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12 years in my existence
20,0000 new troops
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A bunch of scared fools
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a never ending
A Pattern of behavior
a time to kill
Acting Chief Justice
Actions without thinking
AIG is Rogue Fed
All I have is Fool
All the Kings Men
All the little Maniacs
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Angered to tears
As they Perish
Assistant Chief
Attention FBI scum
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Barack is the answer
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Belinda Jackson Facebook
Black Balled
Blagojevich Belinda J.
blocked life
blue collar criminal
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brutally honest
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By Any Means.....
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Can you believe
centrally stupid
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Changing the Lead Story..
cheaters haters losers
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cia has a nazi cell
CIA Torture Report
CIA you're a waste
clinically mental on ill
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corruption is the rule
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Dirty Rotten Crooks USDOJ/CIA
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Do you want names?
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fruad also
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heart attack or stroke
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i am being blocked
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I am stalked
I don't understand
I duh know!!!
I feel like Osama
I have acted in response
I love being right.....
Idiocy catch all FBI
Idiot hooked fools gold
Illegally manipulating
Insane and I mean it.
Iron Clad Proof
Is Rotten
Is this true?
it is the FBI
Jared Garth
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Judge Alito
Judge Jury and Excutioner
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Legal Representation
Lewis "Scooter" Libby
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Loretta Lynch well please contro
Mad as Hell
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March 14
Mayor Potter
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Mr. Doug Bray
Mr. Fool
Mr. Whiteman
Never can I hire an Attorney
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No she did not in 2009
Not dead yet
Not my America
Obama '09
Obama Change
Obama Change please
Obama is not
obssesive fanatical
obstruction of justice
One Woman could not...
open and peruse
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Oregon Secretary of State
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overt criminality
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pleasing man
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Portland FBI
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President Elect Barck O.
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Psychiatric trash
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Rape is a Federal Agent tool
refused medical help
relative to oddly dead
Respect President Obama
Robert Jordan is Gone
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Senator Barack Obama
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snowden helped the Feds
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Special Agent In Charge
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suffering fools
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tears for years
The Art of Smiling
The Check is cashed
The Crew is on the job...
The Crime
The divilish fools
The minds of men!!!
The Oregonian
The Senator is a tool
These Freaks have already
These men and women
These Mutha F@Ckas
These Mutha Fucka have gone bese
these simpletons need hel
They have jumped off
They Jumped Guys
They ran and told my Mom
thick like AIDS
this document was mailed
This I must share
This is a hot as hell
This is a plea....
This proves Obstruction
Tiger has a life
Tiger Woods..not
To Jail with the Halfwits
Torture is a weapon
United States Postal
up a creek
us atty no jurisdiction
US Atty. Kent Robertson
US DOJ Letterhead
Utter Corrupt
Utter Disregard
Wasting Time
Way Out Side the Line
We are a pitiful Nation
We are Fools
we have no idea
Where are my RIGHTS
Where are the troops
who allow stupid to continue
Why does hunger lead
Why is authourity so
Wikileaks help me
Without Regard
Without Regards
Written on all Walls
Wednesday, 28 November 2007
Amensty International help help help
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: John Yu was not promoted to the OLC job

11/28/2007 11:06:09 AM




Portland District Office

US Assistance Attorney Neil Evans

Karin J. Immergut, USA*

Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse

1000 SW Third Avenue, Suite 600

Portland, OR 97204-2902



Sent Via Fax (503)727-1117



Dear US Attorney Karin Immegut;


Once again I have been treated inappropriately and with malice while interacting with the US Attorney’s Office.  US Assistant Attorney Neil Evans, is being criminal in his actions, depriving me of my Constitutional rights, and placing and unfair burden on my efforts of defending myself against a false allegation; which has been completely fabricated.


 I reached out to the Federal Public Defenders Office based on deprivation of rights after US Assistant Attorney Neil Evans, changed my court date without notice by placing a telephone call on November 30, 2007, a follow up letter was sent; but in Mr. Evans voice recorded message he threatened me with being escorted off the property if a tried to attend my Court Hearing on November 2, 2007; this is a scandal an utter and complete violation of my human rights.  This is criminal.


I have no representation and I honestly believe obstruction of Justice, Conspiracy, and Corruption is being committed by United States Attorney employees in collusion with The Portland, Oregon FBI field Office and well as US Department of Justice Employees.  I am demanding a Special investigator at USDOJ/Civil Rights scrutinize this situation, I am demanding Federal Public Defender Lisa Hay, Portland Oregon Office be appointed to assist me, Belinda D. Jackson, and I am demanding my correspondence receives an immediate response. 





Belinda Jackson

PO Box 40804

Portland, Oregon 97240


Posted by mikejones3000 at 11:27 AM PST
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Friday, 23 November 2007
In the name of Stupid
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: tirade in open air..
Topic: Panic

This is almost to severe to survive.  I am not a college graduate but am capable of making college educated men greive to the point of panic which leads to the most obvious and unbalance acts.  I say, every single day these people are crazy.  I know for a fact there are people within the Portland Field office of the FBI whom are not emotionally and mentally balanced. Marc Grotty, Special Agent of the FBI illegally entered my Mother House at 3908 N. Alaska with a Black teenage boy, watched him rape me while I was drugged, screamed "Swallow it." "Swallow it." after he raped me and released in my mouth.  The next morning Spec. Agent Grotty, boarded a Tri-met bus with said Black teenage boy; arranged the seating on the bus where I was forced to stand are take a seat in thier proximty and then had the boy laughed in my face.  I did not recognized Spec. Agent Grotty at the time, but when I point blank asked the black   teenage boy whom was laughing in my face if he knew me; he stop laughing and said in a whisper "NO" and Spec. Agent Grotty turned blood red.  I thought he was going to hemerage blood.  So, you see panic and lunacy leads men too behavior one would equate to "Shock and Awe".  So, I have  been arrested two times,  each time was a conspired fabrication by criminally minded  men working for Law enforcement.  The first arrest occurred after I contacted District Attorney Mike Schrunks Office in Portland with Checks from the California Department of Treasury; supposedly the California Department of Treasury sent me these checks from Los Angeles, California to Portland, Oregon as a part of my employment benefits--NOT POSSIBLE--The Oregon Employment Department gave me this information--I brought this to the attention of the Portland DA and he said he would investigate; I went home and was arrested for Domestic Violence based on the word of two convicted felon.  The arresting officer never ran a background check on any one at the seen.  And when the Police arrive not altercation was going on.    I was released the next day without seeing the judge.  I also was not allowed to call anyone are speak to an attorney.  The second time I was arrested was based on the word of a Woman whom had attempted suicide and a documented crack addict; I was served a Restrainig order that was not possible because no incident had taken place within 6 month the guideline  for requesting a Restraint.  The female officer went into a room with the person whom had attempted suicide in decided I, Belinda Jackson, was a danger to myself and placed me on 72 hour hold;  The female officer said to me "Your Mother said, you told her you were being drugged and raped."  I said "Yes."  she walked around and place me in handcuffs.   Once again I was not allowed  to call anyone are speak with an attorney; and the other two Arresting officers were shocked about the female officer decision.  He explained the hold to me because the female officer failed to say why she was placing the handcuff.  Both of these arrested were fruadulent acts of men in panic; I had disclosed I was being drugged and sexually abused as a tactic of Intimidation and the FBI and whomever decided to attack my character because at the time it was spotless...the FBI has a history of utilizing other govermental agency and Office to facillitate some ploy or maneuver.  This is a gross mis-use of power in my case and the present use of the Homeland Security I.C.E. Agency and US Attorney Karin Immergut is further proof.    This whole attack on me believe it or not is over the debauchery of an EOCC complaint and subsequent lawsuit in California District Court for $300,000.00 dollars.  The Rogue Law Eforcement lunatic at the time failed to answer within the allotted time which led to a default judgement.  This embarrassed them with such voracity and intensity I have been attacked for the last 12 years utilizing whatever means necessary....So how could this go on well corruption Vera Katz was the epitome of assistance and corruption and local politics and state politic is a boil of  conspiracy, lies, and criminal acts--white collar unless you count rape, child rape and what have you....Oregon is going to be ashamed...but ashamed is much better than no change in the way we do business in this state...former Portland Field Office FBI Special Agent in Charge Dave Czdy, is now Intelligence Coordinator for the CIA, Sen Ron Wyden in still in Office, Former US Attorney Michael Mosman in now a federal Judge, Jan Wyer former Attornye is not a Multnomah County Juge and Michael Chertoff formerly of the USDOJ/OIG is not Director of Homeland Ashamed will also have it place within our Federal Government...What could make these men and women so angry and prepossessed to attack me....shame.

Posted by mikejones3000 at 2:52 PM PST
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Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Civil Rights Division
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Mama Said
Topic: They Jumped Guys

Margaret Jones is my Mother and she said a Judge sent her a letter stating she must be in Court on January 11, 2008, to testify for the US Attorney against me.  She said the letter was sent to her last week.  The Judge sent my Mother a letter.  I dont even know who the judge is but he just sent my Mother a letter; then MC Foster Badge 1063 came by Mother residence last week;  he told her I, Belinda Jackson, filed a complaint against him and I need help and the Homeland Security and the Judge are going to get me Committed.  Yes, My Mother said this in the presence of a witness and I was just in shock...How in this world during our democracy is a Judge(whomever that maybe) changing a Citation court date into a Committment Court appearance without even officially notifying the person supposedly being  commited. Do they no longer need any sort of evaluation or representation for these things.  I contacted US Asst. Atty. Neil Evans and  went straight to voicemation.  I guess he is away from his desk; I then called Melody Burkhieser and she had no clue about any of the things I said--No documentation of the court sending a defendants Mother a letter, No change of appearance notification(form disorderly conduct to Committment hearing?, No documentation at all-- the letter was sent last week, my Mother informed me on Friday night--but the US Attorney has no of 4:30pm on Tuesday 13th Nov, 2007--Not one person has called me back from the US Atty's Office concerning these startling and intimidating turn of events..I am truely intimidated and threatened by this action by my Government...I am so afraid; I just think maybe I been bullied out of even showing up on Jan. 11, 2008,.  Guess what came in the mail today a letter from Theresa Weather of the Civil Rights Divisioin, Washington DC...she informed me thay my Civil Rights Complaint has been investigated and no laws have been violated...I called her back and when I requested to speak with her I was told that is not possible Mrs. Therese Weather doesnt speak to the public...I scanned her letter into my documents but it will not show on this computer the form is PDF; I leave it just in case you blogging veiw public can fanagle it....Donald Walker is the Director of the Civil Rights Unit in Washington DC, he is the individual whom speaks for Mrs. Weathers, whom is the Director of the Administrative section...Well that really depends on you standard of proof...Mr. Walker and Mrs. Weather fail my Standard of Proof. I, Belinda Jackson believe this is another criminal act by Roguish FBI employees or Whomever Law Enforcement section these criminals are using.  Mr. Walker could not tell me the status of my Complaint...he kept saying your letters says this, and you said that...I, Belinda Jackson, said Mr. Walker, "What does the computer you have any documentation of this letter" Mr. Walker, said, not what the computer said...Then he insisted I read him the letter verbatim....I honestly believe he was typing it in for the Rogue FBI as we spoke..This is a complete Vioation of my Civil Rights in broad daylight for every kind of bribe possible...I asked Mr. Donald walker of the Email unit 4 years ago; yes I remember 4 years ago Mr. Donald Walker was a paralegal in the Email section now these fools would have me believe he is the Direction of the Civil Rights Unit....I dont believe it because he could not answer any question, only very reluctantly said the letter was from the Civil Right unit, and then refused to tell me the status, (because he did know, and refused to allow me to speak to anyone else...They are all Criminas...I called back cause I always called back and spoke with Operator 19 at the Federal Locator Switchbaord and she told me Theresa Weather direct line was 202 514 4404 I called this number and was told Theresa Weather is the Facilities Manager....So FBI to use the Janitor for thier dirty work....I called back previous to this time and Operator 61 then changed it to 69. Said She had been told all call for Theresa Weather went to Donald Walker, Civil Rights Director of the United States Department of Justice...That not what the Website at the USDOJ/Civil Rights...that guy is Hispanic....







Posted by mikejones3000 at 4:49 PM PST
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Thursday, 8 November 2007
United States Postal Office
Mood:  down
Now Playing: These people cannot be Americans
Topic: tears for years

The United States Postal Service is an independent establishment of the Executive Branch of the United States Government. It operates in a businesslike way.  In the more than two centuries since USPS® began, it has grown and changed with America. Discovering the history of the Postal Service is a journey into the history of transportation, economics, industrialization, communications, and government.  The FBI or Secret Service must have gone foriegn operative on this attack are maybe we as a Country are just that far gone...a couple a years ago I made an appointment with Mr. Boboliva of AllState Insurance, long story short he wanted to give me an Aids/HIV test but when I insisted on a AllState Application instead of a Lincoln Benefit Life Application Mr. Boboliva stated; "I dont have any Allstate Life Insurances Policy Applications."  I was sitting in his Office which had a big old AllState Sign aout front...but Mr. Boboliva did not have any Applications....WOW...So when I went to my United States Post Office Job Interview on Wednesday, November 7, 2007, I was almost sure these fools wouldnt try any thing shady....I mean the Post Office in sacred in America....But I guess Tweedle DEE and Tweedle DUMB arent from America......we probably owe the Tweedle so they dont give a damn about destroy our Country and leaving shame as the American legacy...many thing shame is our legacy any way...I believe we are a close second to China after all they kill babies...there...I think this guy in the Nautica blue jacket and golde watch is feeling my rant....sorry dude...I thought you were Japanese....I am off the subject...but it is just so obvious I am followed and monitored like a lab rat....I cant figure out what thier observing my greatness are thier stupidity...anyway the Post Office interview as a US DOJ/OIG/FBI/Dept. of Treasury/whomever Roguish operation...yes from the GET GO...I walk in to confrence room A and some caucasian woman; whom was completely dishuffled, starts to grunt and point at me...literally she said--"Ugghe-aghg" "Guafffughe" "Agufffaw" and I thier was Tran Minh Wu and Brian McQuade sitting thier like this was normal...I must admit Brian stiff neck did not budge, but Tranh was laughing....I looked at this woman with the most sympathy I could muster and said..."Are you right in the head."  Trahn ran to her defense and started speaking in broken english--"You, need to sign" "You sign here." I looked at her and and said....Do not talk to stranger...I had not met either one of these women they just started grunting at me like cage dogs or dogs on a leash...wired victims then this other Asian woman walks in and she actually works for the post Office and started giving me mis-information was a free for all....So I suffered through...drug test, eye test, health test, interview....the set over was because the FbI/whomever planned ahead and wanted to have Rick asked me the question --DO YOU HAVE CRIMINAL CHARGES PENDING....NO I have a 10,0000 pound FOOOL in my life on complete retard...and I mean the definition of RETARD.....So I finally get through all of this passed everything and on November 7, 2007 I was offered a Start date of December 7, 2007....Really.   did they really hire me 30 days early....funny.  I was laughing then, crying, and then I was praying and finally I realized....I am not getting a job....I mean I can be a maid, I can work at McDonalds, are Burger King, I can be a janitor, but other than that my Wonderful Government employees have decided I do not get a job....Agreed. Why bother...I mean you have made me worth millions and all day long you spend million to be in my presence so work is a bit overboard agreed...Belinda Jackson doesnt get a job....Belinda just gets to interview...Like that was a great interview, terrifice interview, and the USPS was a wonderful interview...the Psychiatry department at the FBI recieve great data....and I had the wonderful opportuity to fun is life as a child of God.

Belinda Jackson

Posted by mikejones3000 at 1:09 PM PST
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Monday, 5 November 2007
Mathew Brandt Region
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: This is not a game real people are going to jail
Topic: Cover up

Created in March 2003, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is the largest investigative branch of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The agency was created after 9/11, by combining the law enforcement arms of the former Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) and the former U.S. Customs Service, to more effectively enforce our immigration and customs laws and to protect the United States against terrorist attacks. ICE does this by targeting illegal immigrants: the people, money and materials that support terrorism and other criminal activities. ICE is a key component of the DHS “layered defense” approach to protecting the nation.   DISORDERLY CONDUCT CITATION FOR BELINDA JACKSON...FOSTER BADGE 1063 AND HIS FEMALE PARTNER 1067



So I finally recieve my Employment Benefit checks again thanks to the brillant treasure chest of Rogue FBI/USDOJ/whomever I was without income; because my benefits were being intentionally bumbled, surppressed and outright obstructed....well  there I said...and no I am not bragging or boasting.   I am  just saying God and faith always prevails even when the people in charge are the culprits...Got money so I called Homeland Security I.C.E. Unit...Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is the largest investigative branch of the Department of Homeland Security.  These are the idiot someone name Wayne McIrky unleashed on me over at FBI (If there is a Wayne Mcirky at FBI) the story goes Wayne contacted I.C.E. and badge  1063 Foster hunted me down contacted my Mother, my Mother landlord and my Neighbor to write me some bogus Citation....well I found CFR41 and uncovered the bumbler wrote a citation for something I never did because-- I never went to the FBI Portland field office on Sept. 18, 2007--...I wrote a complaint out and sent it to Federal Way, Washington and today I called to check on it...David Hamilton the so called investigator said he decided I need to fight this in court because I.C.E. did nothing wrong and refused to answer my written complaint in writing...then I called back...I always call back and Mathew Brandt , Regional Director Whatever...also said he was not sure I needed a written answer to my complaint...I do believe some idiot called another idiot and said ha ha ha haaa lets violate the law together and just do lawless acts while our team of Belinda Jackson attackers attempt to destroy her.  Now if Ms. Jackson survives the attack we will have hell to pay...but lets just laugh now and be dumbfound and ignorant later....they are pitiful....whoever they are they are pitiful...spoke with Melody Burhieser today also before I called I.C. E....she said Neil Evans needed to speak with the officer before going to court ; so I am set over until...January 11, 2008....just to speak to the officer on a disorderly conduct charge...well Melody said they also need to investigate...ok....this is my life and it is being trampled by tweedle dee and tweedle dumb with full disclosure to OUR gatekeeper...I cannot wait until they realize I am not only going to survive thier irreparble harm...I going to make sure whomever this is changes thier name a la KGB now something altogether different.

Signature Belinda Jackson--November 5, 2007

Posted by mikejones3000 at 3:23 PM PST
Updated: Thursday, 8 November 2007 12:45 PM PST
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