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a never ending
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a time to kill
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AIG is Rogue Fed
All I have is Fool
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Blagojevich Belinda J.
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blue collar criminal
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Do you want names?
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heart attack or stroke
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i am being blocked
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I don't understand
I duh know!!!
I feel like Osama
I have acted in response
I love being right.....
Idiocy catch all FBI
Idiot hooked fools gold
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it is the FBI
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Loretta Lynch well please contro
Mad as Hell
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March 14
Mayor Potter
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Mr. Doug Bray
Mr. Fool
Mr. Whiteman
Never can I hire an Attorney
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No she did not in 2009
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Obama '09
Obama Change
Obama Change please
Obama is not
obssesive fanatical
obstruction of justice
One Woman could not...
open and peruse
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President Elect Barck O.
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Rape is a Federal Agent tool
refused medical help
relative to oddly dead
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suffering fools
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tears for years
The Art of Smiling
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The Crew is on the job...
The Crime
The divilish fools
The minds of men!!!
The Oregonian
The Senator is a tool
These Freaks have already
These men and women
These Mutha F@Ckas
These Mutha Fucka have gone bese
these simpletons need hel
They have jumped off
They Jumped Guys
They ran and told my Mom
thick like AIDS
this document was mailed
This I must share
This is a hot as hell
This is a plea....
This proves Obstruction
Tiger has a life
Tiger Woods..not
To Jail with the Halfwits
Torture is a weapon
United States Postal
up a creek
us atty no jurisdiction
US Atty. Kent Robertson
US DOJ Letterhead
Utter Corrupt
Utter Disregard
Wasting Time
Way Out Side the Line
We are a pitiful Nation
We are Fools
we have no idea
Where are my RIGHTS
Where are the troops
who allow stupid to continue
Why does hunger lead
Why is authourity so
Wikileaks help me
Without Regard
Without Regards
Written on all Walls
Monday, 26 March 2007
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: Finality
Topic: The divilish fools
This morning I made a telephone call to The Executive Office of the US Attorney again....and once again I was given the run around....The Executive Office of the US Attorney communicated my complaint has been sent to the Office of Ispector General and this time I was given a date,time, and fax number....When the Woman in Communication at The Executive Office of the US Attorney transferred me to the Office of Inspector General I was given this sad run around again...Although this time I could basically here the third party's  panic....(she actually said the least time the OIG follows up on a complaint is 3 to 4 weeks and when I stated the time had pass she said well that is the least.)The Executive Office of the US Attorney said my fax was recieved on January 25th and they Faxed to USDOJ/OIG  on February 22nd and my call was tranferred on March 26th all in the year 2007 but for some strange unexplainable reason, I have not recieved any help, assistant, recue-ing, protection, rights, relief, freedom, a life and finally peace...I have recieved no peace...The fact is I am stuck out here while the smallest and most dimwitted among us practice thier form of depravity in my life...Do you know these fools put pedophiles in my presence and have them touch children just so the can associate my name with the disaster of pedophilia...These men are the biggest lost must redundant fools the world must suffer and I have suffered them for far to long...I am apologizing for my consideration, I am attack for no apparent reason, and my Family is monitor like a Correctional facillity filled with the worst of our ciminal element...I contact an attorney and my call is redirected to some fools indebted to these idiots....speaking about how "Big and Bad" "The Government is".....Lie all lie; the Government is made up of it people and if we are so big and bad why in the hell are we being controlled, bought, and intimidate my fools whom drug and rape....I am not Howard K. Stern....I willing give a DNA sample so it can be forensically tested for all sort so mind and mood altering drugs these fools working for Rogue Law Enforcement have placed in my food.....This his a hienous and hideous situation, and I being abandoned because they cannot break me are lead me into some sort of oblivious behavior....Please we as a nation have to be better than this....So I am going to contact some more attorney and will see if I get through are will the pattern stay the same...i.e. I call the Attorney asked for this by name and instead of speaking to said attorney I am told said attorney is no long with the firm but can the calller help me than I listen while the caller tells me about the Big Bad redundant...Dunn Harney have no idea where Melissa Ryan is....supposedly she a Judge somewhere but they don't know Where....HOW IS IT POSSIBLE FOR AN ATTORNEY'S FORMER PRACTICE OR FIRM NOT TO HAVE ANY CONTACT INFORMATION....The woman and DUNN HARNEY IS SUCH A FOOL..... She called back and left a message which basically makes her look like a conspirator...Susan was her name I think and she is like...Melissa Ryan is a Judge somewhere but we  at DUNN Harney do not know the firm....The over at Brownstien Rask et. all this Joe Mabe calls me back and I say up front this is about Rogue action by Federal law Enforcment and The US Attorney's Office these individuals have contact Federal Security given them a picture of me and are prohibiting me from ever entering the Federal Court House....When I has for recourse or reason I am disconnected....Attorney Joe Mabe states "Well why do you have to enter the Federal Court House anyway?  I explain I had business within and Atty. Joe Mabe states again..."Why do you have to enter the Federal Court House.....he asked the question about 5 time the entire pre-paid cell conversation I watched has all these picture started to appear of Elin Tiger Woods wife...IF THAT IS TRUE...but anyway all that came of the conversation with Atty. Joe Mabe is tons of Elin Woods pregnancy you think that fool was actually facillitating downloads of picture of Elin Woods, as if that would stop my request for an investigation.....Well let me state here for the record NBC sports broadcast the WGC-CA Championship and Tiger Woods is the winner the broadcast showed Elin Woods in the gallery twice unfortunately you could not see her belly bump...and Tiger did not hunger her for the world to the belly bump was not in view...but would NBC sport even be a part of some conspiracy to perpetrate some Tiger Woods conspiracy because a completely halfwitted phsycologist actaully thought this Tiger Woods life matter or could change my path....listen Fools...I love Tiger...I am a Red Sox fan about Tiger Woods....but the mand can marry, in-pregnate and live anyway he wants....I dont care....The only thing I care about is my life and the pursuit thier of.....So do you job US Department of Justice get these fools whom have no sense or ability to discern out of my existence....And give up on the intimidation fools...thier is no ex-convict psychopath whom could survive my truth....lastly you all must know this is a painful and devestating experience being launched against a innoccent we will call it what it is from here out...TORTURE...I Belinda Jackson am being Torture by FBI and Rogue Law Enforcement Officials.....and guess what they are at work right now....I am being tortured by Karin Immergut because she failed to do her job...I am being torture by Spec. Agent Marc Grotti and I have proof....I am being tortured by my on mother to make sure Rogue FBI/ and Law Enforcement Official keep her in drugs...This is so sad....what country are we in....

Posted by mikejones3000 at 1:59 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 21 March 2007
Hey Y'all
Mood:  down
Now Playing: Just like fools
Topic: Cosmetic






I am personally so over this situation.....I don't care about Tiger Woods, I don't care about his supposed wife.  The only thing, I, Belinda Jackson care about is the soon and ever present indictment of these Rogue Law Enforcement idiots. .....(damn I should have posted the new picture that are on Yahoo... I just seen Elin with this huge belly bump)  I hope that true because if it not...WOW (could you imagine the mind that would consider faking a Tiger Woods store to cover up corruption) Double Wow....but I dont care so I am not posting Nuthin.... These fools had the audacity think...I would ever consider harming myself based on some psychological attack....they are so pitiful y'all...I mean does the FBI get a paycheck are just credit for the present need of psychological care for just about everyone at thier agency....I know for a fact these men have lost it(I am talkin Looney Bin)  (Rape as a Weapon case close)...And it could be  because I have made them look like utter fools....Just think how these idiots went out on a limb...the fact Rape and AIDS/HIV didnt undermine my emotional well being could not have been at all discerned...I am sure some poor individuals some where in life fell hook line and sinker for these Rogue and torture ready tactics...By the way sweethearts....(I am such a Simon Cowell fan) Everything I write on this blogged is illegally altered by this halfwit sitting to my left (you cant see him) (just in case you think you're loosing it)...the FBI is  illegally interfacing and using macros as well as instant messinging.....they dont really need to waste such time my spelling is atrocious all by itself....But what do Fools know?  Anyway I am beyond care...Oh let me tell you about Sonya Montobluan, attorney at law....I was going to blog this yesterday but the whole Tiger Woods thing blew up out of nowhere....And you wil not even wrap you mind around this but  I was surfing today and here come more of the pregnant wife sitting an like a iron stick chair...which is not possible because what 5 month preggers sit on a stick (but it could be true)  right?....but I digress back to Attorney at law Sonya Montoblaun....This woman answered the call when I was looking for Ingrid someone Attorney At Law ...of course Ingrid was gone...Just like every Attorney I called on my pre-paid cell phone is gone  no longer with us (I cannot  find Melissa Ryan anywhere and DUNN HARNEY does not have a clue where she went) I have to speak to the guy or woman whom answered the Sonya answered, and I stated I needed an Employment Attorney because FBI Employees are illegally slandering me and force me out of employment...this woman asked me if I was on medication....when I told her I have documentation William Treceder called my employer Addecco and communicated to my Manager I, Belinda Jackson, was harrassing the FBI and If I ever arrived at their office I would go to jail....she got all quite and said my case was too know witness do complicate things....Now this is a conspiracy she was obviously on the phone with some Rogue Agent and her attempt was to undermine my need to fine an attorney then she says....I doubt you find anyone....Thank you Officer of the Court.....The fact of the matter is why represent me when the US Attorney will make any deal...Thanks Alberto Gonzales....truly appresciate you....but I dont care....I just waiting for these fools to be indicted....Is it not a shame I cannot even be a fan of Tiger Woods....but he is not the only one I tried being a fan of Derek Jeters and they had in married to Jessica Alba....the thing that irks me is these picture just pop up....last week I received Tiger Woods Newsletter do you think it had anything about missing the DC tournment for his foundation are even anything about a preganancy....but today thier was all new is it true are am I so targeted these fools will make up anything and put it on my Internet?  I am just so laughing at this situation...Tiger Woods....Why him.....I know why him because about 1997 some co-workers were talking about Slavery and Tiger Won the Masters and for a solid Month all I talked about was who the Master Now....Yes I did....I am probably cause Tiger unknown difficulties....But they started it all I said in 1997 was "Who is the Master Now"  I was talking about Golf...God is the Only Master.


Posted by mikejones3000 at 2:43 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 26 March 2007 1:16 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 20 March 2007
Tiger Woods is Married
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Elaborate plot....
Topic: Is this true?












The images above were taken from search images. The Story stated the Woman above is  Elin Woods professional Golfer Tiger Woods wife and she is 5 month pregnant as we can clearly see...For the last 5 years I believed this was a Lie...Becuase the information is not apart of his personal profile....So I thought these fools/ FBI/Rogue Law Enforcement believe because I am a huge Fan of Tiger him marrying a Caucasian woman would cause me some sadness or anger...It would not,  I love Tiger and all that makes Tiger happy....Even Elin...but if this is a lie what it means is Rogue FBI Agents have altered this picture and planted this story on the internet just to cause me harm....If they would marry off Tiger Woods and fake a photo of a pregnant wife....can you now believe what I am saying concerning...Belinda D. Jackson Situation?  I have article upon Article about this relation printed in USA Today, People Magazing and a host of other Media outlet.....VH-1 had a entire special on the Nanny whom married the Millionaire Golfer....I watched the whole thing...Then I went to under Player Profile Personal and thier no Wife no Pregancy...Then I went to Tiger and search Marriage nothing but thier are picture of Tiger and Elin from Sept. 2004 and a story attached about a marriage in October 2005 on Monkey Greens Golf Course in Barbados....and Star Magazine had a Story in September 2005 with picture...But thier not on the Website.....So help me if it a lie go public with these picture and if it true Congratulation Tiger and Elin, I will still be out here attempting to expose Rogue FBI official for using Rape and Drugging as a weapon as well as trying to infect Belinda Jackson with the HIV/AIDS virus....Finally, can you believe this if what I think is true...can you believe that these idiots lost in some sort of Psychilogiocal attack have spent the last 5 years attempting to mislead me like it matter...Like Tiger Woods being married would cause me such devestation I could not go first I was pissed then I could not stop laughing....And thier are no picture of this so called wedding....Every single time they mention Elin she is not picture with Tiger...well once on CNN when they annouced the pregnancy...Yes the pregnancy that may not be was annouced on CNN atleast on my TV thier was a picture of Steve William, Elin Woods (if this is true) and Tiger Woods from the British Open....In a way I hope it is true because if it is not can you honestly beleive this idiots have been perpetrating this Fraud for 5 year...Well they have been attacking me for 12 years....IT IS ALL PSYCHOLOGICAL....AND I JUST DID NOT EVEN FOR ON SECOND THINK THIS WAS TRUE ....BUT IF SO CONGRATULATION TIGER WOODS....OH The annoucement of the Pregnany was on December 30, 2006 on Tiger Web site...picture from the Ryder Cup were used and Tiger and Elin were picture together...But not on ESPN  they were separated....and the ED BRADLEY special well Elin had a picture by Supposedly Tiger refused to allow her to be interviewed on Camera....And It hard to find her --that would be Elin Woods Professional Golfer Tiger Woods Wife...Near the Tiger Woods Foundation....Have you ever heard of a wife with not part in a Husband Charitable life?

Posted by mikejones3000 at 2:11 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 26 March 2007 1:19 PM PDT
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Monday, 19 March 2007
Monday's Conversation--
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: The Redundancy of Ego
Topic: Sensational Angst
March 19, 2007, I, Belinda Jackson, had a conversation with the Executive Office of the US Attorneys' located in Washington DC.  Initially, my call was handled by what I thought was the Receptionist.  I explained the purpose of my call and at this point she transferred me to Communication.  A man handled my request of recieving a letter in response for my letter of criminal misconduct my US Attorney Karin Immergut and Asst. US Atty. Ken Robertson.  This man who did not identify himself, stated my case was closed....LONG PAUSE....which I did not react this then he went on to state my complaint against US Atty. Karin Immergut had been forwarded to the US DOJ/OIG for investigation....He went on to say a letter had been sent to me to this effect...then he back peddled, sputtered hesitated and went on to lie about no letter had been sent but Mr. Man at the Executive Office of the US Atty. in Washington DC had no idea why, I Belinda Jackson was not informed by US Postal mail of this decision and action by the Executive Office of the US Atty.   But I know why, it was the same reason why Mr. Man of the Executive Office of the US Atty accused my of harassing him and slammed the phone down in my face...A really simple reason why? Corruption, US Postal Mail theft, Obstruction of Justice, Intimidation and a host of other infraction being perpetrated by United States Department of Justice employees in an effort to cover up something worst than Sadamm Huessien....whom just sought to destroy and kill his enemies but these idiot donot what me dead not they decided murder is to obvious so they have been and are attempting to cause me emotional and mental devastation....Rogue FBI and other Law Enforcement Officials utilizing the saddest bunch of Psychiatrist to flunk out of everything have decided to utilize every known method of oppression to evoke rage or sadness whatever gets me, Belinda Jackson, to Nervous breakdown the fastest....Christ and spite has kept me...honestly my Faith in God and his word is the victory....But a certain bit of SPITE will never allow me to break....Do not get me Wrong I know for a fact my Faith and God is the guiding power and Force....but the human nature of spite will always make sure these idiot will fail....Honestly I was on my pre-paid Cell service for 20 minutes being lied to and misled only to leave a message with the Executive Office of the US Attorney because the US DOJ/OIG just place me on hold for 10 minutes at a time and then disconnects....How obvious I mean If the Government was this coordinated on method of Terrorism it would not exist....Yet for 12 years utilizing Rape and every deformed and deviant tactics available, I, Belinda Jackson, have been pursued and attack....These fools have device they used to halt my actions like I some sort of Rat in a cage.....I mean I have shock treatment down pat....I just ignore the behavior if possible and scream if not....but can you imagine the man-hours and dollars this sort of operation would take.....It is utterly insane....NO Sane individual would will use this much effort...against One Woman...What is it about Belinda Jackson, which is so revealing that 12 years and all this effort would be called for....Why am under such surveillance and harassment....WHAT DOES BELINDA JACKSON KNOW?   Why hasn't the Federal Law Enforcement been able to stopped or resolve this situation....Honestly 12 years is a very long time....April 1995 to March 2007....does not this seem a bit extensive.....What must I have on them....Honest to God...I know our Government within Law Enforcement has committed worst atrocities than what has happened to me an my Family so why are we still here.....I know everything so I, will tell you why....I am a Black Woman and I have destroyed what most thought was the best they had....I overcome their physical attack and their emotional upheaval in my life....I have mocked, laughed, scorned, and embarrassed these Rogue Law Enforcement Official beyond belief and they do not want anyone to know....See Osama Bin Laden had JIHAd and Bill Gates had Billions.....but I just a little black girl making the big bad government federal law enforcement look like fools....because of the simple fact they are fools.

Belinda D. Jackson

Posted by mikejones3000 at 1:54 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 21 March 2007 2:12 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 13 March 2007
Impossible is an miracle
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
Topic: Hard of Hearing
The point of my Blog is a plea for help, because everything else has failed.  I am in the middle of the biggest corruption act the United States have ever seen....This action is no less than High Treason!!!!! United States Department of Justice Employee have taken it upon themselves to be all powerful.  These individual utilizing US DOJ resources have basically shut me, Belinda D. Jackson, out of the American dream and Constitutional liberties.....This action has been committed based on the ideal of Power corrupts and there is no one to stop these Rogue from committing this horrific act against, Man, Courtry and you know there is nothing these Rogue Law Enforcement Officials havent done....There is nothing they havent attempted to do....What is the mind set of Special Agent Marc Grotty, Portland, Oregon FBI when he enter the premises of my, Belinda Jackson, home with a Black male he knows is HIV/AIDS infected and using is to Rape me while I am incapacitated....What mind set is that when he is screaming at me at the top of his lung..."Swallow it " "Swallow it"   I will tell you the mind set I am surviving and living through....It is Sociopath in nature and utterly desperate in activity....The FBI utilizing Psychiatrist are attempting to perpetrate some sort of mental illness against me in order to cover up this tragic display of criminal actions against a US Citzen...Yes the FBI/Secret Service in Los Angeles stole my mail and unemployment benefit checks, falsely inpersonated Federal Agency as well as attempted to use intimidation and threats to shut me up.

Posted by mikejones3000 at 1:58 PM PDT
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