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Blagojevich Belinda J.
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Idiocy catch all FBI
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it is the FBI
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Loretta Lynch well please contro
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Mr. Fool
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Obama Change please
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obssesive fanatical
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One Woman could not...
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President Elect Barck O.
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refused medical help
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The minds of men!!!
The Oregonian
The Senator is a tool
These Freaks have already
These men and women
These Mutha F@Ckas
These Mutha Fucka have gone bese
these simpletons need hel
They have jumped off
They Jumped Guys
They ran and told my Mom
thick like AIDS
this document was mailed
This I must share
This is a hot as hell
This is a plea....
This proves Obstruction
Tiger has a life
Tiger Woods..not
To Jail with the Halfwits
Torture is a weapon
United States Postal
up a creek
us atty no jurisdiction
US Atty. Kent Robertson
US DOJ Letterhead
Utter Corrupt
Utter Disregard
Wasting Time
Way Out Side the Line
We are a pitiful Nation
We are Fools
we have no idea
Where are my RIGHTS
Where are the troops
who allow stupid to continue
Why does hunger lead
Why is authourity so
Wikileaks help me
Without Regard
Without Regards
Written on all Walls
Monday, 8 May 2006
Rogue FBI Field Office
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: Blind Loyalty well there is no such thing.
Topic: Jared Garth
I spoke with General Council Jared Garth, today because no one else in the Portland, Oregon FBI field office would speak with me as Jared Garth explained. Mr. Garth, actually threatened me with indictment if I ever called the FBI, Portland Field Office again; his words were " I will call the District Attorney, and have you indicted for Telephone harrasment." When I, Belinda Jackson, explained that I did not want to speak with him and previously before my cellular telephone was abruptly manipulated and disconnected;I was speaking with another individual whom would not reveal his identity but communicated he would try to help me. Mr. Jared Garth, said he had no idea whom it was and could not find out. Then Mr. Garth asked two very incriminating questions against the FBI 1) Do you have any kids, Ms. Jackson? and 2) Do you have a Job Ms. Jackson? Why did he need to know?....Does my Blogging View Public believe Mr. Garth, General Council, for the FBI was taunting. Did he hope I would lose it? What am I suppose to have the judgement of a Dumb animal like the FBI? Taunting me with the complete halting of my Life by the entire use of the FBI Organization....Do you believe he asked me if I had any Kids, I mean this started when I was 30 yeras old and I planned to have children when I was 35 years old but it did not seam prudent in my situation of utter lunacy being perpetrated by FBI officials...I mean I just couldn't think about having a child while FBI/Psychotic fools were attempting to used Rape and drugging as weapon to cause complete detriment...And I really hurt about the Do you have a Job crack Ms. Jackson, after all every Employment I have had was illegally manipulated by FBI officials and the proof being Former General Council William Treceder contacting my Employer in 2003 and slandering my good name. Well, I asked Mr. Garth to speak with his immediate Supervisor and he refused...I asked several times before I disclosed the fact I was giving my permission to US DOJ Spec. Investigator to record this call because; I beleieve Mr. Jared Garth, General Council for the Portland FBI was participation in Criminal Conspiracy, Obstruction of Justice, and Corruption....I then asked if he understood what I just stated and Mr. Garth said "NO" so I asked to speak with is Supv. and he said "NO". I told Mr. Garth I was disconnecting because this was going nowhere and hung up the public telephone line.....Located at SE Milwaukie and fitting.... So, I, Belinda Jackson called the FBI, Portland Field Office back and stated " Hello, I am, Debbie Allen, with US Citzen in Action, calling on behalf of Belinda Jackson, Office can I speak with Spec. Agent in Charge Robert Jordan. Tranferred to Secretary and requested a letter from Mr. Jordan office on Ms. Jackson behalf as an explanation concerning the General Councils behavior as well as information regarding Federal Infractions Ms. Jackson had filed with the Portland FBI... The Secretary for SAIC Jordan stated, Ms. Jackson was this belligerent horrible person and she would give the information back to Mr. Jared Garth, General Council...She blew it but I did not, staying in character as Debbie Allen, I explained to the Secretary I had listen tio th entire conversation between Ms. Jackson and the FBI official Jared Garth and it was not at all prodcutive as well as stating Ms. Jackson had requested this same letter from Mr. Garth on April 28th and he is refusing...I also told the SAIC Jordan Secretary about this blog....and FYI about this bloy FBI official illegally utilize under-age hacker and criminals to alter and hack into it for the purpose of manipulating the communications...i.e. changeing AND to ANT or some other ridiculous behavior...and yes the FBI ustilizes Children under the age of 18....How Sad.... Now back to the point SAIC Jordan Secretary assured me this would all be addressed and attempted to get me to give her...Debbie Allen number...I said to her Oh we're one in the same....ha ha ha ha....But in order to get passed General Council Jared Garth, I had to pretend to be someone else and the FBI revealed even this was obstructed by telling the Secretary for SAIC Jordan to state, Ms. Jackson request would be given back and she said back alot to Mr. Garth...The Portland Office is corrupt and what are they corrupt withing Rape, Drugging, threatening and causing creat harm to an innocent US Citzen....Thank you idiot for the proof dear dear Federal Bureau of Investigation...So what happen when I ended this incident well everywhere I went there was literature for TRANSITION a homeless shelter for drug addicts and mentally ill patient in Portland Oregon, so I guess I should say thank you again to the FBI, see that is more proof they are controlling my Mother, Margaret Jones, you know the Woman whom just borrowed 50.00 bucks from me not one day ago...I mean is the message the FBI trying to send is I going to be homeless for reporting a crime and since I am on great terms with my Mother, How could I be homeless unless the FBI forced her to do it by cutting off her Heroine supply....How could the FBI make such a threat...I mean do y'all think it is a coincidence that every where I went TRANSITION pROJECT literature was there....This One little man at the Post Office shoved it in my face....he actually shoved homeless literature in my face and asked if it was mine......can we say this together...there stupid.... Belinda D. Jackson

Posted by mikejones3000 at 5:18 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 26 May 2006 2:44 PM PDT
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Thursday, 4 May 2006
So Amazing is the ignorance of Man
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: Utter Redundency
Topic: Confusion
I am completely angered and utterly disdained. How does the USA function? This on every level, with no refrain or consideration is Corruption and Treason. Ego, is a powerful drug and fools all absolutely addicted. The FBI in it's utter belief that, I Belinda Jackson, could be controlled and even destroyed entered into my former Church and placed a Rapist that was used when their tactic was to maim and emotionally devastate me by using Rape and drugging as tactic of destruction and intimidation. These FBI officials actually believe Faith in God could be undone by Brutality; When it is brutality and barbaric nature which bring Human beings to God en-masse numbers.... HOW MANY WAYS can I say and prove these men are fools and suicidal...America they donot care whom is destroyed as long as the dirty little fact the FBI has Rogue Special Agents on there payroll and utilize such tactic when we went to IRAQ to stop such hideous acts...This is huge and you need to know I am being obstructed to protect Criminals. I have contact with Senator Clinton's Office today, and was tranferred to Voicemail. I had an Telephone conference Scheduled...NO it not Hilllary, how we would like to believe it was, what it is would be the utter disregard the US DOJ/FBI has for OUR CONSTITUTION, OUR DEMOCRACY and OUR STANDARD of HUMAN RIGHTS....These men whom work for OUR GOVERNMENT are worthless dogs with the worst judgment on the planet. Belinda Jackson 503 490 7972

Posted by mikejones3000 at 11:56 AM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 4 May 2006 12:03 PM PDT
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Monday, 1 May 2006
Do you know who I am?
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: The FBI has no choice but to lie, They will not survive this harm....
Topic: Just tired of Stupid
This is me, the Woman the FBI has attacked for over 11 years...I dont think I am beautiful, I dont think I am intelligent, I dont think I am articulate, I dont think I am credible based on this picture alone...But the FBI has assessed what I look like and decided, to crush me under the foot of their inadequate and illogical behavior...The FBI thinks I am Beautiful just based on what I look like, and the FBI is continuing to obstruct Justice based on the above picture of me, Belinda Jackson. 503 490 7972

Posted by mikejones3000 at 1:35 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 19 May 2006 2:26 PM PDT
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Saturday, 29 April 2006
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Illogically persuaded
Topic: Core
I am going to be straight to the point with this Blog entry and your feelings are simply not my concern. The fact you may not be able to keep up is being left by the roadside also, and lastly shock factor which may lead to pure numbness and leave you in a state of non-response well I will at least warn you against it...quick example think of the most shocking thing in your life, like walking into a loved one (Husband or Wife) molesting your child", you're definitely going into shock right...well think along those lines, because what I am about to say will leave you utterly in shock...The United States Department of Justice is willinlly allowing Rogue FBI Officials in these United States free reign to utilize whatever means necessary in an effort to make this huge debauchery go away...They are feeding children to pedophiles...I have proof...They are picking up Rapist from the prison door and delivering to my door. I have proof. These FBI/US DOJ officials whom make up my "THEY" are willingly and without care utilizing whatever tactics and individuals in this World to cause me harm and disaster including: Woman, Man, Child, Infant, Retardation affected, as well as the Aged, and this is with the full knowledge and consent of FBI/US DOJ hierachy(So maybe everybody is not shocked)...This is not a secret which can be kept at this point, Internet connections, Cellular Service, and FAX machines make the fact I have filed a Criminal Complaint with the United States Departmento of Justice and FBI hierarchy, a tool of action not chaos...the only way chaos would occur is if collusion was also in play...These FBI officials on more than one occasion illegally drugged and raped, utilizing an HIV/AIDS infected individuals to cause me irreparable way this could be kept a secret...NO the FBI is presently lost in hell and paying every sort of price to keep me, Belinda Jackson, in harms way. I am not dead for one reason and one reason alone. I have documents which prove all charges. Why am I clearly and adamantly assured the FBI/US DOJ are currently in co-hoots well a little conversation I had with Senator Hillary Clinton's Office...I contacted her last week on the 21st of April, spoke with a Representative and briefly gave her the information of US DOJ/FBI official participating in Obstruction of Justice, Conspiracy, and Corruption. Senator Clintons' Office was also made aware I filed Ethical complaints against Sen. Wyden and Smith of Oregon. A request that I, Belinda Jackson, send a letter of complete authorization to Sen. Clintons Office to iquire on my behalf also letter and other evidence was faxed. I have received Voicemail everyday from the 21st. When my Cell is turned off, I get a voicemail from someone I do not know claiming to be from Sen. Clintons' office.. How is it possible some common criminal would control my Cell as well as be bold enough to manipulate or halt and Congressional Inquire...? Not-- regular everyday criminals don't go near 150 year sentences...but illiterate FBI Agents in the vain of Robert Hansen, do this sort of lunacy as par for the course... Rogue Law Enforcement bring down the house, and they never make exceptions or attempt to save anyone but themself....These FBI/US DOJ officials at present are unleashing every Sex-Offender on the planet into my living. I sat on a Tri-met bus in Portland Oregon where I live the other day and every person whom sat down next to me went out of there way to place their buttock on top of me, then strange men stood directly in front of me and started swing their pelvis in my face, actually I laughed at these idiots cause you could see them actually, receiving some sort of stimulation from the pitiful. I have been drugged and Sexually abused as at tool by FBI Agents, I can identify them and Spc. Agent Marc Grotti is one whom is guitly....What Psychiatrist? would vehemently believe placing there depravity in front of me would lead to anything but an Indictment...Every single Tri-met Bus I am take for the most part has video cameras going....What Criminal would be dumb enough to commit a crime in broad daylights with cameras rolling...none, but FBI operatives under the direction of FBI Agents will do anything...They rape, They steal, they shoot drugs into their vains, these maggots place their children in harms way....That is how deep it is....This is what I am up against on a daily basis, how in the World does this horror start in May of 1995 and continues until today and onward? FBI/US DOJ officials have been had, What they expected failed badly and the fact I am an African American Women devastates their truth....And believe not a word of The Duke University is an utter hoax... What do I mean...Well it may have happened but it was orchestrated to change the News by US DOJ/FBI officials....This is a tactic which we view as horrific but what I know about the FBI/US DOJ after 10 plus years is they have no boundaries and failure is just there way of understanding their not shit is true....If they didn't fail once ever five minutes they would lose sight of whom they are so they continually fail...Duke University La Crosse team with two previously convicted people with Police records. The exact same incident already happen yet these two accidentally meet up again and repeat a scene which happened 10 years earlier...ARE WE UTTER FOOLS...This is a hoax and it's pitiful...because what it means is Our United States Department of Justice is a lie....And What did God, say..."Man is a Liar and cannot be trusted." The Bible actually says trust no man...Why do you think we have a Governmental System with Checks and Balance...I knew this was Corruption when Sen. Wydens office said to me "No one has jurisdiction over the FBI." The Crime Bill Act of 1994 made Senator Wydens office guilty of Conspiracy, Corruption, and Accomplice to Sexual Abuse and drugging...because all this happened to me when it wouldn't have if Sen. Wyden and Sen. Smith would have just did their job, but instead they chose to prove God and utilize my back as a method or bargaining tool for personal gain....shocked, well I am not so do something. Belinda D. Jackson 503.490.7972

Posted by mikejones3000 at 3:23 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 1 May 2006 1:27 PM PDT
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Monday, 24 April 2006
Kabosh Kaboom
Mood:  down
Topic: Changing the Lead Story..
So, Rumsfeld wasn't the OUT for the FBI/US DOJ but it will have to be eventually...How or Why do I, Belinda D. Jackson, of Portland Oregon believe the FBI/US DOJ would you such covert tactic concerning Rogue Agents...Simple who ok'd the Torture in Cuba at Git-mo....would this tie to Alberto Gonzales??? and what is Mr. Gonzales present title within the Bush Administration? So when I say FBI/US DOJ officials used Rape, Drugging and HIV/AIDS as weapons of intimidation and harm doesn't the Present US DOJ administration fit the bill and would they do anything to halt the fact Rank and File Agents are headlong into such tactics....I have document which prove everything...these documents were sent from the US DOJ in Washington DC...And phone call see the following-Date/Time To/From Duration Type Debit/Credit 04/24/2006 01:00 PM (503) 823-4000 00:05 VOICE -$0.50 04/24/2006 12:52 PM (202) 616-4760 00:04 VOICE -$0.40 04/24/2006 12:47 PM 411 00:00 VOICE -$1.75 04/24/2006 12:47 PM 411 00:03 VOICE -$0.30 04/24/2006 10:59 AM (202) 616-0646 00:04 VOICE -$0.40 04/24/2006 10:53 AM (202) 616-0646 00:07 VOICE -$0.70 04/24/2006 10:44 AM (202) 616-0646 00:06 VOICE -$0.60 04/24/2006 10:42 AM (202) 616-0646 00:03 VOICE -$0.30 04/24/2006 10:40 AM 00:00 XTRAS $0.00 04/24/2006 10:37 AM (202) 224-3744 00:03 VOICE -$0.30 04/24/2006 10:32 AM (212) 688-6262 00:05 VOICE -$0.50 04/24/2006 10:31 AM 00:00 XTRAS $0.00 04/24/2006 09:16 AM (503) 624-8000 00:01 VOICE -$0.10 I havew called all the above Numbers today and each and every individuals was unavailable. I was transferred to voicemail...If you can here me US DOJ/FBI officials are openly and wrecklessly participating in Corruption, Obstruction, and Conspiracy....They do not care about the US Constitution are Civil Liberties, all they care about is tactics and a culture of corruption which works for them and they intend to keep even at the cost of my life, A United States Citzen and I am so not surprise this happened on Mr. Alberto Gonzales watch involved are simple minded scapegoat he was chosen for this role, base on his Nation of Orgin or ancenstry, just as these Federal Law Enforcement Officials figured a Black girl from Oregon with a family whom has a history of recreational drug use would be an easy target, well I did not live up to thier easy target profile, but did Mr. Alberto Gonzales? Belinda Jackson 503 490 7972

Posted by mikejones3000 at 3:02 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 24 April 2006 3:22 PM PDT
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