are Fools
we have no idea
Where are my RIGHTS
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who allow stupid to continue
Why does hunger lead
Why is authourity so
Wikileaks help me
Without Regard
Without Regards
Written on all Walls
Sunday, 9 September 2018
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: WORLD gone pretend

The entire universe is engulfed into the land of utter pretense--TRUMP Era.  The sort of thing you would experience at 5yrs old when your playmate doesn't catch on at first-- when you started pretending-- Yeah Billy it all for play play. Dazzling deception childhood pretense has comeback with a vengeance to haunt.  This Charade #SCOTUS confirmation hearing-- Mr. Brett Kavanaugh and Republicans have us hook line and sinker-- Garland Merrick is a no account space in time--How did we get here? is a very simple response-- Republicans are shysters cheats and liars.  How the hell has this pretense as upstanding citizens of merit and consquence for all these years fooled the American populace? 

Evangelicals have some explaining to do because God absolutely care how you get there no matter what the outcome satisfied. The Slap the Shit out of me moment is Senator Mitch Mcconnel historically a normal guy this day forward he shall be known as the biggest liar to the entire United States of American EVER-- hashtag the American people should have a say in whom becomes nominated to Supreme Court.

Brett Kavanaugh has broken several social mores ethics truthfulness integrity responsibility and creditability-- This man after these SCOTUS hearing may not have his SOUL.   This is most definitely a God situation because its truly a mystery as to why the Republicans are willing to risk so much;  but it definitely starts with Senator Grassley and "Them REPUBLICANS" can give two shits as to how "THEY WIN".  This is a phenomenon as Americans  we protest--the opposite of what is happening should be in process aka honesty integrity accountability. 

Republicans are not Rogue Corrupt dysfunctional losers without a CONSCIENCE.   I thought in general the GOP was just a bit selfish--but a Trump has corrupted the party..... Lincoln is howling, Honest Abe is in a current state of incarnate on his WAY BACK to save the party.  I think we might be in the middle of the beginning of the SECOND COMING-- Lying to Congress can be overlooked well lets be honest really within the Republican party in this Trump ERA lying all together is the Official language.

As an American I am livid seriously my eyes have popped outside my head and I am babbling at the telivision-- After Senator Kamala Harris Senator Dick Durbin Senator Cory Booker Co-Chair Dianne Feinstein and the gangs catastrophic evidence proved KAVANUAGH IS A NO VOTE--pundit are saying Mr Brett Kavanaugh will be confirmed.  Rachel Maddow said, "I'LL take an impleachement." Are you joking a boldface liar on the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT for one second is a offence beyond FREEDOM AND LIBERTY FOR ALL. 

If we are to remain AMERICA this boldface liar KAVANAUGH; who is corrupt and every aspect of existence must not be confirmed Senator Susan Collins Senator Lisa Murkowski Senator Bob Corker must see truth.  These Republican American citizens must make the ultimate sacrafice for America The Beautiful; After all Kaepernick gave up his multimillion dollar pay day-- The Republican can find the courage to say no to a disnonest Mr. Brett Kavanuagh NO VOTE him back to the Appellate court bench. 




Posted by mikejones3000 at 2:04 AM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 9 September 2018 3:22 AM PDT
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Sunday, 2 September 2018
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: GOD HAS GOT ME


Dear World, I am back from a most Horrific Amazing and Mind boggling journey.  When I tell you I have seen betrayal it would blow your mind the level of depraved and naive behavior I've witnessed. I have ONE thing to tell you after all I have been through TRUST GOD and pray for our gatekeeper because the level of crminality that has control of our society has undermined it's fabric.  Intelligent people are being tortured and manipulated and the most damaged and disgusting among us are being celebrated.  In an office setting a fellow employees said Motherfucking Asshole Bitch-- my hole entire face dropped.  The moment this sort of behavior is allowed in a professional setting be aware the office is being groomed for much worse.  I guess this is the point we are being groomed as a pedophile grooms a child.  This is the psychiactric BS we're being forced to endure and have become numb too terrible and horrific behavior-- To appease ourselves we Thank God it isn't US (me) when the fact is you're next. I do not seek vengenance because I watch these mentally broken and self-absorbed parasites destroy thier own allies everyday.  I watch the guy whom attacked me lose everything and call it karma but its more a system that destroy its own.


There's definitely a fork in the road-- It's an unfair fork it of the like of God asking Abraham to take the life of his Son-- but we keep forgetting God block the actually act  of murder-- but just needed to know the measure of Abraham's faith-- I can tell you this I have experience extreme betrayal and physical harm but God and my Faith never allowed me to fall into the trap of self blame or self hate-- My mind is clear because at the end of the day I am so happy I am not these disgusting lost depraved broken people whom have spent a life time attacking me because of thier on mistakes, embarrasments and self hate.  TRUST GOD not you family, definitely not your Husband Wife or Partner.  I have more but bye for now

Posted by mikejones3000 at 12:46 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 9 September 2018 2:03 AM PDT
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Monday, 26 March 2018
Calmly I am going to tell you about this shYt
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: An Inability to grasp fact

This is amazing, I am actually able to give you guys a bit of information about Jackson v. US Bank. First, US Bank was fined 613 million dollar by the US Government for noncompliance of  Federal money laundry laws. And two US Bank employees were in the process of being charge with felonies by NYC Attorney General this was February 2018-- So from this point I have to be very careful with my words-- I won my case against US Bank for unlawful termination. and was awarded 31k. Unbelievable you may think but the jury was not given instructions by the Judge about how to decided the judgement-- she mention other things but nothing about how the verdict must support the award of judgement or how to use multiplier  for emotional abuse or a similar case to insure the Plaintiff was being treated fairly--and a host of other things-- this is being further researched by my Attorneys at Bennett Hartman-- They're researching if a presiding Judge can fail to provide Jury Instructions-- 

My heart went cold through out my trial; The Defendant's Attorney Janine Blatt ask Judge Skye if I had the Capacity to stand trail--((The Horror)) ((The prejudice)). If had the mental capacity to file a complaint and retain an Attorney-- how does my Capacity factor into a Civil Trial about Employment Law??? I also was made aware of a practice within Civil Trial  when attorney meet with the judge and look at the law and language  to determine if the statute is an actual reason for the Law Suit or is it  a matter of law.  The Jury has to determine a fact but the Presiding Judge can decide if it a matter of Law and denied my use of it ( I kind of thought the legislature had taken care of this).   If it a matter of Law the Judge make a decision and the Jury doesn't even get to here about it... I am definitely looking for a publisher. 

Dear Oregonian you're headline was not at all fair or even a service to the community it was bitter and false (Any Community). The term race retaliation was misconstrued  within the language of my lawsuit with regards to race discrimination and my view Hangman was tantamount to lynching and I was offended and emotional demoralized based on my race.  But as a matter of fact the language was so mangled by the Attorneys I don't believe the Jury had a clue about what they were actually supposed to do-- A session when the Attorney met with the presiding Judge and narrowed the language of the law to the point it was confusing. Yet, Oregonian (oregonlive) understand I don't blame you because the truth isn't your journalist purview.  The Defendant's Attorney ask the judge to do a per-judgement(?) based on law and remove the Race Discrimination complaint of my lawsuit altogether but the Judge denied the motion.  

Dear Public after my trial Judge Skye allowed some member of the Jury back into her Courtroom to ask the Attorney questions-- ((Appalled)) These Jury had just awarded me 31k and my original Lawsuit was  632k and although they found I was terminated unlawfully and US Bank had violated whist-blower laws lowered my economic damages-- Yes, my wages from 31k to 11k-- I had to sit through them saying my Attorney weren't polished-- and the Defendant's witnessed where coached-- Isn't coaching a witness illegal???? This is par during the Trial Judge Skye actually said I cannot wait to get back to a Murder trail; Right in front of me-- I guess she is more comfortable in criminal court. 

Posted by mikejones3000 at 1:35 PM PDT
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Thursday, 11 August 2016
never underestimate stupid
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: #Imwithher

Not one thing has changed; I have just survived it by the grace of God; you would not believe tactics our Government has employed against truth.

I suffer with Jesus Christ and count it all blessing, is a courageous statement, I am forced to make.  The truth is my survival is fuel to the fire for every insane person on the planet.  I am attacked in whatever I do its completely psychological and physical in nature-- Do you know I cannot shop for groceries-- it a major catastrophe I am living through.  The level of bitterness is both distasteful and demoralizing; please understand there is nothing these Federal Agents will not do--Garnished my employment check-- I contacted the collection agency,  Conserve, my question is why are you garnishing my paycheck-- Matthew the Manager said " We did not garnish your check, we sent it back to the Department of Education.  Yet, all the documents say Conserve.  Fearless in thier stupidity covered in our Flag, flaunting all of there shame in The RED THE WHITE and THE BLUE.  Please understand the CIA is a Criminal Enterprise in OUR Name. 

There's is no one I can contact-- every outgoing call is monitored, redirected, and these idiots impersonate companies-- I spoke with 
Discover Card Service on July 28, 2016 made a payment- with a representative and Discover has no record of the payment-- I have a recording of the payment-- all my calls are recorded-- Yet another hired fool looking for a huge victory  ripe for destruction the useless Federal Agents have put in place to attack me 24/7-- listen there's is nothing I do that is not stalked, attacked, and monitored. 

I am with her because truly, I am living a Donald Trump Presidency right now-- Without care, mercy, consideration or intellect-- yes this is my now.  I prayed President Obama would somehow releive this attack against my life-- I am not Angela Davis nor am I the first person to mock Psychiatry so why spend 21 years attacking Belinda Jackson?

Not broken, Not helpless, Not enraged just utterly enlighten about the human carnal understanding- folks we are a complete embarassment. 

Posted by mikejones3000 at 1:43 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 11 August 2016 2:03 PM PDT
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Saturday, 21 May 2016
Faith Street
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Poor CIA and the idiots runnning it
Topic: proven

Guess what, this poor Causcasian male out here in this world has made the utimate deal with stupidity... I meant to make a blanket statement because this is how my America works-- the one, I Belinda Jackson, am force to live in.  I arrived at Tigard Library today, everything had changed-- these Rogue Federal Agents were set up and all I saw everywhere was a White male face-- sad, truly it is a very sad occurrence-- What this mean is White Men don't have a problem mutiliated US Constitution plus the only other persons White Men believe they can trust in a act of utter terriosm, depravity and treachery is another White Male (CIA).  I don't know about the rest of America (the real America not the one I am forced to live in) but If someone is involved in mutilating the US Constitution, Depravity and Treachery; I'd personally feel some type a way if I was thier first and immediate call because they were assured I didn't give a fuck about all the dead US Veterans..... But this is the situation as it stands--

US Bank-- after 67 days of utter and complete lies by US Bank Representative I was afforded my Unemployment Benefits---Thank God for Kyle Ingham, He's the Assistant Regional Manager at US Bank;  He told the truth and I knew from the day I met him he was a good egg in the worst of situation. Mr Ingham is also forced to live in My American; the one controlled by CIA which uses US Corporation for cover think Salt (the movie) this is how CIA control my life and harms me with this embargo on my ability to earn a living; it's through manipulation of the Agency(CIA) cover connection this relationship is being utilize to attack little old me-- and Kyle Ingham is caught up in it as well--Super shady practice.  CIA is not at all worried about Congress, US Media Outlet  or public opinion becuase these sad fucking pedophile have undermined and degradated us with the oldest trick in the book--STUPIDITY.  Yes "WE" in My America and Your America find it absolutely unbeleivable anyone would be so demwitted and with this method my life, Kyle's life and a host of other millions of people are controlled by The Agency (CIA) ain't that a bitch. The one thing that is good about all of this utter and complete tradgedy is ME!!!! The Federal Agents couldn't find a Hammer I am not a Homosexual (CIA thinks this is the ultimate control--I don't know why but they've tried to make me gay for 20 years), I am not a Pedophile and I and not a drug addict-- these Federal Agents at the Good Old boy CIA had no Hammer to attack, control, and threaten I, Belinda Jackson, of Portland Oregon with-- What is next 21 years in counting and once again please be clear about this they ain't stupid but the people CIA has in place doing thier bidding is the genuine article.  What a conundrum-- My Life simply because I wasn't depraved or an idiot I've spent the last 21 years embargo-ed in the America of the CIA and it been through Faith and Courage a spirit of God; I did not faint and am willing to fight on.  

No Job, but unemployement benefits; The number of Company being used as a cover for CIA it would astound. The funny thing is when I do my interviews the Employer is wearing a wire (listening device) and I will toot my own horn I am brilliant while interviewing : Before  I arrive I've research the position, Company and CEO - I am good so the Employer is actually astounded when thier told not to hire me. Why? in the case of Well Fargo I wasn't hired because the position I interviewed for did not have enough opportunities to attack me during working hours, you see in my American the one CIA has forced me to live in I, Belinda Jackson have to be available for manipulation, harrassment and physical torture 24/7 and example CIA had people calling my at US Bank just to masterbate on the call--Yep the people on the front line are the genuine article STUPID.

So lets have this conversation: I am being tortured, everyday my food is drugged and my personal belonging are altered to facilitate torture i.e. some sort of technololgy is sewn into the lining of my clothing to facilitate the technology being used to cause muscle spasm, severe headaches and laser burn my skin everyday--it all technology except for the drugging of my food; Do you know these idiot enter my home every day I leave; my interal organs are thier play ground-- You don't believe me? CIA expects that you see the foundation of this attack is STUPIDITY so over the top no one believes her and WE can call her crazy... But I ask you this if I am crazy why is my credit score over 700? Why do I never miss a payment whether it's a credit card, rent or car payment? Why am I dependable, Smart and Impressive in all my actions and finally if I am crazy why do I not have any records which say this is true? I am 50 years old do you mean to tell me I have faked sanity for 50 years!!! Nope this is a sad insecure broken man or woman in a room completely undone because I, Belinda Jackson, am proof psychiatry is nothing more than a failed field of study.

Posted by mikejones3000 at 12:08 PM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 21 May 2016 12:59 PM PDT
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