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12 years in my existence
20,0000 new troops
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A bunch of scared fools
A miracle
a never ending
A Pattern of behavior
a time to kill
Acting Chief Justice
Actions without thinking
AIG is Rogue Fed
All I have is Fool
All the Kings Men
All the little Maniacs
America's Economic Break
Angered to tears
As they Perish
Assistant Chief
Attention FBI scum
Attorney need
Barack is the answer
Belinda Jackson ?Pro Se?
Belinda Jackson Facebook
Black Balled
Blagojevich Belinda J.
blocked life
blue collar criminal
Breach of Public Trust
brutally honest
Burke Williams and Sorens
By Any Means.....
By Appointment
By Faith
Can you believe
centrally stupid
Change is in play
Changing the Lead Story..
cheaters haters losers
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cia has a nazi cell
CIA Torture Report
CIA you're a waste
clinically mental on ill
Comment and read
conflict innuendo
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Contracted Stalker
Corrupting other so not
Corruption at the Top
corruption is the rule
Corruption will not cease
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Crippling my health
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Dear AG Holder
Decoy News
Defined Judge Maurer
Democratic Fools
Desperation can be endure
Director Brenanan
Dirty Rotten Crooks USDOJ/CIA
Division Chief
Do you want names?
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federal agenst jealousy..
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folly during a life
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fruad also
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Gosh Darn
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heart attack or stroke
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Hung out to die
i am being blocked
I am not Al Capone
I am not TheMafia
I am stalked
I don't understand
I duh know!!!
I feel like Osama
I have acted in response
I love being right.....
Idiocy catch all FBI
Idiot hooked fools gold
Illegally manipulating
Insane and I mean it.
Iron Clad Proof
Is Rotten
Is this true?
it is the FBI
Jared Garth
Jesse Jackson is a fool
Judge Alito
Judge Jury and Excutioner
Just tired of Stupid
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Kissing the folly's ass
Kyron Horman
Law and No Order
Legal Representation
Lewis "Scooter" Libby
Lon Mabon--FBI Style
Loretta Lynch well please contro
Mad as Hell
Man is a Liar
March 14
Mayor Potter
Mental Health
Mind Boggling
Mr. Doug Bray
Mr. Fool
Mr. Whiteman
Never can I hire an Attorney
No Party Affiliation Now
No she did not in 2009
Not dead yet
Not my America
Obama '09
Obama Change
Obama Change please
Obama is not
obssesive fanatical
obstruction of justice
One Woman could not...
open and peruse
Open Season
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Oregon Federal Judges
Oregon Medical Board
Oregon Secretary of State
Oregon State Bar
Organized Crime FBI
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overt criminality
Peyton Place
pleasing man
Portland Detective
Portland FBI
Pray for me
President Elect
President Elect Barck O.
President Obama's Legacy for Obama
Protecting FBI Tactics
Psychiatric trash
Racketeer Influenced
Rape is a Federal Agent tool
refused medical help
relative to oddly dead
Respect President Obama
Robert Jordan is Gone
Sargent Vic Cody news
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Sen. Hillary Clinton
Senator Barack
Senator Barack Obama
Senator Hilary Clinton
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snowden helped the Feds
Someone erasing
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Special Agent In Charge
State of the Union
Stimulus Bill
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stupid should be studied
Stupids on Sale
suffering fools
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tears for years
The Art of Smiling
The Check is cashed
The Crew is on the job...
The Crime
The divilish fools
The minds of men!!!
The Oregonian
The Senator is a tool
These Freaks have already
These men and women
These Mutha F@Ckas
These Mutha Fucka have gone bese
these simpletons need hel
They have jumped off
They Jumped Guys
They ran and told my Mom
thick like AIDS
this document was mailed
This I must share
This is a hot as hell
This is a plea....
This proves Obstruction
Tiger has a life
Tiger Woods..not
To Jail with the Halfwits
Torture is a weapon
United States Postal
up a creek
us atty no jurisdiction
US Atty. Kent Robertson
US DOJ Letterhead
Utter Corrupt
Utter Disregard
Wasting Time
Way Out Side the Line
We are a pitiful Nation
We are Fools
we have no idea
Where are my RIGHTS
Where are the troops
who allow stupid to continue
Why does hunger lead
Why is authourity so
Wikileaks help me
Without Regard
Without Regards
Written on all Walls
Monday, 30 January 2006
Mood:  party time!
Now Playing: FOOLS
You guys do not know what you just missed it was real good, but out of nowhere I miss hit a key on this keyboard and everything was gone....So I have to start over with my entire blog entry...What is funny? I have to say, I dont want to say it but I must because it is true...I told you so....Yesterday January 29, 2006, at 11:13pm my Mother called 911 and Portland's Finest arrived at her residence. I am going to say this all again and seriously I am not angry because I know there is illegal embedded programming manipulating everyone of my key strokes. Also just hitting one key does not erase everything so, I must also state that the computer has been illegally prgrammed which can only mean each key stroke is being recorded illegally. Now this mean, the last entry which was intentionally erased by illegal manipulation was awsome...The Pac-West guy from the Beaverton Library entry is sitting right across from me so we know the FBI is attempting to provoke because when an Rogue Operative isn't even in disguise but in the say clothing from just one day ago well we know it all psychological bloging viewing public "It is all Psychological.....I think I have re-written everything which cause the last blog entry to be erased. Oh, I forgot one item or maybe two, how is the FBI providing my Mother (Margaret Jones) with the drugs she needs to make her so controllable...Through a Pharmacy Tech whom is obviously rogue....It is amazing how these FBI Agents use regular everyday folks for criminality which will put them away atleast 10 years...How do I know this, well I worked with an Pharmacy Tech, and she was fired from a Pharmacy, and she was stealing pills and selling them to whom? Yes, I know of what I speak.... So, back on task now the 911 incident, in which my Mother, Margaret Jones, called the operator at 911 and stated, "I going to kill my daughter." not once did my Mother make this statement but twice...Now only a dope addict or someone whom is utterly afraid incriminates themselves...So what happened when officer A and B showed up. I have decided not to reveal the Office Idenity as of yet because I filed an IPR [Internal Police Review] complaint--[total sidebar this hispanic female whom is the catalyst for the manipulation of my computer, this means she hit the key which runs the program to underminds my key stroke is just sitting patiently waiting for the Tech team to track my miss hit and then run the program which they have embedded to erase the blog again]...but if it happened I would just start over....yes this area where I am typing is very embedded with programming, If I type a capital letter it appears as a lower case letter and if I hit the space bar the program ignore the command and run the texts together....Yes I know all things including the program which deletes a letter altogether, but I digress let get back to the incident on Jan 29, 2006,] when my life was threatened and Officer A and B showed up and made me the criminal...I mean these Officers questioned me, threatened me with arrest, and forced me to go into a back bedroom which I was told not leave for the rest of the night...Although I do not believe they can do this sort of thing it did not stop them...So why do you supposed these Law Enforcement Official did such a thing? Officer A and B also, stated "We do not have shelter information for you." But we do have Eviction information for the peroson whom threatened your life and assaulted you...Yes this happen on Domestic Soil..Well could it have been conspiracy...because when I called 911 on my cellullar while I was banned to the back bedroom by Officer A, he and Officer B, stood out there and spoke in hushed tones with my Mother, whom told them She slapped me upside my head, no it didn't matter to them, they allowed her to call me names use abusive languange she even mention the FBI and how I believe they are harrasing me Officer A and B even gave her Eviction information but told be they did not have any shelter information...Don't laugh blogging public stupid cannot help or correct itself...I mean these FBI officials actually use ex-cons and criminals as individuals to gain wisdom from and assist in the way they perform thier duty. why not Portland Police Department personell? Now when your only hope is a criminal is laughter really a necessary action...we should not laugh at the FBI they were simply acting without thinking...The plan was to accuse me, Belinda Jackson, I would react and then the FBI would arrest me for assault and whatever else they could charge me with...But I was calm and cooperative and this behavior is never helpful to an idiot....and these are idiots. So, I was banned to the back bedroom by Officer A and these two officer A and B were whispering with my Mother, and I decided to call 911 and see if officer were indeed dispatched because I am the quentsential conspiracy theorist...and guess what I was disconnected as soon as I said I wanted to check and see if a Officer had been dispatched...I said a threat of death had been made and I wanted to check to see if the Officer were dispatched, click I was disconnected...Called back like I always do an once again the 911 operator tried to disconnect I said , hold on can I have a Supeviosor. The 911 Operator transferred me to her Supv. and Patty the Eveining Supv. could not find the call, I had to give her the address like six times and she said car 77something was dispatched. But guess what bloging public as soon as I called 911 to check Officer A and B disappeared all the whispering in the outer hallway was gone....But what I dont understand is why did officer A and B not allow me to press charges, when the dispatcher at 911 said my life was being threatened, when they had a tape recording of this threat....Why was I not allowed to press charge for being slapped upside the head...I just cannot understand why Officer A and B followed no procedure....But these idiot actually believe they could scare me with homelessness as if it was a tool of control...ha ha ha ha they already tried this before and I overcame but here is the kicker My Mother, whom is related to me by blood in a domestic violence call was not arrested although out of her own mouth she threatened my life and told Officers A and B she had physically assaulted, why did Officer A and B not follow ORS law...guess what the arguement was about blogging viewing public...My Mother said, there was grease on the kitchen floor...I didn't see any grease on the floor and she went schizophrenic on me and physically attacked, me when I said, Mom, I did nothing wrong and I will not allow FBI officials to use you for harm she physicall attack me with a Mop...But the sweetest thing of all is I remained injured but calm and said the FBI is going to jail for this and that is when she called 911 and said she was going to Kill me...Fools did I mention she, My Mother, also said the FBI was going to "Kill me to." Now I am not intimidate and this is why these fools jumped off that cliff. Belinda Jackson

Posted by mikejones3000 at 5:00 PM PST
Updated: Wednesday, 1 February 2006 3:27 PM PST
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Thursday, 26 January 2006
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: Justice
Topic: Actions without thinking
I know, I truly need to edit this blog all the way through; I was just reflecting last night about writing skills in relation to stress level. Well, something trivial always suffers. But, my blogging viewing public, I had an epiphany today, I wondered out loud inside my mind, did God turn his back of Jesus Christ during his crucifiction? The answers is in Corithian II: 5 chapt. 15-the end of the fifth chapter. I will just say no, God, didn't turn his back on Christ Jesus but, the confusion is God turns away from sin...But Jesus Christ was without sin, yet he died for the Sins of men so that we are reconciled to God. Which means our fears should also be removed if you indeed beleive in God. Greater is he that lives in you than he which is in the World sort of thing. Remember you have to have Faith. Yet, my point is Reconciliaton....As in we were and are if choose to reconciled to God. If we choose is key, you can choose a different Ministry other than righteousness and reconciliation but God, will not be there in your sin, it is a departure from God, to Sin, becuase he [God] advocates, Holiness and Righteous living...So what am I saying? This is biblical what I am manuevering through. The ease in which Law Enforcement officials could attack and use depravity to harm and attempt manipulation.... The Government on your shoulders, sort of thing...I am attempting to reconcile this issue but the problem is I cannot reconcile man if he choose not to be reconciled (Hence the Penal Code and Hell)...If a promotion or a million bucks sounds better than being reconicled to God, and living in Jesus Christ, I must accept your decision, yet my Ministry Which is my life is Reconciliation. So, what must I do when you or some other man fall short of Gods' request....Because it is God's request and not mine...I continue in my Ministry of Reconciliation and if I win one person into the body of Christ I am blessed.Yet, I continue until that one day we are all judge for all our actions...Please here the we in my statement. I did not say you I said we. We all must realized this is daunting, I can say "I fear no man, and only fear God." And I must live it, This is why I am beyond intimidations, this is why my courage led men whom work for our Government to " ACTIONS WITHOUT THINKING." These men were at work today and will be at work tomorrow and thier actions will always be without thinking....But If I fear no man and only fear God, what will these Government Agency and Rogue Employees actually accomplish? Frustration, Humiliation, and pain....Yet they still come and spend money to fail in my presence. I met with an elected official today, and he was not reconciled, but the tradgedy is he wants to be and did not have the courage to be, because of need or fear. I once again listened to rot, and held my tongue for once, because I understood, This elected official could not stand against his entire City and admit, "We have been manipulated, by no less than a common criminal which makes us more than foolish." Who, could admit such a thing....Of course I know the answer a Man or Woman whom is living a life of Reconciliation....I am pained and torn, but atleast I have understanding and hope in what must happen RECONCILIATIOIN...this must harm perpetrated by my Government must be lied to rest. I cannot continue for another 10 years...Why must it end, becuase it doesnt take 10 years to do anything accept server a sentence for criminal action...and since Jesus Christ died once for all, the only option would be indictments but a man whom is not reconciled will not accept his consequence so when you ask what do we do, what has been done historically.....persevere, because we are in for a fight and there is only a few of us in that we. The elected, official did not jump off the cliff but remember in my presence reasonable men have restraint it only after I am gone in which they allow depraved criminals to lead them astray. Belinda Jackson 503 490 7972done

Posted by mikejones3000 at 5:07 PM PST
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Wednesday, 25 January 2006
No Options is not the end necessarily
Mood:  surprised
Now Playing: A waste of time
Topic: Way Out Side the Line
FIRST DRAFT NOT EDITED. I am just posing this questions, have you ever did something you knew wouldnt work but, some part of you couldn't let go so you just tried and failed. This is an overwhelming hell. I am in the middle of the denial and confusion, the owness of explaining to idiots is dire endless usless activity. It's not that I dont ask the right question, and althought its hard to believe these individuals are merely action without thinking which is such bitter sorrow. But, in I Belinda Jackson, walk in with documents and reasonable request and what I get back in return is utter rot... Not even logic, but rot done in complete oblivion of all things which govern our humanity....I guess the turning point for me was when I walked in to the US Attorney Office back in 1998 and realized injustice was more at home than justice...I am tied to such much trial and consequence it really does take it toll, and my understand is not what is guiding my conviction. I am being blocked, this is so very obvious do you know today at 10:00 am I went to a professional place of business and although there was not hours listed, a closed signed was not posted. I knocked and the Criminal Conspiracy began....This is so ignorant, either you are or you arent, but to be stupid well it is so heartbreaking. I am documenting all my actions and the Hell, I had to put up with since my last blog is must distressing. I am truly feel sadness and am devestated, that as I watched injustice in other Courntry instead of sadness I feel for the lack of Democracy in my own and the hypocrisy I must fight every single day...How can the US Dept. of Justice allow the harm my Family is enduring, I must say, these men whom work for our Government are nothing but two bit criminals. The thing which is so unsettling is by lying and calling me names, like CRAZY and WIERD, these Government Law Enforcement Official are actual committing the most hideous crimes. I actually scanned a lot of the Documents supposedly from, Marion County District Attorney, OPR/FBI in Washington DC, emails from so called official; yet when I asked for these people the refused to speak to me, Belinda Jackson, and then the send a cease and desist letter stating I am harrasing them....And the most audacious thing is then these Law Enforcement Official go into my Mother house threaten attack and harm her into a tizzy and then tell her verbatim what to say to in an effort to cause a altercation....I quote my Mother..."I will call 911 and have them kick you out now." I have mail with her address under my name, so how could any Law Enforcement asked me to leave the premise, but this is the sort of threat these Rogue Law Enforcement Official attempt. Now, what would lead a Mother to speak to a child in such a manner....Question right, what arguement proceeded the threat, it just wasnt out the blue was it...Yes, I watched my Mother scrub her bathroom just 4 days earlier, but when I walked in the bathroom it smelled of utter filth, I could not beleive. I went and got bleach and scrubbed it then I asked her how was it possible, she not filthy and neither and I...she tried to run, but the wire the FBI has on her 24 hour stopped and she went into her tantrum...I do it in scritp form.. Mom: I dont know, I just clean the bathroom, (and out of no where) I want you out, you got three month to get out of here... I go to bed with a headache every night...My furniture is complete broken down, and I cant afford to buy anymore furniture. Belinda: I just asked why the toilet was so soiled after I just watched you clean them. I almost like some sort of transient is using our restroom. Mom: I want you out, Get Out, I will call 911 right no and have you kicked out. Belinda: Mom, this is not you, someone is instructing you to behave like this. Mom: Who, The FBI. Keep it up, I want you out you have have February, April, March, and by May 1st your out. Belinda: Mom, I havent done anything to you why are you swing that knife and going off like this. Mom: (lifting the knife up) I just had this to cut and apple. But I want you out. One day prior to this took a Pay day loan out for my Mother and prior to that she was laughing and joking without any hostilty whatsoever. But on the day I sent, Senator Kennedy, Reid and a host of other individuals an email concering one Senator Ron Wyden and an blocked ethical complaint, she kicking me out of her house, but that not even the kicker on my way home on the bus some woman was loudly stating how once She get home her Mom will be going off on her...Yes this is how stupid they are, it imparative these Law Enforcement Official taunt you with thier actions as if it going to stop me are anyone with a brain. I have been homeless before, but if the FBI and thier dogs they have contracted to attack and harrass me want a fight to the cliff edge they have definitely got one. I, Belinda Jackson, am not afraid of anyone but God, these lousy fools will jump of the cliff I have watched them for 10 years. I don't know intimidation, and these Law Enforcement dogs can communicate all the harm there little broken hearts can summons, I will be demanding and explanation from Mr. Nielsen of the FBI concering my request to have the fraudulent emails from Marion County DA, I will be demanding the US DOJ explain how in the hell is drugging and Rape not a procutable crime, I will be sending email to senators, I will be filing more criminal charges and knocking on every door of wood or other material. It is a very simple message I am, Belinda Jackson, and I cant be stoppped. So attempt failure, that what makes you a failure the attempt...and one little note: If the FBI was not harrassing and targeting me with harm of all sort, I at 40 would willing be married and have a child. But my judgement is perfect and in this present situation I would never bring a child or relationship into this harm I must survive for the next generation...I BELINDA JACKSON HAVE NO REGRETS.

Posted by mikejones3000 at 2:42 PM PST
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Friday, 20 January 2006
Senator Harry Reid
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Is this real
Topic: Google
I am being blocked. The FBI and the United States Department of Justice are working in force to Obstruct all contact. Belinda Jackson, is making this Statement I am advidly and ongoning in my Contact of Senatore Kennedy and Senator Harry Reid. I have received several messages via email, the subject line will state something like "About what you said." Are " We need to talk." But everytime I open the email the message is the same topic...Refinance your home...I do not own a home, as a matter of reference because of Corruption in Clackamas County Court System, I am most likely homeless....I live with my Mother, Margaret Jones, but she is controlled by Rogue FBI Agents, whom simply allow me to stay on so they can attack me without bounds.....You Guys just dont understand, the FBI officials are related to Saddam Heussein and tactics and method. I, Belinda D.Jackson, am telling you right now my Family lives in fear, they are constantly threatened and used for harm...Let me tell you what the FBI instructed my Mother to say today...I'll do the whole conversation in script...Remember my Mother was instructed to say this by the FBI.. Mom: Belinda, take out a Pay day Loan and I will pay you back with the Money that Howard gives me once I sale him these pills. (Can you believe this, the Woman knows she is wearing an illegal wire, but she just incriminated herself and tried to incriminate me on tape for the FBI. Now you know that is fear.) Belinda: Mom, what pill are you going to give Howard? Mom: vikadin(sp). Belinda: Yes, Mom you have to give him the pills because to sale them would be against the law. Mom: Okay, Belinda. My Mom never calls me Belinda, My entire Family has always referred to me as Linda, the voice of the FBI is always Belinda....Now why do you suppose the FBI sought to use my Mother to attempt to incriminate me in Drug trafficking with a known and convicted Drug dealer whom is presently dying of Cancer? Because Senators Harry Reid or Kennedy got one of the Thousands of emails I been sending... And these idiots actually believe the can discredit me with an illegal wire tap...But I corrected my Mother, on the illegal wire because my whole Family is living in fear of these Rogue FBI officials...And I am almost homeless but I asked myself what choice do I have...the FBI paid Pro tem judges to place to evictions on my record in Clackamas County, and I get a measly amount of Employment Benefits, so what choice do I have but to Fight on and keep fighting.....The point is don't attempt to email me because the FBI will manipulate the transfer and place some lunacy over the intended email message. But I am getting through, and what I am asking my Blogging public is to contact the Office of Inspector General Staff- Todd Martin and Glen Fine, I would but my Cell number is blocked and I get a this number is not available...202 514 3435 is the OIG, also call The Civil Rights Unit... Because the bottom line is the FBI is blocking my contact and your contact to me. I Belinda D. Jackson, have not spoken to anyone regarding these issues recently, the last person I spoke with at the United States Department of Justice Office of Inspector General, was the Rogue Spec. Agent Michael Fletcher, whom said he could do nothing and refused to allow me to speak with his supperior...I called back and was tranferred to Operator 8 whom stated, "I will leave a message for the Duty Officer, but no one has called. I am being obstructed this is Obstruction of Justice, but even if I am homeless which I am threatened with every single day, I, Belinda Jackson, am no ways tired and will fight on till Victory is done. Remeber Blogging public you have to inquire on my behalf but don't anyone with Family attempt to because at the heart of my dilemma is the FBI has hired every deprave rapist sociopath on th planet to stop this truth from coming out, they -The FBI- will attack and harm your Family and they are deprave so this is a priviledge not a job for them.....but every no have a family member out there contact the media, the authourity, just anyone.....Remember my Cell is manipulated, My Mail and email is manipulated and blocked and the only way you can contact me is in person. I will try not to be so volatile but remember, I deal with one phoney after another so, dont attempt to be cunning are covert If you attempt to contact me in person just come out straight forward and tell me....If you can, but remember these men are depraved. Belinda Jackson 503 490 7972

Posted by mikejones3000 at 4:37 PM PST
Updated: Wednesday, 25 January 2006 2:02 PM PST
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Tuesday, 17 January 2006
What is Possible
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: FALLACY
I am way to Political for my on good, not that I would ever attempt to be an Elected Officials. I am a Christian and it pains me to no end my veiws and Faith place me firmly on the same side as Justice Scalia and Roberts but I beleive Assisted Suicide is very Wrong. So, whom am I, This Belinda Jackson, what havent I told my Blogging view public...Is an Attorney out thier afraid to take my Legal battle in hand because I am closeted this or that...HELL NO!!! I don't have an Attorney because the Attorney General and US Attorney are aware Every reputable Law Firm has a Criminal division and Americans they are making deals on our back...I walked in to the now defunct Rieke & Savage and spoke with Bill Savage after I told him the hold story back in 1998 he took my case, the evidence was that overwhelming the acts against me were so inept and such bafoonery...I mean the FBI actually sent document from a Civil Trial I had never attend and attempted to hold it in Absentia based on thier own Legal Penal Code, cause it certianly wasnt The American Penal Code or Civil Procedure...but less than a day later after I signed the contract to have Rieke & Savage represent me; Mr. Bill Savage disappeared and in Walks Angela Hart and Ms. Hart decline my case, I asked about the signed contracts and she literally dramatically bent her head over to the deep right, stuck out her lips and shook her head and then shut the door in my face....So you see I will never get an Attorney because the small timer take the bribe and the large one make millions off the Attorney Generals and US Attorney corruption...Did I mention a Don Balk Prohibited me from ever entering the Hatfield Justice Building. I mean he literally ran my Driver Liscense and stated..."You're not allowed. based on a Memo for Karin Immergut...When I called the US Attoney in Portland Oregon, I was disconnected and told I could not speak to anyone in the Office, my letter have not been answered and the ACLU stated they will not help me they only help people in Jail....Do you see what is possible in the Land of FAllacy and Corruption...America means nothing under the Bush Administration and I am so confused about Why a man could love God one day and the next sign off on the Harm me and my family is enduring. Belinda D. Jackson 503 490 7972

Posted by mikejones3000 at 1:54 PM PST
Updated: Wednesday, 25 January 2006 2:05 PM PST
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