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12 years in my existence
20,0000 new troops
2008 Presidential proof
A bunch of scared fools
A miracle
a never ending
A Pattern of behavior
a time to kill
Acting Chief Justice
Actions without thinking
AIG is Rogue Fed
All I have is Fool
All the Kings Men
All the little Maniacs
America's Economic Break
Angered to tears
As they Perish
Assistant Chief
Attention FBI scum
Attorney need
Barack is the answer
Belinda Jackson ?Pro Se?
Belinda Jackson Facebook
Black Balled
Blagojevich Belinda J.
blocked life
blue collar criminal
Breach of Public Trust
brutally honest
Burke Williams and Sorens
By Any Means.....
By Appointment
By Faith
Can you believe
centrally stupid
Change is in play
Changing the Lead Story..
cheaters haters losers
Chronic understatement
cia has a nazi cell
CIA Torture Report
CIA you're a waste
clinically mental on ill
Comment and read
conflict innuendo
Constant stupidity
Contracted Stalker
Corrupting other so not
Corruption at the Top
corruption is the rule
Corruption will not cease
Cover up
Crippling my health
Crooked Federal Agents
Dear AG Holder
Decoy News
Defined Judge Maurer
Democratic Fools
Desperation can be endure
Director Brenanan
Dirty Rotten Crooks USDOJ/CIA
Division Chief
Do you want names?
Documentation Documentati
Done For
Doug Bray Court Admin
Equal but not protected
Eric Holder Attorney Gen.
Esau Abounds
Every Single Rock
Evidence Galore
Excluded Multnomah Librar
Facility Management
Fantasy oh but say it is
federal agenst jealousy..
Federal Agent
Federal Corruption
Federal Government
Federal Law Enforcement
Feeling Better
Fellow Americans
folly during a life
Fools Abound
fruad also
Functioning with a Brain
George Tenet
Gosh Darn
Goverment Corruptoin
Halfwitted nature of man
Hard of Hearing
heart attack or stroke
Human Rights
Hung out to die
i am being blocked
I am not Al Capone
I am not TheMafia
I am stalked
I don't understand
I duh know!!!
I feel like Osama
I have acted in response
I love being right.....
Idiocy catch all FBI
Idiot hooked fools gold
Illegally manipulating
Insane and I mean it.
Iron Clad Proof
Is Rotten
Is this true?
it is the FBI
Jared Garth
Jesse Jackson is a fool
Judge Alito
Judge Jury and Excutioner
Just tired of Stupid
Kinkos Corruption
Kissing the folly's ass
Kyron Horman
Law and No Order
Legal Representation
Lewis "Scooter" Libby
Lon Mabon--FBI Style
Loretta Lynch well please contro
Mad as Hell
Man is a Liar
March 14
Mayor Potter
Mental Health
Mind Boggling
Mr. Doug Bray
Mr. Fool
Mr. Whiteman
Never can I hire an Attorney
No Party Affiliation Now
No she did not in 2009
Not dead yet
Not my America
Obama '09
Obama Change
Obama Change please
Obama is not
obssesive fanatical
obstruction of justice
One Woman could not...
open and peruse
Open Season
Oregon Corruption
Oregon Federal Judges
Oregon Medical Board
Oregon Secretary of State
Oregon State Bar
Organized Crime FBI
Overt Action
overt criminality
Peyton Place
pleasing man
Portland Detective
Portland FBI
Pray for me
President Elect
President Elect Barck O.
President Obama's Legacy for Obama
Protecting FBI Tactics
Psychiatric trash
Racketeer Influenced
Rape is a Federal Agent tool
refused medical help
relative to oddly dead
Respect President Obama
Robert Jordan is Gone
Sargent Vic Cody news
Second Chances
Sen. Grassly
Sen. Hillary Clinton
Senator Barack
Senator Barack Obama
Senator Hilary Clinton
Sensational Angst
Sexual Abuse
snowden helped the Feds
Someone erasing
Special Agent eternal
Special Agent In Charge
State of the Union
Stimulus Bill
Stinky Stankin Foolery
Straight with no chaser
stupid should be studied
Stupids on Sale
suffering fools
Taunting is torture
tears for years
The Art of Smiling
The Check is cashed
The Crew is on the job...
The Crime
The divilish fools
The minds of men!!!
The Oregonian
The Senator is a tool
These Freaks have already
These men and women
These Mutha F@Ckas
These Mutha Fucka have gone bese
these simpletons need hel
They have jumped off
They Jumped Guys
They ran and told my Mom
thick like AIDS
this document was mailed
This I must share
This is a hot as hell
This is a plea....
This proves Obstruction
Tiger has a life
Tiger Woods..not
To Jail with the Halfwits
Torture is a weapon
United States Postal
up a creek
us atty no jurisdiction
US Atty. Kent Robertson
US DOJ Letterhead
Utter Corrupt
Utter Disregard
Wasting Time
Way Out Side the Line
We are a pitiful Nation
We are Fools
we have no idea
Where are my RIGHTS
Where are the troops
who allow stupid to continue
Why does hunger lead
Why is authourity so
Wikileaks help me
Without Regard
Without Regards
Written on all Walls
Saturday, 6 August 2005
Organized Crime
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Ongoing harm for profit
Topic: A Pattern of behavior
The FBI/Secret Service are involved in this criminal action until they are indicted or I am murdered. The effort is 24/7 and 365, I am not allowed to breathe and have been prohibited from entering every Organization or Government Office which could assist me in my effort to have this harm halted. Truly, I am banned from entering the US Attorney Office or even to enter the Federal Court House in Downtown Portland Oregon...I was told by Don Balk a Federal Security Guard at the building the US Attorney sent down a picture of me and has banned me from ever entering the building...I cry as I type this now because it reminds me of a crime that actually destroyed the lives of millions of Jewish people...this is communism and the FBI/Secret Service are so acute at the action I feel as If Communist China is just a babe with no teeth. Completely, appalled I contacted the US Attorney Office using my Cellar phone for records sake and each time I was hung up on like it was a game...The goal of these idiots is to provoke bad judgment on my part or some sort of rage...I am a Christian and although anger some time leads my reaction to a profane tone..(I will curse you out). I know life is precious and no amount of lunacy is going to lead me to disregard the worth of another human life. Quite honestly I am better than violence God has given me understanding which means I am able to communicate the problem and work toward a solution...These Skills are not a part of the FBI/Secret Service character from beginning to end and presently their effort is brute force are harm and I have dominated their attempt with an astounding "YOU FOOL" I will not be bullied. The US Attorney as banned with the FOOLS because I just one Woman and they were quite sure even the incompetents of the FBI/Secret Service could stop one woman. But, God has appreciated my Faith and I battle not on my own as a matter of Truth this battle has never been mind because God loves Justice and I cant remember one class during my education in Public school that even express to me how important Justice is; Civil Rights yes--the Constitution yes--But Justice is our core and without it well we have the situation which is now occurring in Oregon...A faction of Rogue Law Enforcement employees and an off shoot of depravity are reaking havoc on my life and family. The prohibited status doesn't carry any legality what so ever as a matter of fact I am banned from going to several building which would assist me an exposing the criminal action being lodged against me. I cant go to the FBI office in Oregon --Although I have never been arrested for trespassing and when I requested assistant from an attorney the FBI backed way down and made up some lie about my behavior was threating to them and I could not act that way in their office--yes the FBI did say I was threating...FOOLS...the truth is the only problem the FBI is having a threat from...and What about Robert Jordan the SAG is a fraud, the point being they are using their Position and office to obstruct justice and the bargaining tool is Justice itself. I have gone to several Attorney whom claim the Government is the big bad new guy in town whom cant be stopped..well they will be testified against by Belinda Jackson. 503 490 7972

Posted by mikejones3000 at 1:10 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 7 August 2005 3:35 PM PDT
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Friday, 5 August 2005
Senator Ron Wyden, Dem Oregon
Mood:  smelly
Now Playing: The truth can you hear it.....
Topic: No Party Affiliation Now
I was so harmed my what was uncovered based on the treatment I received by the EEOC and US Department of Justice employees. The next step for me was help from anyone and a revelation placed itself in my thought process contact my Local Political Official. I was so naive believing in the truth and not what I saw and heard for hundreds of years. Everyone's comments is always Politicians are corrupt, but I thought not in broad-daylight how wrong life has revealed I am in thinking decency abides in us all. Senator Wyden's office communicated too me when I brought my complaint to their attention my EEOC charge had been manipulated by US Dept. of Justice Officials employed by the Secret Service--William Ison former employer and the FBI-I was caught up in a you scratch my back I'll keep your secret situation; Senator Wydens' Staff stated "The FBI can do anything they're want to there is no oversight for them." I can tell you who said it, everyone--Terr Piro, Lorraine Brown and the Chief of Staff--Terry something or other...they're said I had no Terry Piro's credit after all documents were viewed she did say something about a Congressional Inquiry but the FBI/Secret Service shut her mouth but quick....and I mean but but quick. These US Dept. Of Justice employees are really lost in some fantasy of complete power and control. Yet, all I had to do too not be murdered like Chandra Levy was tell every newspaper reporter whom would listen and then they're politely went out and may deals on my back--to name a few Mark Haas was a report for KATU Channel 2 in Oregon I actually gave him a document which said the US Attorney and Dept. of Justice had no jurisdiction in criminal misconduct by USDOJ employees, he later became a Rep. in Salem [the document had Kris Olson's signature and she was US attorney in Oregon at the time....The Oregonian received a Pulitzer after I sat down with Jeff Mapes and provide evidence and documents which completely proved Obstruction of Justice and they're receive a Pulitzer for Public Corruption...yes I have been betrayed listen I have more too say about this I have documents but I think the FBI/Secret Service may have written and signed them instead of the correct Authority but each and everytime I went to the office with said documents and asked for an explanation the Office being the US Attorney [boy do I have a story to tell about the US Attorney--Charles W. Stuckey is going to jail] or the FBI these Rogue Agent would take over the office like Organize crime was a subject the thought at FBI Academy....and all proper protocol and treatment was shut down and the Rogue FBI/Secret service employees would actually believe I could be hoodwink into believing in Checks and Balances America the FBI had no oversight....they're're fools. I WITH GREAT UNDERSTANDING CONTACTED THE US SENATE ETHICS COMMITTEE AND FILED A COMPLAINT AGAINST SENATOR WYDEN FOR CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY, OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, AND PUBLIC CORRUPTION....guess what happened it was never received, I sent it for three months and each time I used my cell phone I was told no we haven't received it 6 months later someone said we had it and it was being investigated by the Attorney but two weeks later I called back and it was lost again and all the folks I spoke with before were on vacation....CORRUPTION-- I guess Sen. Wydens's in the Circle of Roguery in our Federal Law Enforcement...I contacted Sen. Gordon Smith and he said, "We agree with Sen. Wyden's office." You guy, I have documented proof signed by these officials. I realized this is all out corruption and they're'er so invested because--FBI/Secret Service employees went into the US District Court of California and stopped the process became Judge and Jury concerning my filed Law Suit---Belinda Jackson V. Drake Capital Securites...I filed myself and it sealed the fate of these Rogue Agents...they're dismissed my case and when I asked how the could do it 90 days after the Defendant failed to answer the lost their minds...The dummies at the FBI/Secret Service failed to answer my complaint and their a default judgment should have been render making me 300,000.00 rich....they're were embarrassed and hit me with everything in their arsonal...Yet I am still here an they're are still me y'all I got documents.. Belinda Jackson 503 490 7972

Posted by mikejones3000 at 10:48 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, 5 August 2005 11:16 AM PDT
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Thursday, 4 August 2005
Michael Moseman
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Oregon Federal Judges
Hello World, I am blogging about my life as an Portland, Oregon refugee. Terroism is an awful thing on Domestic soil. Yet, The Federal Bureau of Investigation has taken it upon themselves to revoke my Constitutional Rights. Holding me and my family prisoner in a Rogue Federal Agent insane State of mind. I got names dates and place and I going tell it all. First off Michael Moseman the recently appointed Bushite in the Federal Judiciary Judgeship is an outright paid advocate of the harm and criminal action the Portland Field office of the FBI has perpetrated against me and my Family. The reason is quite simple back in 1995 I filed charges against a Corporation whom was in the Circle and the CIA/Secret Service decided to take up there side in a fight I was having with them [Drake Capital Securities- Santa Monica California now defunct] The culprit Richard Ison and his Wife Sandra threatened me with the Federal Long hand of the Law and I flat out said eat me Bitch...and won my case against them with the EEOC[Equal Employment Opportunity Commssion]. The Ison went and got the Big boys and said "She won [discrimination based on hiring practices and Gender] but "she aint git no money" and the FBI/Secret Service hit me and my family with everything they had and that was 1995 to date I am still being attacked on a daily basis. Kathleen Mahoney in the Washington DC/US Dept. of Justice-Civil Rights division stated to me in a letter I have in my possesion "Rape is not a proscutable crime." Yes, She did call her and asked---202 514 2000 ask for Kathleen Mahoney at the US Dept. of Justice/Civil Rights...The Office of Inspector General recieved a complaint from me and sent a letter back stating it was not their jurisdiction to investigate criminal mis-conduct by the FBI and sent my name and letter to the FBI for investigation and Thomas Monroe and John Conditt sent a letter back from the FBI stating they found no criminal action in --Obstruction of Justice, Criminal Conspiracy, Rape, and Using HIV/Aids and a weapon for murder....they didnt even ask me for proof they just said it not a crime if FBI/Secret Service employee would do. I have documented proof contact me in Portland Oregon 503 490 7972

Posted by mikejones3000 at 4:30 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 14 December 2005 11:28 AM PST
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Thursday, 1 January 1970
Criminals are stupid and needy
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: The method of understanding
Topic: Purpose



I am feeling very abandoned right now.  The only joy I have at present is a fact which shall never change; I will never be someone dog.  The puppet whom is compromised forever and eteranally as Esau was for a plate of meat.  Yes, criminals are stupid but they are very desparate.  The Federal Bureau of Investigation has found a use for the hungry and hopeless human being left in an unreasonable state of continous judgement....They employ them based on thier past behavior....If you have AIDS the FBI has a use for you, If you are a convicted Rapist, the FBI has a use for you, If you are a pedophile the FBI has a use for you, and the Mentally ill are so very manipulated and discarded....But I am not of this, redundancy has created this bastard class in the vain of Victor Hugo's Les Miserables.  It must have atleast have crossed your minds whomever you 704 people are whom have viewed this Blog in August just why am I still alive and attacked...Not one media outlet has contacted me concerning my US DOJ complaint of FBI Special Agents in the Portland Oregon office utlizing Rape, Drugging, Aids and what have you to cause irreparable pain and devestation to me and my family....Not one media outlet has reached out to me although I hold in my possession the most damning documents from Sen. Hillary Rodham-Clinton, Sen. Gordon Smith and especially Sen. Ron one cares about a Police State where Law Enforcement Officials not only steal your mail, but block you telephone calls and manipulate all avenue of communication....As I type this at the career center FBI Law Enforcement Officials have Hacker here manipulating my blog in real time....when I hit File on the menu drop down list I have an option....Edit Web in MSWord....if I select this my blog appears in MS word and can be altered.....I know all the things the FBI has done, I understand thier client list, employees and the roguish nature of all there protect Rapist and pedophiles and men whom will do anything for a plate of meat...The FBI want to feed this depravity for thier own use.  Law Enforcement has refused to investigate Stalking, Hate Crime carvings left on my Apartment walls, mail theft, Rape, Conspiracy and so much more yet in 11 years not one Media outlet found this worthy of any investigation are communication.....I delivered to KGW news 8 documents from US Government Agecies stating no has juridiction to investigate criminal misconduct by FbI Officials, The exact same Woman always appeared stating...Where not interest in your story.....I went to KATU and gave Mark Haas a document from Former US Attorney Chris Olson and he became a House of Representative member and did nothing about an blatant act of conspiracy and obstruction by a US Attorney......just why is this story so obstructed? just why has 11 years of my life been stolen?  How could something like this happen?  Of course I know why.....The FBI utilize these tactics because I was not to survive...The all out frontal attack by FBI dogs was supposed me and my family so much devestation and pain we were supposed to be long gone and forgotten....I mean raped countless times, taunted and stalked on a 24 hour basis every single day....whom survives this?  I, Belinda Jackson, survive the attack, the taunting, the drugged and raped, the constant attacks, the utter betrayal by family and friends, and this I taunted, I mocked, and I scorned these Loser whom do not measure up to good, to understanding, to wisdom....I have shamed these men whom work for OUR Government into  utter bankruptcy because they continued to think...."Well the next depraved thing we do will work."  I have these FBI Officials so devestated by the truth it is just normal for them to place a wire device on a small child and attempt to used them against me in some depraved brother and mother are both drug addicted and the FBI used this for thier benefit....the tell my nieces and nephews do the most vile things.......And we (my family) have no voice because the FBI has the resources to hold the entire USA in blackmail...if not use you husband, your son, your daughters....anyone whom you care about becomes a tool to control your takes a brave soul to stand and fight this Organized crime being perpetrated by Law Enforcement Officials.  This is a fact because when American stop respecting a Law Enforcement Agency we have chaos.....and this is what they use against us....the FBI use are logic, morality, integrity, and greed so for 11 years I have been attacked......but my joy is I could and would never be Esau selling my soul for a plate of meat...I have to be the attacked simply because whom God, and Faith has made me demands this persecution by FBI and Law Enforcement Officials whom do not measure up.   These men alter the truth just to remain sane.....They lie to themselves in an effort to have a life to go on....I tell you with complete certainty this is and FBI Rogue operation in which my communication outlets have been compromised....I am not getting through......because only the Federal Burea of Investigation could do what has been done to me for 11 years using thier Resource within the FBI....These men send letter from the US DOJ which could not be.....No one has jurisdiction over the FBI; they can do what they want....  NO that a lie on US Department of Justice Letterhead....yet not one media outlet wants to investigate this...If I go to KOIN Channel 6 they laugh in my face....About 6 months ago Portland, Oregon  Mayor Tom Potter held a special press confrence stating FBI Field office in Portland Oregon was attempting to plant a informer in the City Office....WOW how insulting is that tactic....An open attack against an obvious ally in the hopes of setting a foundation for later accusations of Conspiracy and Obstruction of Justice....Do you want to know how rediculous the Mayor statement is....His Chief of Police has a twin brother whom is an FBI Special Agent.....Mr. Mayor I think the FBI has a Informer in the Chiefs office are just maybe Twin Brother dont talk.....I am in utter corruption....but no media outlet cares....I know why the FBI can deliver a shocking story of it own orchestration.....and I am costing this US Government Millions to shut me up....but since that not gonna happen they are sitting on me 11 years and counting.  ***************Belinda Darnice Jackson*************503-490-7972


Posted by mikejones3000 at 12:01 AM PST
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