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a never ending
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a time to kill
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AIG is Rogue Fed
All I have is Fool
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Blagojevich Belinda J.
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blue collar criminal
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Do you want names?
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heart attack or stroke
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i am being blocked
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I don't understand
I duh know!!!
I feel like Osama
I have acted in response
I love being right.....
Idiocy catch all FBI
Idiot hooked fools gold
Illegally manipulating
Insane and I mean it.
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Is Rotten
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it is the FBI
Jared Garth
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Loretta Lynch well please contro
Mad as Hell
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March 14
Mayor Potter
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Mr. Doug Bray
Mr. Fool
Mr. Whiteman
Never can I hire an Attorney
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No she did not in 2009
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Obama Change
Obama Change please
Obama is not
obssesive fanatical
obstruction of justice
One Woman could not...
open and peruse
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Oregon State Bar
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President Elect Barck O.
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Rape is a Federal Agent tool
refused medical help
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suffering fools
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tears for years
The Art of Smiling
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The Crew is on the job...
The Crime
The divilish fools
The minds of men!!!
The Oregonian
The Senator is a tool
These Freaks have already
These men and women
These Mutha F@Ckas
These Mutha Fucka have gone bese
these simpletons need hel
They have jumped off
They Jumped Guys
They ran and told my Mom
thick like AIDS
this document was mailed
This I must share
This is a hot as hell
This is a plea....
This proves Obstruction
Tiger has a life
Tiger Woods..not
To Jail with the Halfwits
Torture is a weapon
United States Postal
up a creek
us atty no jurisdiction
US Atty. Kent Robertson
US DOJ Letterhead
Utter Corrupt
Utter Disregard
Wasting Time
Way Out Side the Line
We are a pitiful Nation
We are Fools
we have no idea
Where are my RIGHTS
Where are the troops
who allow stupid to continue
Why does hunger lead
Why is authourity so
Wikileaks help me
Without Regard
Without Regards
Written on all Walls
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Securitas Inc.
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Corruption on the side of stupid

Hello Blogging viewing public...Since Mr. Jared Garth is bound and determined to be on the side of stupid and continually block my pleas for help which, I, Belinda Jackson, have a Constituional right to...I contacted my local Senator Jeff Merkley...and once again these Rogue Federal Agents did not hesitate to commit criminal acts to block my ability to get help...I contacted Sen. Merkley office and was directed on Joel Cocorane, he handles Justice issues, I was told by the Receptionist....I left him a message and he returned my call after some telephone tag.  Mr. Corcorane proceeded to tell me my Senator only handles major wide reaching issue which concern  the making and changing of the Civil Rights laws...I explained this to him as I understood it and he back track to another ploy of these Rogue Federal Agents...Mr. Joel Cocorane out of nowhere vehmently argued that Senator Merkely could not be my Attorney....I never asked the Senator to be my Attorney and made this clear to Mr. Joel Cocorane and finally he decided to send a letter to the FBI and US Attorneys office on my behalf to have them tell me why the FBI refused to investigate my issues and Mr. Jared Garth's Directive all my call go only to him as well as why the US Attorney has banned me from the the Federal Courthouse forever...I faxed over to Mr. Joel Cocorane the letters from Carlton Peeples and Theresa Weathers of the United States Department of Justice...later in the day I located the letter from Lisa Hay over at Federal Defenders office and called Joel C. to see if I could drop it by Sen. Merkely office he agreed it would be okay to drop it by the office...and at No time did Mr. Joel Cocorane ask me to leave papers for the Senators' Office with the Building Security Company "Securuitas Inc."  I arrived at 121 SW Salmon in Portland Oregon, I checked out the Directory and did not see Senator Merkley's Office, I spoke with the Eastern European Security Guard(No name tag) dressed in a long sleeve white shirt and grey slacks; he wore no jacket or name tag..he insisted Joel had directed him to take my paper work and I was not allowed in Sen. Merkleys' office..I then explained I only had originals--He suggested I leave and comeback with a copy--I said no way Joel C would have communitcated to me If I was to leave the papers with Building Security and I had no attention of making multiple trips...Once and for all the Lisa Hay's Letter would not be left with Building Security(Securitas Inc)....the Security Guard called upstairs to Senator Merkely Office and was told Joel C. was out for the day and Nick P. required me to leave the buidling make a copy and return to give the document to building way and I insisted Nick come down to get documents.Nick came down and retrieve the documents..when I was leaving Securitas Inc attempted to give me a warning of Trespass-As all this was going on about 5 Security Guard gather in the Lobby (A female and 5 males)-and stated if I ever came back without and appointment I would be Trespassed...I called Nick P. from Senator Merkleys office back and he took the citation from me and said we will not be doing this today...what today not ever...but the question I, Belinda Jackson really expect Sen. Merkleys office to help me....NO-- I dont even know for sure If I am in contact with Sen. Merkleys office...Once again I believ Rogue Federal Agents have illegally intervened with my request and are impersonating a Senators Office...No one has called me back... Further, when I called Senator Merkley's Office the next day to inquire about the incident no one was available from the previous contact I had made--No Clare Griffin, No Joel Corcorane, No Nick Pataki--Now the names were Jean Atkins, and Scott Over-garrde and Scott Maguire--this is what I am saying when I state these Federal Agents have lost thier minds...There's no place they will not follow, me, Belinda Jackson, to obstruct Justice--thier is not thing they will not do--As I was sitting in the lobby at 121 SW Salmon waiting for someone from Sen. Merkley office you should have seen the parade of white men walking by staring me did they expect me to run...Was I supposed to be afraid?  Lisa Maxifield also has offices in the building--Can I go see her without and appoinment to make sure her office really turned me down when I requested her services as representation....I don't know because these rogue federal agents have illegally impacted, altered, lied, compromised, impersonated and obstructed every action I have taken to get help...I honestly beleieve they have collected money in my name--my $300,000.00 law suit which was defaulted on by the Defendant--I am still waiting to here from the California State Bar--if they arent impersonated...This is the absolute epitome of Corruption--But now I believe it is more CIA then FBI--not even those knuckleheads would impersonate a Senator Office but there is nothing the CIA will not do--These loons really honestly expect someone to die to save pedophile, drug addicts, and rapist and this is what these people bad they are also mentally ill.

Posted by mikejones3000 at 1:13 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 22 June 2010 2:47 PM PDT
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Monday, 14 June 2010
Obama Smiling
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Six Months to live
Topic: The Art of Smiling

Yeah, I am still smiling---dont let the picture fool you--it is just condusive to what should be going on in my head if all things were relevant or real...But I, Belinda Jackson, am still stuck in the land of the Crazy Federal Agents addict ridden  Psychological attack as a magic bullet cure all.(Yeah the Lost in the Lab Crew) What is happening some are dying to know and some have live through the knowledge....Well first of all any remnant of legitmate Federal Law Enforcement has left the building--Once again I, Belinda Jackson,  am abandon in the land of Corruption and Torture..(The details would  only shock you into silence). I find it so annoying Political Officials like  Attorney General Kroger, Mayor Sam Adams, US Attorney in Portland and Special Agent In Charge with the FBI have made the decision to  push me into some sort of violent end is more optional than doing the Job we pay them to do....I am watching this New Orlean Series on HBO--"TREME" this is the sort of corruption I, Belinda Jackson, have dealt with for over 15 years and Hurricane Katrina had nothing to do with it...See my Mother, Margaret Jones, communicated to me on Wednesday--Her Doctor Kasra Kamilou has given her 2 to 4 months to live Dr. Kathleen Morris also and Oncologist at Good Samaritan confirmed his diagnosis but offers to my Sister Reve Jones--Your Mother,  Margaret,  is a strong Lady(they almost killed her twice and she survived) so maybe it will be a year...I was sad..look at my picture above...but then I realized--This information was only given because I, Belinda Jackson, had asked..Then after I asked to speak directly with my Mothers' Doctor--I was refused access--I was taken offer her Privacy Agreement--.I called my Sister whom was at the Life Expectancy diagnosis and asked...Why did you not call? She was very matter of fact and not concerned and said " I am at Fred Meyer in the check out line, I will call you back...I hung up and was seriously sad---She called me back and started repeating information I had said to her when we might have to face death...See I have said for sometime; these Rogue Federal Agents were using emotional abuse and tragedy as a tool to reduce me to this puddle of emotion completely distracted into the terminal illness of a beloved parent....Yeah they used terminal illness as a too...Well how did I ascertain this--I called my Mother's doctor to speak to him directly--the reason was two different Mother said the Cancer was aggressive and move to her liver--my Sister said Kidney...I just dont believe you get this wrong...then my Sister "Reva Jones" says to me Mom was not in the room when she was given the diagnosis of 2 to 4 months...and the Dr. Morris showed my sister the cancer on the Cat Scan...she is dying...she is dying...but my sister did not crack one tear...she did not sound emoitional at all...This was usually me when we were just Sister would call me in tears...trying to get me upset...and I would calm her nerves... because no life expectancy diagnosis was given and I watched my mother sale her pain medication...dying patients don't sale their I am thinking this is a hoax--Then I called Dr. Kasra, and his Nurse Nichole shuts me down...would not even allow me to speak with the Doctor..Oh yeah they were set-up for me...Non-professional could tell me anything...but I will not be speaking to a doctor; So I asked to speak with her Supervisor and she (Nichole) transferred me to Facilty Site Manager Pima--I hung up and called Mr. Randy Day, Oregon Medical Board and amended my complaint to include--Medical Mal-practice and Constructive Murder...because to Quote Ms. Marply "Murder is easy when no one knows it is murder...Margaret is brained washed...When she told me she was dying and had 6 months to live she was sad and depressed...When I said to her well--Mama, I know you are not going to leave me like going to sign an Afidavit about the Rogue Federal Know Mama "Bob Fox" and became very healthy and passionate..."I aint signing nothing about Bob Fox, Bob Fox's Mama, Bob Fox's Sister....nothing...well this pretty much proves Rogue Federal Agents contacted her and for the passed 15 years...May of 1995 until May of 2009 and ongoing...Margaret Jones, the biological parent of Belinda Jackson has been cooperating with Rogue Federal Agents for pay-offs of money and drugs..See back in the summer of 1997, I called my Mother from a pay telephone in California and she stated a Bob Fox had contacted her about me and was saying crazy I was going to be killed and maimed the best thing my family could do was cooperate with them...this group did all of this after they attacked my family--literally like ghost they came into there life and undid it all then put it back as long as my family helped the Rogue Federal Agents destroy Belinda Jackson---So my Mother in keeping with the program should have said--"I dont know Bob Fox"--But she didn't she said I am not testifying against Bob Fox and all his family---I am hurt my on relative would allow this to happen to me and have forgiven them a million time over...but this is a psycological attack--so everytime I forgive...these rogue feds--turn it into something is not--an example is they would say--"oh belinda is stupid, you are slick margaret.' "oh belinda will forgive you for anything, Margaret--so I give you some more money and drugs to do even more, evil, selfish and destructive shit to your daughter whom has shown nothing but love and affection to you...and have the black tar heroine in hand are the credit card; and the cold cash...and my Mama took it everytime...these idiot call themselves destroying my family----how bitter and broken...but I say this if you have destroyed my family..why the illegal 24hr surviellance? Why the constant contact for the infatile purpose of instigating fights? The halfwit control nothing and if my Mother, Sister, and Brother were not drug addict they would be know where with a bullet...This is the kicker...Margaret, is my Mom--the FBI need her dead because she witnessed the coversation between local Law Enforcement and Federal Agents which caused my false imprisonment in 1998--she was in the room with Portland Police Officer and FBI officials attached to her wire behind closed doors at 3908 N Alaska Street, Portland Oregon.---But my Nephew witnessed them use his 16 year old friend to rape me while I was incapacitated(drugged) then taunted me with this underage child--And Reva Jones, conspired with Federal Agents and local Police Officers to have me arrested for domestic violence...Margaret called 911 and said to the operator---which was recorded--"come get my daughter before I kill her.." when the police arrived Reva, Margaret, Federal Agents and Local Law Enforcement conspired to have me arrested....When the officer arrived thier was no altercation in progress; portland Police Officer took the word of a convicted felon...Reva Jones stole her teacher credit card in high school and went on a shopping spree...and Margaret Jones and mental patient whom attempted suicide in 1996---The officers never spoke to me he walked up and hand-cuffed me hoping I would resist...I did not--They had to let me go...but not until a sherriff officer came into my holding cell and asked me to confessed.....yes...This is Corruption the leading players are halfwit and now the fools are attempting to kill thier own player....because just maybe--United States Department of Justice is about to do thier job...Signture Belinda Jackson






Posted by mikejones3000 at 2:37 PM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 7 August 2010 3:02 PM PDT
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Friday, 4 June 2010
Attorney General Eric Holder
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Local Color in Portland Oregon
Topic: The Oregonian
June 4, 2010 and yes I, Belinda Jackson, am still smiling...I plan to continue smiling forever...not to be vindictive or a smart ass...with all my I told you so's---but just in the contentment of Joy; knowing these Federal Agents have somehow lost thier minds when it comes to Belinda Jackson.....The reason has several aspects; it could be that I hit a nerve when I told the World the FBI/Secret Service used drugging and Rape as a tool of intimidation; it could be the fact their Co-workers proved they used Rape as a tool, it could be the delivery of drugs to my family members as a tool of control--black tar heroin, It could be they watched my nieces as they were being molested, then tried to taunt me by making them show me what they recieved for allowing the molestation to happen...Federal Agents watching 6 year olds being molested by an old white man....I told you these men were  in the business of pedofile profit...It could be the fact I have utterly embarrassed thier magic bullet psychiatry...who knows the fact is these Federal Agents have gone off the deep end...Now I am sure you are wondering how could this go on....Well I will  give the explanation do you honestly thing Attorney General Holder wants to explain to the International Community and the American Public USDOJ employees use Rape as a tool?  No  this attack on me and my family  is going to be hidden.COVERED-UP..except for the fact the Portland FBI FIELD Office cannot control thier fools....Portland Oregon is corrupt--My Internet, Wireless Service, Residential telephone, US Posta Mail has all been stolen, altered, and compromised...I would not at all be surprised if Belinda Jackson OF PORTLAND OREGON  has been dead for years....I remeber awaking once with some White young guy telling me he was deposing me...I said how can you depose me when I am sleep...he turned beet red--then smiled.. I nodded off back to knock out land...these men have lost it...They are caught and utterly confused...thier tactics are foolish---only a halfwit would behave as such....I am being blocked from hiring an attorney --this is not news...what is news is what this means...Tri-met is implicated...the Portland Police are implicated the conspiracy is absolutely proven...Ann Bartch telephone number goes to the oldest answering machine in history and Ann and Doug are never there and never call back...Justice Law Group spends 35 minute doing and intake and then Rachel never calls back...I call and get Kristy whom refuses to allow me to speak with Rachel and communicates to me Justice Law Group is not taking anymore cases for the year...Rachel never said this...This information is not on there Website...So I called Lauren Regan...this lady called me Crazy and belittle her own employee and threaten to have me arrested for harrassment if I called back for Rachel and absolutely refused to put in Writing Justice Law Group was not taking anymore cases--I just asked Lauren to put it in writing because I revealed very case specific information...Maybe Amanda Freeman could help me...but no--Ms. Regan threaten me with arrest...Yes I filed a Oregon State Bar cannot threaten people with arrest and she said I will have you arrested for harrasment if you call Ms. Freeman and Rachel do not work in the offfice are something...I believe I was set-up...Kristy calls me back and say atleast three time maybe four...we are not taking your case ...we are not taking your Psychiatric tactic to annoy and enrage...did not work...just provided evidence....once again....Dan Esterling got a job with the USDOJ and Kate Oldham used to work with Judy Snyder and she is corrupt---I already know--When I was going to the US Attorney's Office Pat Boise was their a couple of times...and he is tied to Judy Snyder and Attorney Godwin...told the ACLU not to help me..Portland, Oregon is Corrupt want proof...more proof--Former Gov. Goldsmith is guilty of Statutory Rape...The Oregonian's headline said..."Former Gov. Admit Affair"--With who...a 14 year old girl cannot have an affair with a 34 year old man---from a penal code perspective....Mayor Adams totally lied to get elected yet Kroger find Breedlove not creditable...please the towns corrupt....and their is some obsession and bitterness going on when it comes to Belinda Jackson..I have sent two faxed to the Special Agent in Charge at the Portland FBI I have even reached out to Nancy Savage in Eugene Oregon...And these damned fools honestly believe thier going to intimidate me into some sort of foolishness....they are just tragic in the effort...I know everything and the longer this go on the more idiot Federal Law Enforcemnt looks...the ploy not is to use a critically ill parent---No Doctor has ever told me my mother has pancreatic cancer--My Mother has made all her medical decision and when I asked question they actually tried to kick me out of th hospital...Margaret Jones was in the room when the FBI conspired with local law enforcement--the FBI these Rogue Federal Agent are going to commit murder...she knows together sinks thier ship..they are given her drugs and watching her sell prescription drugs...Margaret has an Eight grade education--she was an housekeeper by profession she could not even pronouce pancreatic cancer....supposedly my sister (former crackhead) was speaking to the doctor--not true I am telling her things...this is a ploy a tactic...deathly ill parent a tactic...Ilove my bad I havent committed a crime because these idiot have bad for Belinda Jackson....

Posted by mikejones3000 at 2:40 PM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 11 September 2010 1:52 PM PDT
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Thursday, 20 May 2010

Why do I smile?  How can I continue to Smile?  It's all very clear to me, Understanding has this smile permanently affixed to my face...Jared Garth, FBI Division Counsel is corrupt...The Portland Oregon FBI Field Office is Corrupt.  I am being blocked from retaining Legal Counsel and the American Constitution is being desecrated by the very individual whom are supposed to protect and honor the very essence of the Constitution..The realization is even more cemented into my understanding in the way these Federal Agents run to Racist tactic like they are a magic bullet...The smile is on my face because I have all the answers...I know this is corruption...I am not confused, sad, or angry...I am a Black Woman and all These White people is epitomizing every sterotype that was ever stated against them....White men raped me--When I started telling everyone about the story as a young girl I was told about white me being rapist...these same white me paid latino, asian, and black men to rape me....The smile mean, no matter what these FBI/Secret Service slash whomever the hell these people sure they are Federal sure to know George Dorsett, Robert Jordan, Mark Grotti and Dave Czdy are at the heart of the matter what they do...I will smile...because in order for them to be successful the Quack Psychiatrist said I must be distressed...never does right become distressed and I am RIGHT...And not living on my knees...The things they are doing to me would bring this Country to a stand still..I will always, follow protocol and procedure...never will I act violently...because I have no intention of making these corrupt fools look anything but guitly.


Belinda Jackson smile on..

Posted by mikejones3000 at 1:47 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 19 July 2010 1:46 PM PDT
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Friday, 7 May 2010
Basial Fashazd is this real are Psychological
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Portland, Oregon Testing Ground For Intelligence Test of control







I BELIEVE PORTLAND OREGON IS A TESTING GROUND FOR CORRUPT FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TO SEE HOW VUNERALBE AND CONTROLLED THE AMERICAN PUBLIC CAN BE...OOP THE TRUTH--IF WE THREATEN THEM WITH TRAGEDY WHAT CAN WE THEN FORCE THEM TO ACCEPT AS NORMAL...One lone vendor notice a running SUV--No law Enforcement...He get no publicity...and the Feds ridicule the act...this is lame, this is unprofessional act of terror..they are fools

The point is very simple these men whom are doing the bidding of our Government do not give a fuck about our civil society or how we decided to Govern ourselves.  This being said, I , Belinda Jackson, had a conversation with Mr. Jared Garth, Division Counsel for the Portland FBI field Office last this fuzzy now but when you are being drugged it gets fuzzy sometimes...but clearly I know he apologized for making me stand in the hallway, and was shocked it happend tried to deny what I was saying until I brought up the video cameras which secure the hallway.  These cameras look vert our conversation--me and Jared-- went like this...I am filing charges with the Portland Field Office of the FBI because my Civil Rights are being violated by the Oregon State Bar and the United State Attorneys Office; I provided the Portland Office of the FBI with evidence and I am demanding relief..end..Mr. Jared Garth--"What do you want me to do."end--Hard to believe he doesn't know his job discription..and what is really dibillitaing to my understand is Mr. Garth sent out a directive stating that all "Belinda Jackson" telephone call go to him--Not one other person is supposed to speak to me at Portland, Oregon FBI  Field Office- (I cannot even get the Spc. Agent in charge on the line)---so what in the hell does he me "What do you want me to do?--Investigate my allegation and proscute these idiot so I can get back to "The Gift of Life" God gave me...This part is very very criminal--Mr. Garth brought up the recent deaths of two women  involved in a Tri-met bus accident--he wanted to know my opinion...I said "What does this have to do with my complaint. Mr. Garth went all "Crickets" on me then stated just want to know your opinion is it's tragic but part of living is what is your point; Mr. Garth--he did not have one it was clearly a veiled threat--As if Belinda Jackson, is afraid of corrupt cops--I just wish I could fight...I wish I could fight back...but the minute I think about fighting back...these Rogue cops working for Our Government get all official on me and run like bitches behind those badges...they have pimped out to the highest I, Belinda Jackson, have to suffer these fools....Now to Ms. Maxifield...did anyone, everyone except me know she was a criminal lawyer defending client whom have mostly committed federal or white collar crimes...I am a gold mine for this woman...I have to say...she could profit on a huge scale by not representing me...especially if she not a very good attorney and want to parle her present situation into a Federal Law Enforcement Position...anyway she emailed me and left me a voice mail stating she doesn't handled my type of case.  Oh really...I have proof Federal Law Enforcement is knee deep in the most ghastly act since Ar Bu Grave(sp) think Robert Hanson FBI employee whom sold secret the the Russian for diamonds....this situation proves the FBI and CIA are no better than Osama Bin Laden...the tactics they have used against me mirror terror acts against other Country....These idiots working for our Government go into Grocery stores and taint products I might by...they set up harrassment and intimidation in public areas, on bus, at grocery store, and the library..they walk in with thier badges and other credentials blazing to attack Belinda Jackson...and Ms. Lisa Maxifield does not feel my Case is something she does...okay Lisa how about someone else in the Firm...anyone at your firm handle this sort of situation? I am being blocked for hiring counsel because this is the only way the FBI/Secret Service/CIA can be successful against me...Now let talk about HBW Leads...part-time job I picked up which in reality was a FBI rogue do I know...shouting matches, people standing on furniture in the work place, and call information which is directed to the wrong supervisor tell not ask for he person on the screen, just do the pitch..and the biggest of all gaff...Person A states "Do not get lippy with me." Person B (whom is a male) states "The only place I want you lips is around my zipper...) in the work place during a shouting match..happens all the time in Rogue Operation never in reality...this is pathectic..these people are fools and the idea that a Psychologicat attack has any chance after 15 years of use is plain old insane...

Posted by mikejones3000 at 1:16 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 7 May 2010 1:24 PM PDT
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