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12 years in my existence
20,0000 new troops
2008 Presidential proof
A bunch of scared fools
A miracle
a never ending
A Pattern of behavior
a time to kill
Acting Chief Justice
Actions without thinking
AIG is Rogue Fed
All I have is Fool
All the Kings Men
All the little Maniacs
America's Economic Break
Angered to tears
As they Perish
Assistant Chief
Attention FBI scum
Attorney need
Barack is the answer
Belinda Jackson ?Pro Se?
Belinda Jackson Facebook
Black Balled
Blagojevich Belinda J.
blocked life
blue collar criminal
Breach of Public Trust
brutally honest
Burke Williams and Sorens
By Any Means.....
By Appointment
By Faith
Can you believe
centrally stupid
Change is in play
Changing the Lead Story..
cheaters haters losers
Chronic understatement
cia has a nazi cell
CIA Torture Report
CIA you're a waste
clinically mental on ill
Comment and read
conflict innuendo
Constant stupidity
Contracted Stalker
Corrupting other so not
Corruption at the Top
corruption is the rule
Corruption will not cease
Cover up
Crippling my health
Crooked Federal Agents
Dear AG Holder
Decoy News
Defined Judge Maurer
Democratic Fools
Desperation can be endure
Director Brenanan
Dirty Rotten Crooks USDOJ/CIA
Division Chief
Do you want names?
Documentation Documentati
Done For
Doug Bray Court Admin
Equal but not protected
Eric Holder Attorney Gen.
Esau Abounds
Every Single Rock
Evidence Galore
Excluded Multnomah Librar
Facility Management
Fantasy oh but say it is
federal agenst jealousy..
Federal Agent
Federal Corruption
Federal Government
Federal Law Enforcement
Feeling Better
Fellow Americans
folly during a life
Fools Abound
fruad also
Functioning with a Brain
George Tenet
Gosh Darn
Goverment Corruptoin
Halfwitted nature of man
Hard of Hearing
heart attack or stroke
Human Rights
Hung out to die
i am being blocked
I am not Al Capone
I am not TheMafia
I am stalked
I don't understand
I duh know!!!
I feel like Osama
I have acted in response
I love being right.....
Idiocy catch all FBI
Idiot hooked fools gold
Illegally manipulating
Insane and I mean it.
Iron Clad Proof
Is Rotten
Is this true?
it is the FBI
Jared Garth
Jesse Jackson is a fool
Judge Alito
Judge Jury and Excutioner
Just tired of Stupid
Kinkos Corruption
Kissing the folly's ass
Kyron Horman
Law and No Order
Legal Representation
Lewis "Scooter" Libby
Lon Mabon--FBI Style
Loretta Lynch well please contro
Mad as Hell
Man is a Liar
March 14
Mayor Potter
Mental Health
Mind Boggling
Mr. Doug Bray
Mr. Fool
Mr. Whiteman
Never can I hire an Attorney
No Party Affiliation Now
No she did not in 2009
Not dead yet
Not my America
Obama '09
Obama Change
Obama Change please
Obama is not
obssesive fanatical
obstruction of justice
One Woman could not...
open and peruse
Open Season
Oregon Corruption
Oregon Federal Judges
Oregon Medical Board
Oregon Secretary of State
Oregon State Bar
Organized Crime FBI
Overt Action
overt criminality
Peyton Place
pleasing man
Portland Detective
Portland FBI
Pray for me
President Elect
President Elect Barck O.
President Obama's Legacy for Obama
Protecting FBI Tactics
Psychiatric trash
Racketeer Influenced
Rape is a Federal Agent tool
refused medical help
relative to oddly dead
Respect President Obama
Robert Jordan is Gone
Sargent Vic Cody news
Second Chances
Sen. Grassly
Sen. Hillary Clinton
Senator Barack
Senator Barack Obama
Senator Hilary Clinton
Sensational Angst
Sexual Abuse
snowden helped the Feds
Someone erasing
Special Agent eternal
Special Agent In Charge
State of the Union
Stimulus Bill
Stinky Stankin Foolery
Straight with no chaser
stupid should be studied
Stupids on Sale
suffering fools
Taunting is torture
tears for years
The Art of Smiling
The Check is cashed
The Crew is on the job...
The Crime
The divilish fools
The minds of men!!!
The Oregonian
The Senator is a tool
These Freaks have already
These men and women
These Mutha F@Ckas
These Mutha Fucka have gone bese
these simpletons need hel
They have jumped off
They Jumped Guys
They ran and told my Mom
thick like AIDS
this document was mailed
This I must share
This is a hot as hell
This is a plea....
This proves Obstruction
Tiger has a life
Tiger Woods..not
To Jail with the Halfwits
Torture is a weapon
United States Postal
up a creek
us atty no jurisdiction
US Atty. Kent Robertson
US DOJ Letterhead
Utter Corrupt
Utter Disregard
Wasting Time
Way Out Side the Line
We are a pitiful Nation
We are Fools
we have no idea
Where are my RIGHTS
Where are the troops
who allow stupid to continue
Why does hunger lead
Why is authourity so
Wikileaks help me
Without Regard
Without Regards
Written on all Walls
Saturday, 11 February 2006
Another filing
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: I am so tired of these threats
Topic: Documentation Documentati
The following form has been submitted: You chose to file a: Complaint Name: Belinda Jackson Date of Birth: Gender: Female Race/Ethnicity: Street: PO Box 40804 Apt. Number: City: Portland State: OR Zip: 97240 Email: Home Phone: 503 490 7972 Third Party?: No Third Party Info: n/a Currently Represented?: No Attorney's Name: Attorney's Phone: Location of Incident: 6731 SE 82nd Ave Date of Incident: 02/11/2006 Time of Incident: 12:10; PM Officers Involved: Officer C no badge number given. Witnesses: Non Emeregency dispatch representative as well as 911 record on February 11, 2006. Description of Incident: On February 9th 2006, and incident took place at Plaid Pantry located at 5007 SE Division. I Belinda Jackson, was harrassed by two unknown individual inside the store. What it amounted to was intentionally invading my personal space to cause and arguement or some type of negative interaction, this tactic is onging and of constant use. I requested the Clerk at Plaid call the Police, Officer D arrived and refused to file a Police report althought the video proved I was being harrassed. The very same day the exact circumstance repeated at the Plaid Pantry located on 82nd and Duke, once again the clerk witness everything and attempted to imply it was okay for some stranger to stand right next to me while I completed my money transaction. What is key, is these strangers stand right next to me not behind, but next to me as if we are together. I also noticed a third party directing the clerks how to react and what to do. On Friday, the 10th at about 6:15pm this exact same set of circumstance occurred again some stranger came and attempted to stand right next to me as I processed a money transaction at Plaid Pantry, but this time the clerk threw me out the store and refused to serve. Even though all I asked was the stranger to stand behind me, please reveiw the film. The clerks behavior was bizare and orchestrated. I called Non-emergency the very next day and requested to press charge for harrasment and stalking. The Volunteer dispatched stated she could only send the Police car to an address I will be at and I requested, 6731 SE 82 apt 1, but no Police officer arrived. Two Police car passed by me but never stopped. I called 911 to inquire if this was possible, I was told to call the non-emergency line, after I made my request. Before I could call the non-emergency number my Cell rang with and Id unvailable number when I answered it was Officer D. Whom stated, no one would be coming to speak with me because the Officer went to the Plaid Pantry and nothing was wrong. I was never spoken to and the Officer were not supposed to go to the Plaid Pantry located at 82nd and Woodstock. I asked Sgt. Elmore if a third party had spoken to him about, Belinda Jackson and was he participating in Obstruction of Justice and Criminal Conspiracy...Officer D refused to answer and threatened me about calling 911. I am filing a formal complaint lodged against Officer D and the Portland Police Dept for retaliation and harrassment as well as denying me equal protection under the law and due process. Belinda Jackson PO Box 40804 Portland Oregon 503 490 7972 The Officer are being investigated so their idenity I have witheld

Posted by mikejones3000 at 3:50 PM PST
Updated: Sunday, 12 February 2006 1:30 PM PST
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Portland Police
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Did you know...
Topic: Mad as Hell
Did you know that Chief Foxworthy of the Portland Police Department has a twin brother whom is a Spec. Agent with the FBI? Did you know, the Portland Police refused to investigate a physical Assault, and Accusation of Rape, and Racist carving place on my residence? I wonder why, the Portland Police have refused to investigate a physical assault and Sexual abuse allegation against Belinda D. Jackson? Well, is Belinda Jackson, mentally ill? Is Belinda Jackson, without evidence? or is the Portland Police Department is no more than a Co-conspirator in the harm which has been launched against me and my family...Now let actually concentrate of the allegation of rape and assault, the assaults took place in front of a video camera, so all the Portland Police had to do was review the film and investigate or close the case. If you are drugged and sexually abused well all the Portland Police would have to do is a drug test from rape date drugs or drugs which would render one incapacitated. So, why havent the Portland Police move in this direction? I mean for no other reason to prove that either I, Belinda Jackson, am mentally ill or that I,Belinda Jackson, am the victim of an orchestrated attack to cover up corruption....Oh how about the racist carving now this was even physical just look evidence, so why no action by the Portland Police? I am being harmed by Law Enforcement using ex-convict and every aspect of depravity, it is no secret these Law Enforcement Official go in Badges blazing I am in dire straits, and cannot survive this harm. I implore you to help me and my family because the letter I sent to District Attorney Schrunk requested and investigation of Public Corruption for exclusion with cause. The DA sent me back a letter about Denied Benefits....I never mention denied benefits, but the DA doesnt want to investigate Public Corruption because it will lead to Law Enforcement and this is not a path Oregon Official can investigate. Why because to many of these Officials fail prey to the lie and the enticement. I sent a letter to Sen. Grassely, IA because it is very apparent to me now SAIC Robert Jordan of the FBI is the sole person responsible for this continued harm......He, SAIC Jordan, was placed in Oregon by FBI Executive to keep this ghastly harm covered up...So, SAIC Jordan will be the idiot convicted for the harm over 10 years of harm and pain. Belinda Jackson

Posted by mikejones3000 at 2:54 PM PST
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Wednesday, 8 February 2006
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: The bitter End....
Topic: A miracle
I met with District Attorney Michael Schrunk, last week and I was definitely in the presence of a broken man. DA Schrunk listened intently to all I had to say, as you know because of the update on this coversation in last weeks blog. On February 7, 2006, I recieved a response in the US Postal Mail, from DA Schrunk regarding this conversation (The letter was dated Feb. 1st; he actually sent me a copy of the Oregon Employment Department Appeal instruction for Denied Benefits. The entire time of our conversation not once did I, Belinda Jackson, mention, state, or even say to DA Schrunk I am here because I, Belinda Jackson, want to file an allegation of Denied benefits. During my Conversation with DA Schrunk I did not ever mention denied benefits; What I filed were charges of Fraud, Public Corruption and Conspiracy...So why in the Hell did the District Attorney send the letter dated February 1, 2006, concerning Denied Benefit Appeal Procedure. The most daunting aspect about DA Schrunk sending those instructions with a letter stating the District Attorney Office can do nothing more for you Ms. Belinda Jackson, is on the face of the Appeals process for denied benefit it distinctly and emphatically states when to use and whom can use this appeal process both in English and Spanish. What does this action say about DA Schrunks office, to me, Belinda Jackson, it says--Clearly, the DA is involved in assisting FBI Officials in this attack and egregious harm against me and my family....I went back to the Court House and requested and explanation for the letter as well as stating once again my allegations are: Public Corruption, Fruad, Violation of Civil and Bill of Rights, and Conspriracy....not but one day letter did I recieved a letter dated February 6th (recieved on Feb 8th) which referred me to a Ms. Germandsum at the Oregon Employment Department. I called the DA, he nor his Assitant was available which is a real shocker, they have been unavailable for like 5 days but are able to send very redundant letters. The Switchboard Rep. after much patient on my part tranferred me to a voicemail and then to a Mr. Lenser....And of course he had no clue at all about what was going on. I explained and once again he had no idea about what was going on but he would pass on my instructions to the DA...Oh what was my instruction...If the DA did not procute public Corruption and the other infraction stated in my Complaint memo then whom does, unless District Attorney Schrunk honestly believes, that I, Belinda Jackson, really think a middle Manager with the Oregon Employent Dept. would be the investigative body...So what does this encounter reveal to us Blogging public...These are Law Enforcement Officials whom are attacking me and my Family and they have walked badge first into State Agencies and Offices requesting conspiratorial assistance. So, is District Attorney Michael Schunk going to do his job and request from the Oregon Employment Department the condition and enforcement of the action taken? Is it at all possible for District Attorney Schunk to investigate the condition and come the the realization my Civil Liberties have been tremendoustly violated for over 5 years are will he join the group of men whom await a jail cell? I filed a complaint with US Attorney Karin Immergut, office this week becuase the Portland FBI field office stated, US Attorney Immergut was the authourity who instructed them to forward all my call to the General Council and do nothing concerning crimianal charges I have filed with the FBI Portland Field Office. I am very glad because this last couple of days is shaping up as I have stated for years, Law Enforcement Official utilizing their position and Authority have attacked, stalked, and harmed me and my family. Belinda Jackson 503 490 7972 call me

Posted by mikejones3000 at 2:13 PM PST
Updated: Wednesday, 8 February 2006 2:42 PM PST
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Wednesday, 1 February 2006
I must not be Political
Mood:  quizzical
Now Playing: Listening Skills
Topic: State of the Union
Is it at all possible to report a crime to the Culprit? Wonder if the Culprit is FBI Employees or Maybe the Culprit is United State Department of Justice Employees....Wonder if? Just think about this now the Agency in which you have to report the violation of a crime to is the actual Culprit of the perpetration of this crime....What the hell is the outcome...the 109 Congress is the outcome...Y'all my hope is not in man but the Actions of God, to move some man of Woman to just do thier job...but the ass kicker is atrocity has to take place for man or woman to get up off thier lazy, trifling, greedy, cowardice ass and protect the eternity...I guess one could say, I am bit angry today...But you guy did not witness the state of the union....I quote- "Hindsight is not wisdom alone." Huh? In the middle of Hell do you want Hindsight or to continue in oblivion? Hindsight is the ability to see the result of your action befor they would occur how in the World is this not wisdom...If I know the building are going to be blown up why the hell would I go inside? but this is not all Mr. Bush said..."Retreat is not honorable." No going down the same disasterous path and killing innocent victims is? Hell No...but the kicker is "The victory in Iraq is the road to bringing our troops home." yes He said the Victory was leaving Iraq, and not one person on network television reported the Words out of his own mouth.....So it is no Wonder Alberto Gonzalez is Attorney General, It is No wonder the House of Representative is a Plantation, It is no Wonder we live in a Police State.....because no one is listening or hearing or understanding because if the were it would demand action...But I must not be polictical. You, see my Intellect is why I am still being obstructed, I can explain this debauchery of the most disasterous kind....I know why the United Stated Department of Justice is not acting, Corruption takes no prisoner all these people involve will not survive the light as it shines on thier in action and utter corwardice...INDEFENSIBLE is a deadly condition and the FBI nor the Portland Police, nor the Oregon State Bar can explain there in action so they have decided to gang rape, me , Belinda Jackson and blame it on Crazy. Yeah mental illness is very much in play here but my actions are not insane and these Law Enforcement Agency cannot state the same. What else, do you want to know more...I have 17 message on my cell voicemail and 10 of them have a error message recording...what is this error recording manipulation of my incoming calls, the FBI are allowing caller to leave a message and then they are altering the message by recording garbage over the top....I am blocked, but did this stop me from walking in to Attorneys A,B, C, Or D in the pass day no but did the help me no, I am still knocking on door and will always be knocking on doors, but the alternative is to become the thing I detest and this is something a I can truly say Never to I will never become the thing I detest. Belinda Jackson 503 490 7972 [if you are contacting me keep trying]

Posted by mikejones3000 at 3:50 PM PST
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Monday, 30 January 2006
Mood:  party time!
Now Playing: FOOLS
You guys do not know what you just missed it was real good, but out of nowhere I miss hit a key on this keyboard and everything was gone....So I have to start over with my entire blog entry...What is funny? I have to say, I dont want to say it but I must because it is true...I told you so....Yesterday January 29, 2006, at 11:13pm my Mother called 911 and Portland's Finest arrived at her residence. I am going to say this all again and seriously I am not angry because I know there is illegal embedded programming manipulating everyone of my key strokes. Also just hitting one key does not erase everything so, I must also state that the computer has been illegally prgrammed which can only mean each key stroke is being recorded illegally. Now this mean, the last entry which was intentionally erased by illegal manipulation was awsome...The Pac-West guy from the Beaverton Library entry is sitting right across from me so we know the FBI is attempting to provoke because when an Rogue Operative isn't even in disguise but in the say clothing from just one day ago well we know it all psychological bloging viewing public "It is all Psychological.....I think I have re-written everything which cause the last blog entry to be erased. Oh, I forgot one item or maybe two, how is the FBI providing my Mother (Margaret Jones) with the drugs she needs to make her so controllable...Through a Pharmacy Tech whom is obviously rogue....It is amazing how these FBI Agents use regular everyday folks for criminality which will put them away atleast 10 years...How do I know this, well I worked with an Pharmacy Tech, and she was fired from a Pharmacy, and she was stealing pills and selling them to whom? Yes, I know of what I speak.... So, back on task now the 911 incident, in which my Mother, Margaret Jones, called the operator at 911 and stated, "I going to kill my daughter." not once did my Mother make this statement but twice...Now only a dope addict or someone whom is utterly afraid incriminates themselves...So what happened when officer A and B showed up. I have decided not to reveal the Office Idenity as of yet because I filed an IPR [Internal Police Review] complaint--[total sidebar this hispanic female whom is the catalyst for the manipulation of my computer, this means she hit the key which runs the program to underminds my key stroke is just sitting patiently waiting for the Tech team to track my miss hit and then run the program which they have embedded to erase the blog again]...but if it happened I would just start over....yes this area where I am typing is very embedded with programming, If I type a capital letter it appears as a lower case letter and if I hit the space bar the program ignore the command and run the texts together....Yes I know all things including the program which deletes a letter altogether, but I digress let get back to the incident on Jan 29, 2006,] when my life was threatened and Officer A and B showed up and made me the criminal...I mean these Officers questioned me, threatened me with arrest, and forced me to go into a back bedroom which I was told not leave for the rest of the night...Although I do not believe they can do this sort of thing it did not stop them...So why do you supposed these Law Enforcement Official did such a thing? Officer A and B also, stated "We do not have shelter information for you." But we do have Eviction information for the peroson whom threatened your life and assaulted you...Yes this happen on Domestic Soil..Well could it have been conspiracy...because when I called 911 on my cellullar while I was banned to the back bedroom by Officer A, he and Officer B, stood out there and spoke in hushed tones with my Mother, whom told them She slapped me upside my head, no it didn't matter to them, they allowed her to call me names use abusive languange she even mention the FBI and how I believe they are harrasing me Officer A and B even gave her Eviction information but told be they did not have any shelter information...Don't laugh blogging public stupid cannot help or correct itself...I mean these FBI officials actually use ex-cons and criminals as individuals to gain wisdom from and assist in the way they perform thier duty. why not Portland Police Department personell? Now when your only hope is a criminal is laughter really a necessary action...we should not laugh at the FBI they were simply acting without thinking...The plan was to accuse me, Belinda Jackson, I would react and then the FBI would arrest me for assault and whatever else they could charge me with...But I was calm and cooperative and this behavior is never helpful to an idiot....and these are idiots. So, I was banned to the back bedroom by Officer A and these two officer A and B were whispering with my Mother, and I decided to call 911 and see if officer were indeed dispatched because I am the quentsential conspiracy theorist...and guess what I was disconnected as soon as I said I wanted to check and see if a Officer had been dispatched...I said a threat of death had been made and I wanted to check to see if the Officer were dispatched, click I was disconnected...Called back like I always do an once again the 911 operator tried to disconnect I said , hold on can I have a Supeviosor. The 911 Operator transferred me to her Supv. and Patty the Eveining Supv. could not find the call, I had to give her the address like six times and she said car 77something was dispatched. But guess what bloging public as soon as I called 911 to check Officer A and B disappeared all the whispering in the outer hallway was gone....But what I dont understand is why did officer A and B not allow me to press charges, when the dispatcher at 911 said my life was being threatened, when they had a tape recording of this threat....Why was I not allowed to press charge for being slapped upside the head...I just cannot understand why Officer A and B followed no procedure....But these idiot actually believe they could scare me with homelessness as if it was a tool of control...ha ha ha ha they already tried this before and I overcame but here is the kicker My Mother, whom is related to me by blood in a domestic violence call was not arrested although out of her own mouth she threatened my life and told Officers A and B she had physically assaulted, why did Officer A and B not follow ORS law...guess what the arguement was about blogging viewing public...My Mother said, there was grease on the kitchen floor...I didn't see any grease on the floor and she went schizophrenic on me and physically attacked, me when I said, Mom, I did nothing wrong and I will not allow FBI officials to use you for harm she physicall attack me with a Mop...But the sweetest thing of all is I remained injured but calm and said the FBI is going to jail for this and that is when she called 911 and said she was going to Kill me...Fools did I mention she, My Mother, also said the FBI was going to "Kill me to." Now I am not intimidate and this is why these fools jumped off that cliff. Belinda Jackson

Posted by mikejones3000 at 5:00 PM PST
Updated: Wednesday, 1 February 2006 3:27 PM PST
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