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12 years in my existence
20,0000 new troops
2008 Presidential proof
A bunch of scared fools
A miracle
a never ending
A Pattern of behavior
a time to kill
Acting Chief Justice
Actions without thinking
AIG is Rogue Fed
All I have is Fool
All the Kings Men
All the little Maniacs
America's Economic Break
Angered to tears
As they Perish
Assistant Chief
Attention FBI scum
Attorney need
Barack is the answer
Belinda Jackson ?Pro Se?
Belinda Jackson Facebook
Black Balled
Blagojevich Belinda J.
blocked life
blue collar criminal
Breach of Public Trust
brutally honest
Burke Williams and Sorens
By Any Means.....
By Appointment
By Faith
Can you believe
centrally stupid
Change is in play
Changing the Lead Story..
cheaters haters losers
Chronic understatement
cia has a nazi cell
CIA Torture Report
CIA you're a waste
clinically mental on ill
Comment and read
conflict innuendo
Constant stupidity
Contracted Stalker
Corrupting other so not
Corruption at the Top
corruption is the rule
Corruption will not cease
Cover up
Crippling my health
Crooked Federal Agents
Dear AG Holder
Decoy News
Defined Judge Maurer
Democratic Fools
Desperation can be endure
Director Brenanan
Dirty Rotten Crooks USDOJ/CIA
Division Chief
Do you want names?
Documentation Documentati
Done For
Doug Bray Court Admin
Equal but not protected
Eric Holder Attorney Gen.
Esau Abounds
Every Single Rock
Evidence Galore
Excluded Multnomah Librar
Facility Management
Fantasy oh but say it is
federal agenst jealousy..
Federal Agent
Federal Corruption
Federal Government
Federal Law Enforcement
Feeling Better
Fellow Americans
folly during a life
Fools Abound
fruad also
Functioning with a Brain
George Tenet
Gosh Darn
Goverment Corruptoin
Halfwitted nature of man
Hard of Hearing
heart attack or stroke
Human Rights
Hung out to die
i am being blocked
I am not Al Capone
I am not TheMafia
I am stalked
I don't understand
I duh know!!!
I feel like Osama
I have acted in response
I love being right.....
Idiocy catch all FBI
Idiot hooked fools gold
Illegally manipulating
Insane and I mean it.
Iron Clad Proof
Is Rotten
Is this true?
it is the FBI
Jared Garth
Jesse Jackson is a fool
Judge Alito
Judge Jury and Excutioner
Just tired of Stupid
Kinkos Corruption
Kissing the folly's ass
Kyron Horman
Law and No Order
Legal Representation
Lewis "Scooter" Libby
Lon Mabon--FBI Style
Loretta Lynch well please contro
Mad as Hell
Man is a Liar
March 14
Mayor Potter
Mental Health
Mind Boggling
Mr. Doug Bray
Mr. Fool
Mr. Whiteman
Never can I hire an Attorney
No Party Affiliation Now
No she did not in 2009
Not dead yet
Not my America
Obama '09
Obama Change
Obama Change please
Obama is not
obssesive fanatical
obstruction of justice
One Woman could not...
open and peruse
Open Season
Oregon Corruption
Oregon Federal Judges
Oregon Medical Board
Oregon Secretary of State
Oregon State Bar
Organized Crime FBI
Overt Action
overt criminality
Peyton Place
pleasing man
Portland Detective
Portland FBI
Pray for me
President Elect
President Elect Barck O.
President Obama's Legacy for Obama
Protecting FBI Tactics
Psychiatric trash
Racketeer Influenced
Rape is a Federal Agent tool
refused medical help
relative to oddly dead
Respect President Obama
Robert Jordan is Gone
Sargent Vic Cody news
Second Chances
Sen. Grassly
Sen. Hillary Clinton
Senator Barack
Senator Barack Obama
Senator Hilary Clinton
Sensational Angst
Sexual Abuse
snowden helped the Feds
Someone erasing
Special Agent eternal
Special Agent In Charge
State of the Union
Stimulus Bill
Stinky Stankin Foolery
Straight with no chaser
stupid should be studied
Stupids on Sale
suffering fools
Taunting is torture
tears for years
The Art of Smiling
The Check is cashed
The Crew is on the job...
The Crime
The divilish fools
The minds of men!!!
The Oregonian
The Senator is a tool
These Freaks have already
These men and women
These Mutha F@Ckas
These Mutha Fucka have gone bese
these simpletons need hel
They have jumped off
They Jumped Guys
They ran and told my Mom
thick like AIDS
this document was mailed
This I must share
This is a hot as hell
This is a plea....
This proves Obstruction
Tiger has a life
Tiger Woods..not
To Jail with the Halfwits
Torture is a weapon
United States Postal
up a creek
us atty no jurisdiction
US Atty. Kent Robertson
US DOJ Letterhead
Utter Corrupt
Utter Disregard
Wasting Time
Way Out Side the Line
We are a pitiful Nation
We are Fools
we have no idea
Where are my RIGHTS
Where are the troops
who allow stupid to continue
Why does hunger lead
Why is authourity so
Wikileaks help me
Without Regard
Without Regards
Written on all Walls
Monday, 30 April 2007
On Hold
Mood:  special
Now Playing: 202 616 4760--just jump
Topic: All I have is Fool






Golly,  It is impossible.  But, for the occurrence time and time again. You must hear me, I am pleading with you too listen.  I called the US Department of Justice today (April 30, 2007) and was place on HOLD, after my name and reason I was calling was given(I was calling to check the status of my filed complaint which is over 120days old, in which I have not recieve any correspondence explaining the status).  The hold time was more than  10 minutes each time and (3 calls were made{concurrently}) every single time my call was place on HOLD, the person, whom, answers the call never returns(finally I disconnect the call and try back).  These US DOJ employees within the US Department of Justice, Office of Inspector General (In these United States of North America)requested my name and the reason I called and placed me on HOLD never to return.  Not a just one moment, Not a sorry for the delay, nothing of the sort. The message I am thinking is--YOU ARE ABANDONED, STOP BOTHERING US--This is not a surprise to me; I said months even years ago they have decided to commit murder. Which is like my United States Constitution has just left a man on the battle field of Liberty and Justice for all... The Kicker is the First time I dialed directly, the 2nd and 3rd time I had the 202-514-2000, Federal Locator connect me, Operator 19 was the last connection and each time I was placed on old--the second time the operator connected me but I was connected to HOLD music and 10 minutes later I was still conected to HOLD music, the Third time a female answered from Operator 19's connection and once again after my name was give I, Belinda D. Jackson, was placed on HOLD.  This is a message and their is no way United States Department of Justice employees can deny--This is Corruption and Obstruction of Justice, as well as, violation of every Constitutional right all those dead soldiers have died for....They are altogether banded in the name of evil, stupidity, ego, and wrong.  Belinda, This would be me handled all this outright criminal Obstruction of Justice with such grace and wisdom.   I was smiling for 20 minutes after the behavior was finished.  Why you might ask? But before I explain why I must remember to document what led me to calling;  the US DOJ on Monday, April 30, 2007, These Rogue dog are utilizing every sort of depravity and aggression against me Ex-Convicts, Illegals(both Russian, Hispanic, and African), Dogs, Cats and what have you.  But last week about 7 pre-teen were standing outside the Career Center on 42nd and Killingsworth smoking Weed(Marijauna) and broad daylight, I believe this hispanic man hadgiven it  to them because he was standing there saying nothing....And when I called 911 to report the behavior one little white boy walked up to him and said " You didn't see nothing."  A  little white boy telling an Adult Hispanic male what he did and did not see...This is instruction by Rogues which can only mean they planned this interaction and hoped for confrontation--which can only mean pre-teens in wires--(Oh Portland, Oregons finest rolled by looked at me and sped off) Yes, these little idiots are  trying to send a message  I hear it YOU ARE ABANDONED NO ONE IS GOING TO HELP YOU...Then on Sunday Morning I walked outside, my Mothers' Apartment and guess what was waiting--Inside a box was a huge dead black cat, covered in white paper  [was the box a casket?HOW NICE and THOUGHTFUL]--I almost lifted up the paper because I just saw black fur then as I leaned down I saw the whiskers...Whom leave a dead huge black cat in a box outside someone Apartment--Does this sound like Organized Crime to you? It so does to me....Guess what my new job is "LOSS PREVENTION"....Yes and the characters all  are more than Roguish peons (The company is huge Corporate, and completely indebt to our American Government)....Anyway I am still here and at the end of each of those calls on this day the clearest message I sent was YOU WILL BE PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW (I hope these Roguish fools whos  gensis, I beleive is CIA get this message, If you kill me I will haunt you from Gods Left side)...But they dont care these men are altogether FOOLS with no understanding are judgement (The bank informed me today--actually Hannah had a smirk of her face"YOUR ACCOUNTS OVERDRAWN--not even possible because their was no money are outgoing check on my acount--I asked her to explained and she could only see it was $30 over not possible because I had 36 cents So it would have to be $29.64...The jump from the highest place to get Belinda Jackson...I honestly believe this because after walked away from these fools and was going on about my business guess whom just popped up right next to me--Rep. Earl Blumenaur, just smiling as if; I, Belinda D. Jackson, had not spent 3 month asking Julia Pomeroy, his Staff Assistant in Portland, Oregon to help me with this....I sure did take his picture (but for some strange manpulated wireless handset reason it would not upload.(Interuption my cursor just jump so I am sure everthing I just correct has been changed back to non-legible, confused text and what have you manipulation--but this just proves me even more...These IDIOT REALLY EXPECT A SCENE....HA HA HA, I AM SUPPOSED TO RUN OVER TO SAID COMPUTER USER AND POINT MY FINGER IN A BREAKDOWN OF RAGE--PSYCHIATRY IS SUCH A JOKE AND TREMENDOULSY FAILED PROFESSION)--back on the subject-- and said, "Mr. Bluemenaur tell Ms. Pomeroy, I said "HELLO"...Cause I am still here and you fools of fools will be going to some jail "Forever"...What totally strands me in utter disdain and anger when I think of this wreckles and completely treacherous behavior is They (Rogue Law Enforcement)have been destroyed for 12 years yet some fool at the US DOJ/OIG/FBI/CIA--have been allowing them free reign and resources to fix what cannot be fixed-(It can only be prosecuted just like former FBI employee Robert Hansen-These fool have used HIV/AIDS as a weapon and failed, used Sexual Assault and Drugging as a weapon and failed, hijacked a District Court Federal Lawsuit and left so much evidence the only answer was to obstruct justice for 10 years in the hope the paper trail is destroyed, Illegally  denied the Judicial systems due process, and crossing every governmental line to obstructed justice--These idiots have made deals with media outlets not broadcast or print or investigate Belinda Jackson charges, Michael Moseman is a Judge he was a US Attorney(I guess the Bushnites liked his prosecutorial skills, I, Belinda Jackson am right in the middle of this US Attorney firing[US Attorney Karin Immergut looks like shit, this woman was on television last week, for media that wasnt media-- and she was the mirror image of a nervous break down).  Now as I sit in this Career center they have this Hispanic male freak--Thier weapon of choice--sitting right next to me without a clue as to what he is doing--but just remember EDIT WITH MICROSOFT WORD ALLOWS THESE FOOLS TO EDIT MY DOCUMENT ILLEGALLY AND SEND THE PAGE--I know this because my cursor jumps more than mexican jumping beans..............

Posted by mikejones3000 at 1:36 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 1 May 2007 3:33 PM PDT
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Monday, 23 April 2007
Evil Tendencies
Mood:  rushed
Now Playing: also code for guaranteed corruption
Topic: 12 years in my existence










Partly because I am must and major-ly because it is necessary; I have continued to contact Federal and State Agency concerning this criminal action I have undergone for 12 years of my adult life.  Yes, I call the Portland Office of the FBI and Yes, I called the US Department of Justice Office of Inspector General (even though they had blocked my old cell number).  This is necessary because they are the correct Agencies I contact concerning Civil Rights and Criminal Action by US Department of Justice Employees...But after the travesty of justice (US Attorney Firings) carried out by  US DOJ Attorney General Alberto Gonzales...I wonder why?   If they severely harm, slander, and cheat thier own, I have no hope of utilizing correct procedures.   It is completely obvious to me this is a cover-up and they have longevity for two reason Robert Jordan, Special Agent In Charge of the Portland Oregon field Office (he was formerly in DC in the Internal Affairs Unit for the West Coast, Mr. Jordan was actually the individual who would have oversight of my initial request to the FBI.  He was placed in Oregon because he's loyal and this is his mess--based on my interaction or lack their of I honestly believe he the point man in relation to this obstruction and torture I go through every single day--The second and final reason I am still attacked  is my Family.  These Rogue Law Enforcement Officials control my relatives  (delivery of drugs)--I am constantly threatened with homelessness, and Rape scenarios are thrown around like no big deal by my own Mother under the instruction of FBI Officials  (My Mother wears a wire 24 hours a day, I wondered why she never shower when I am home and if she does it is no more than 5 minutes).    Who takes a five minute shower ever other week or if she has an appointment?  This atrocity is apart of my every day existence, I am a project at the FBI under 24hour/365 day surveillance it is utter saturation.  The FBI Official working with local Law Enforcement have no fear whatsoever, my only respite is that my end cannot look like murder, the only reason I am still alive is because it cannot look like murder--there are just to many documents in to many hands for Belinda Jackson, to be murdered.  So, I am tortured, as a matter of record these fools have created office within office or just fraudulent office altogether for the sole opportunity to have access and attack me in point--IQ System is supposedly a ATM/POS provider out of Colorado--(I should have known--Colorado, Arizona and Florida are code for Corrupt Government Officials) I went in on Thursday of last week and Gary Ensiminger hired me on the spot without checking my application or references this is a red flag it scream ("Rogue Operation In Hot Water get Belinda Jackson off the street) I declined to start on Friday and made arrangement to show up on Friday to an Job opportunity not a Rogue Operation for the pure chance of attack and harassment.   These fools started off wrong--I walked in at 8:29am like requested and spoke with the Guy at the front of the room giving instruction.  --His name was Peter; He had no idea who I was, and after I informed him; Pete said "OH"--"Sit down someone will be with you"  I sat down after 15 minutes I arose to go to the restroom and was stopped in my tracks--Now Peter had not said a word to me while I was sitting but as soon as  I moved then his voice with belligerence and  malicious  rudeness said --"Where are you going, Belinda." Just exagerated as possible on the Belinnnnnda--  Oh he knew my name-- I answered him by saying to the restroom, he said --"Do you even know where it is." then my turn-- I don't know it is my first day--Do I?  I answered "I will just ask at the office where I was hired... Pete was like now even more boisterous and rude, "you don't bother them"....yes he did--I sat their until 9:20am then Lynn arrived she was supposed to help me and Pete disappeared--Lynn left also and not person was making calls until I asked why?  Then Lynn arrived back and Gary walked in with a hello, Oh things are looking up....but then Lynn sat me with a trainer for 6 minute came over and complained about training taking to long and I was on the telephones by myself....well all went well which surprised the Hell out of me...but then I realized this is a Rogue operation and they just wanted to see if I could do the job before I was cheated...of course I came through and was successful.  The call list I was using was taken away and I was put in Gresham, Oregon--also code for guaranteed corruption....If the whole entire World was as cooperative as City Officials in Gresham, the America would be a Communist Country....So to say the least my success ended but abruptly.  This did not halt my work those, I figured so what let them hang up...I just have to call and pitch the company.  Unfortunately my audience (Rogue Law Enforcement Officials and their dogs) became bored.  This means they attempted to instigate and provoke using Lynn, she walked over and started ridiculing my appoint sheet--I did get angry because I was to sad to care---Opps once again I, Belinda Jackson, am a guinea pig and miscellaneous loser all get take pot shots at me.  The question becomes can I suffer these fools for 8 hours for $8.00 an hour...I can, I smiled and listen to information I should have been given before I started.  Well, Lynn walked away smiling and shaking her head; Like I had done something wrong.  The rest of the Call Center chuckled, but not even 5 minutes later I was summoned to Lynn’s' desk and she tossed and appoint in front of me and asked where I expected her to place this on her Appointment board--the board is structured to start at the top of each hour an my appointment was scheduled on the 1/2 hour.   She said, "Belinda go up to the board and tell me where I would place you appointment....for just a moment I was going to do it , and  I questioned if I should--let see $8.00 and hour for constant attacks and ridicule....wait Belinda Jackson are you sure this is a Rogue Operation--Not one person knew whom I was when I arrived or the in concert played stupid, I was idol for over an hour before someone set to work, I was trained for 7 minutes and then Lynn insisted I go on the telephone, the call sheet that was successful for me was taken and I was put in Gresham, Oregon....and lastly the new guy whom started at 10:00am was eating a banana while being trained and his training was lasting longer then 7 minutes...Yep, This is a Rogue Operation--because this was the US Bank Tower in Downtown Portland office, if IQ System could afford this rent than they could afford better organization and Managements...I walked out and when everyone chuckled I said "Tell the FBI to kiss my Black ASS."  Then I went directly the the Career Center and request a questionnaire from the Bureau of Labor and Industry under the guidelines of Whistle Blowing and Reporting a criminal activity...Because the FBI and whatever Rogue Law Enforcement that is involve has and is following me around like dogs every day and using their Agency Resources to cause my irreparable harm....Do I believe that BOLI going to do Jack Roberts was in their pockets and ran for Governor--manipulated fool--what made Jack Robert think he cold be Governor of Oregon--manipulation.  The FBI has BOLI in their pockets because they have to keep me out of a job and the only way to do this is to control the entity which would help and protect me in this pursuit....Every Call Center I work in has no hot water, how is that possible?  Rogue Operation if the condition is consistent from place to place it is either true or Conspiracy....Their is no way hot water doesn’t work at a professional establishment, but ACS Inc., ETI Inc, Emark, and Xpressbet, all had no hot water....5 different company with no relation running a call center with no hot water---how do we wash our hands when we leave the restroom with no hot water?

Posted by mikejones3000 at 2:21 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 15 June 2007 1:31 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 17 April 2007
Edit with Microsoft Word
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Overt disregard

 This is very funny if tragedy wasn't so closely related. I called the FBI






Portland Field office on Monday. The Receptionist answers and I ask whom I would speak with about Internet Fraud; she transferrs me to a female whom did not identify herself. I state to this FBI Employee, what do you know about "Edit with Microsoft Word", she said  I know nothing about it.  The explaination I gave this FBI Employee was this--This option appears on the File menu while you are accessing a Website online if selected this option will recreate the entire website in Microsoft word giving the end user the option to alter the information on the page.  This is how I believe Criminals are obstructing my Jobsearch as well as my attempt to find an Atorney (Utilizing Instant Messenger or Send page options).  The page also gives you the chance to copy or cut and paste certain Agencies or Corporations logo/Tradeamark.  This FBI Employee said "Oh", I further believe I said that I have been sent fraudulent document using fake Trademarks or letterhead, whom should I contact.  FBI Employee said "Us". I then said that not possible because I believe Robert Jordan, is obstructing my efforts, my name is Belinda Jackson.  FBI Employees demeanor completely changes and she, states to me " You have been told not to call here anymore."  "You can't call here anymore because you have filed false reports with us." I said  this is not possible, Stuart Sugarmans Firm sent the FBI a Letter asking for recourse when they banned me, Belinda D. Jackson from ever going to thier offices again.  The letter simply stated if Ms. Jackson is banned from the Office of the Portland field Office of the FBI; please state what incident led to this decision and what recourse Ms. Jackson has to appeal this decision...Of course FBI sent my Attorney at the time a letter saying "Ms. Jackson can arrive at the office at anytime as long as she is not belligerent.  The FBI is a lie, I have never been belligerent and we know this is fact because Belligerent does walk away from any Law Enforcement Officials...Courtesy walks away, Belligerent is shot and killed.  So, I explained this to this female FBI employee and she, hung the telephone up in my face...I did not mention the part about Belligerent is gunned down...just that my Attorney had cleared up this issue and I cannot be banned from a Law Enforcement Office without cause or recourse.  Yet, FBI Employee hung the telephone up in my face.   I did not call back, why bother the whole office is criminals and if not my Cellular service is not real, I just pay for the ring tone....This is altogether Overt disregard by Law Enforcement Officials...It is illegal to file a false law Enforcement Complaint, the statement by this FBI employee is just a lie a bold face Lie...Do I go down to 1500 Plaza Ave. and bring this to thier attention?  I would but the fact remains that you must have an appointment in order to meet with FBI officials, and they hang up in my face once I am identified....Doesn't this sound like denial of Equal protection under the law and due process?  This is criminal and I am being irreparbly  harmed by people working for my Government.  The entire idea is overwhelming.

Posted by mikejones3000 at 2:53 PM PDT
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Sunday, 8 April 2007
Homeless on Easter Sunday
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Psychiatry
How badyly does the Rogue Federal Law Enforcement involved in this blatant attack want me, Belinda Jackson, emotionally distraught and completed down trodden...The want is so bad, they had my Mother, Magaret Jones, of 6731 SE 82nd #1, Portland Oregon 97266, force me out of her home at 9:30AM on Easter Sunday..Do you think this had anything to do with the calls to USDOJ/OIG and Executive Office of the US Attorney made from her home telephone on Friday...It would be hilirious what I was told by countless unknow folks if Murder was not in play..Am I going to die on the streets, If I do you will find my Mother, Margaret Jones, dead of an overdose the next day...My  Mother is a Herion Addict...But you had to know that is the Mode of operation you know the Rogue FBI and thier cronies....But I no afraid or angry this all has to end somewhere....I mean the United States Dept. of Justice Investigated Unit at 202 616 4760, communicated to my on Friday that I can no longer contact them and I have no recourse or option to challenge thier decision to deny me due process and Equal protection under the Law...Strange thing happen when I asked for their name and Supervisor...The individual disconnect the call in my face...when I called back the call was automatically disconnected...MAN I FEEL LIKE OSAM BIN LADEN...Look America this is criminal and the US Atty and Local Law Enforcement are conspiring to continue this action, behind the understanding blantan brutality breed enrage reaction...I will not corroberate their twisted psychiatry...These men and women are fools and pure folly.  Belinda Jackson will prevail with patience...But can you even believe the kicked out on Easter Sunday and then put on Church music...Something very bad is going to happen these people...I no longer condone my Families behavior If I am not intimidated or cowed by this belligerent abuse of power they as my family should also be able to stand up for what is right....So, one thing the Rogue Ragged FBI and thier Psychiatrist did accomplish is bring this to my attention...My Mother is fearful of one thing and one thing alone it is not being able to count on her next bag of herion....she knows as long as she does everything she is told she will be able to shoot up...My Brothers are cowards, and my sister is a disaster that not even the FBI could have around...I mean my sister, Reva Jones of  Seattle is the female version of Gilligan and I am not quite sure if she not calulated...but I would never cross they moved her to Seattle Washington...homeless...

Posted by mikejones3000 at 1:02 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 4 April 2007
Federal Law Enforcement Con Artist
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: altogether rotten
Topic: Stupids on Sale

On April 2, 2007...I  attempted to utilize my tool bar attached to tripods' blog site and guess what it does not follow the commands.  I selected text then tried to cut the text using the tool bar and the command was not on.  This means at present the space I am using is not apart of the the command over head which is only possible if a macro or program is runing which takes up the space which has my tool bar commands....  This means my blog as I am typing it is being illegally viewed, altered, and obstructed...The thing is whom would want to participate in such easily traced and documented activity....This is a public library...could it be the FBI?  Could it be the Secret Service?  whom would the information I am about to blog  cause the most damage??????? You be the judge, This morning I awoke at 7:00am and my Mother (she is the only person I live with)was on her way to the restroom and since it takes her 20 minutes each morning to use the restroom, I asked to go first which she agreed to....pity me....I thought oh a good day....what I should of thought was oh the idiots arent on duty yet...Do you not understand; have I lost you well I will go back.....My life including anyone whom has any contact with me is under 24/7 surviellance and attack...anyone I, Belinda Jackson, interact with is being guided and directed by Rogue Law Enforcement Officials completely hallucinating about total with I was met with kindness instead of stupidity the action led me to believe the day was going to be a good one...but I was wrong...The problem is every morning after I take a shower...I have a VENT SESSION, this is where I just let all the idiocy I deal with out...and if your the FBI/OIG this is very hurtful....let just put it this like Gomer Pyle or the Three must be how Robert Hansen felt when the put the handcuff on...just thing Kenneth Lay or Andree Fastow....I mean I go in and if you are apart of this what do the Federal Bureau of Investigation do they try and shut me up.....Now I am not screaming at the top of my lungs during this rant session know I am just quitely berating every single idiot action I, Belinda D. Jackson, have had to undergo....but when you illegally wire someone home you hear everything even so completely criminal...but the thing is the FBI and thier mennions cannot handle truth especially the truth coming from as I am berating them they start with have my Mother interupt me ever two minutes....(Margaret Jones is my biological parent, she is on dope...weed, herion, name she has done it but not crack cocaine...she like Whitney Houston when it comes to crack...I don't get it either but to my knowledge she has never done crack....) anyway my Mother works for the FBI/ie these Rogue Law Enforcement Dogs whom are attacking me everyday....So as soon as I leave the bathroom she---My Mother--starts, I mean I was ever name in the book....but it didn't affect me because it so untrue...I guess the best way to explain it is a scenario...say for instance you clean up the bathroom and person A watches you clean the bathroom then out of no where person A  start saying You Never clean the bathroom...Well would you really take person A seriously are just laugh them off....So as my Mother is attacking me with absolute lies...I mean no truth what so ever....I am just going about my business then after she calls me name for 20 minutes and I just quite through it all she (MOM) start give me orders...and I just do I am starting to leave....she walks out the door comes back and're going to the store for me....I said no I have somewhere to be...then she starts with the threats...I going down to the Court house and evicting you....I not going to give you the 200 dollars I owe you....and when I dont respond and just walk out....she silenced....Now don't get me wrong I love my Mother and know her very well she not ignorant....her behavior is very moral....but she is fearful of these men whom have used her with Local police in the room to commit criminal action...listen blogging public...These FBI/OIG dogs have used my Mother in conspiracy with local law enforcement to commit conspiracy and other infraction...these Rogue Law enforcement dogs have provided my Mother with client to sell her perscription my Mother, Margaret Jones, is completely dependent on these Crooked Federal Law Enforcement employees...So, I am not her daughter, and the little she can do to help me she does...but on dope, being a drug addict my Mother...only concern is not getting sick....who know how these men have threaten my Mother....but they have and she has  completely abandon what is right to assist them...yet it has never worked and it will not...I called the USDOJ/OIG right after the tirade and asked about my criminal complaint filed by the Executive Office of the US Attorney in Washington DC and guess what the person at 202 616 4760 transfered me to Special Agent Pendleton...yes he did insure me he was employed by the Office of Inspector General....but could not give me any information about my complaint....I had to send another letter in writing when I explained this never worked each time I have sent a request I have been dealt with criminally....he kept repeating himself and his refusal.  The way I handled this was by agreeing with Spc. Agent Pendleton...and stated...I just give you this information...the General Council within the Executive Office of the Inspector Genreal stated that you agency should have contacted me with 30 days but each time I contact the Office of Inspector General I am given a different reason and a request to put my concerns in writing so Spc. Agent Pendleton I beleive Obstruction of Justice and Criminal Conspiracy are being used to block my formal complaint sent over by the Executive Office of the US Attorney....Do you guys beleive this....Spec. Agent Pendleton...hung the telephone up in my face.....When I called back exactly 20 minutes later and asked for his supervisor I was told they were all in a meeting....I gave my name and telephone number as well as Spc. Agent Pendleton actions and was told I would recieve a call later...I asked the receptionist to repeat my telephone number and it was wrong...I corrected it and she said okay....someone will call you....What we have here and now is cover up and obstruction...I do not have an attorney and will not have one ever because every single thing I, Belinda Jackson does is illegally obstructed by Law Enforcement official...EVEN RIGHT NOW THESE IDIOT ARE ATTEMPTING TO ALTERED AND CHANGE MY BLOG...WHEN I SAVE WHAT I HAVE JUST DOCUMENTED ALL MY TEXT WILL BE CHANGED, MIS-SPELLED AND WHAT HAVE YOU....But why does any sane person go to such lenghts to cause me harm and protect fools they will spend the rest of thier lives protecting?  I know why because I, Belinda Jackson, am very astute....Because it about ego now...and these White men will not let the truth be known throught out america...what would China and Iran and Iraq have to say...about our Government going into my house and attacking my family in our NONDEMOCRACY.....yeah that is a bushism....This is forever but it forever both ways....they are altogether rotten and I am altogether righteous.

see ya

Posted by mikejones3000 at 10:16 AM PDT
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