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12 years in my existence
20,0000 new troops
2008 Presidential proof
A bunch of scared fools
A miracle
a never ending
A Pattern of behavior
a time to kill
Acting Chief Justice
Actions without thinking
AIG is Rogue Fed
All I have is Fool
All the Kings Men
All the little Maniacs
America's Economic Break
Angered to tears
As they Perish
Assistant Chief
Attention FBI scum
Attorney need
Barack is the answer
Belinda Jackson ?Pro Se?
Belinda Jackson Facebook
Black Balled
Blagojevich Belinda J.
blocked life
blue collar criminal
Breach of Public Trust
brutally honest
Burke Williams and Sorens
By Any Means.....
By Appointment
By Faith
Can you believe
centrally stupid
Change is in play
Changing the Lead Story..
cheaters haters losers
Chronic understatement
cia has a nazi cell
CIA Torture Report
CIA you're a waste
clinically mental on ill
Comment and read
conflict innuendo
Constant stupidity
Contracted Stalker
Corrupting other so not
Corruption at the Top
corruption is the rule
Corruption will not cease
Cover up
Crippling my health
Crooked Federal Agents
Dear AG Holder
Decoy News
Defined Judge Maurer
Democratic Fools
Desperation can be endure
Director Brenanan
Dirty Rotten Crooks USDOJ/CIA
Division Chief
Do you want names?
Documentation Documentati
Done For
Doug Bray Court Admin
Equal but not protected
Eric Holder Attorney Gen.
Esau Abounds
Every Single Rock
Evidence Galore
Excluded Multnomah Librar
Facility Management
Fantasy oh but say it is
federal agenst jealousy..
Federal Agent
Federal Corruption
Federal Government
Federal Law Enforcement
Feeling Better
Fellow Americans
folly during a life
Fools Abound
fruad also
Functioning with a Brain
George Tenet
Gosh Darn
Goverment Corruptoin
Halfwitted nature of man
Hard of Hearing
heart attack or stroke
Human Rights
Hung out to die
i am being blocked
I am not Al Capone
I am not TheMafia
I am stalked
I don't understand
I duh know!!!
I feel like Osama
I have acted in response
I love being right.....
Idiocy catch all FBI
Idiot hooked fools gold
Illegally manipulating
Insane and I mean it.
Iron Clad Proof
Is Rotten
Is this true?
it is the FBI
Jared Garth
Jesse Jackson is a fool
Judge Alito
Judge Jury and Excutioner
Just tired of Stupid
Kinkos Corruption
Kissing the folly's ass
Kyron Horman
Law and No Order
Legal Representation
Lewis "Scooter" Libby
Lon Mabon--FBI Style
Loretta Lynch well please contro
Mad as Hell
Man is a Liar
March 14
Mayor Potter
Mental Health
Mind Boggling
Mr. Doug Bray
Mr. Fool
Mr. Whiteman
Never can I hire an Attorney
No Party Affiliation Now
No she did not in 2009
Not dead yet
Not my America
Obama '09
Obama Change
Obama Change please
Obama is not
obssesive fanatical
obstruction of justice
One Woman could not...
open and peruse
Open Season
Oregon Corruption
Oregon Federal Judges
Oregon Medical Board
Oregon Secretary of State
Oregon State Bar
Organized Crime FBI
Overt Action
overt criminality
Peyton Place
pleasing man
Portland Detective
Portland FBI
Pray for me
President Elect
President Elect Barck O.
President Obama's Legacy for Obama
Protecting FBI Tactics
Psychiatric trash
Racketeer Influenced
Rape is a Federal Agent tool
refused medical help
relative to oddly dead
Respect President Obama
Robert Jordan is Gone
Sargent Vic Cody news
Second Chances
Sen. Grassly
Sen. Hillary Clinton
Senator Barack
Senator Barack Obama
Senator Hilary Clinton
Sensational Angst
Sexual Abuse
snowden helped the Feds
Someone erasing
Special Agent eternal
Special Agent In Charge
State of the Union
Stimulus Bill
Stinky Stankin Foolery
Straight with no chaser
stupid should be studied
Stupids on Sale
suffering fools
Taunting is torture
tears for years
The Art of Smiling
The Check is cashed
The Crew is on the job...
The Crime
The divilish fools
The minds of men!!!
The Oregonian
The Senator is a tool
These Freaks have already
These men and women
These Mutha F@Ckas
These Mutha Fucka have gone bese
these simpletons need hel
They have jumped off
They Jumped Guys
They ran and told my Mom
thick like AIDS
this document was mailed
This I must share
This is a hot as hell
This is a plea....
This proves Obstruction
Tiger has a life
Tiger Woods..not
To Jail with the Halfwits
Torture is a weapon
United States Postal
up a creek
us atty no jurisdiction
US Atty. Kent Robertson
US DOJ Letterhead
Utter Corrupt
Utter Disregard
Wasting Time
Way Out Side the Line
We are a pitiful Nation
We are Fools
we have no idea
Where are my RIGHTS
Where are the troops
who allow stupid to continue
Why does hunger lead
Why is authourity so
Wikileaks help me
Without Regard
Without Regards
Written on all Walls
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Blagojevich arrested now free me
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: come get you loons USDOJ.
Topic: Blagojevich Belinda J.
The end should is near; I mean with Blagojevich arrested on federal charges and all.  The means they are starting to clean up the messy Bush and Cheney; Rot at the top regime.  The Christmas Holiday has been tainted with attacks and malicious behavior for sometime so I am surviving these Rogue Federal Law Enforcement Idiots.  I have me Unemployment Hearing on Wednesday, 12/17/2008.  Which I am going on the record as saying this is a hoax.  I do not believe the adjudicator found I was terminated with cause essentially because I was told, I did not meet The Nines Expectation.  What a joke; you’re a Rogue Operation being directed by Corrupt Law Enforcement and you have the nerves to say, I, Belinda Jackson , do not meet expectations…Somehow beyond these fools understanding they just complimented my character.  I donot ever want to meet the expectation of Criminals.  The documents sent were from the “Oregon Employment Office”  when everyone knows it has all ways been  “State of Oregon Employment Department” on every other letter, plus the fact when I contacted the Unemployment section the my claim had never been updated with a decision; The policy is simple any document that is sent to a claimant is automatically updated on their computerized Claim…I was told a decision would be sent on Friday; but for some reason I received on Wednesday, 11/19/2008…This never happens…I was denied access from speaking with Linda the so called adjudicator and  When I demanded to speak with John Young the Metro Center Manager for Unemployment benefits he flat out said I cannot explain why you decision was not updated in the computer….I know why because this is retaliation and conspiracy that I am having to suffer through until the United States Department of Justice Special Investigator are heard, counted, speak the hell up, and save me from these schizophrenic immature loser lost in the fantasy of total control….When I was working at Oregon  Steel out in Clackamas County this little loser says to me another employee ” We can stop her were just going to have to micro-manage it.”  These FBI or Secret Service or whomever and what the hell ever these fools are have lost their minds….it is so officials 14 years later because this started in 1995 May is the Month….now I been saying this Multnomah County Court Administrators Name in correctly he is “Doug Bray” I spoke with him on December 1, 2008 and he could not explain what happen to my “Writ of Review” stemming from the retaliatory efforts using Trimet Public Transportation and having me Excluded for 30 days…he has not contacted me are sent a letter…I guess he was told about my Micro-manage Suicide which never and will never happen….For the last time United States Department of Justice come get you FBI rogue as faction whom have attack, Belinda Jackson, life in Portland Oregon did I mention the followed me from Los Angeles California so it is not me, it their Quack as Embarrassment….These fools thought they were the potion…the magic pill that Psychiatry and torture would solve any problem well guess what Ho Mihn Chin, Hitler, Ide Amin, Castro and every other Nazi—I live in America and I am an American we don’t leave our Country we fight you to the death…14 year later….come get you loons USDOJ.

The end should is near; I mean with Blagojevich arrested on federal charges and all.  The means they are starting to clean up the messy Bush and Cheney; Rot at the top regime.  The Christmas Holiday has been tainted with attacks and malicious behavior for sometime so I am surviving these Rogue Federal Law Enforcement Idiots.  I have me Unemployment Hearing on Wednesday, 12/17/2008.  Which I am going on the record as saying this is a hoax.  I do not believe the adjudicator found I was terminated with cause essentially because I was told, I did not meet The Nines Expectation.  What a joke; you’re a Rogue Operation being directed by Corrupt Law Enforcement and you have the nerves to say, I, Belinda Jackson , do not meet expectations…Somehow beyond these fools understanding they just complimented my character.  I donot ever want to meet the expectation of Criminals.  The documents sent were from the “Oregon Employment Office”  when everyone knows it has all ways been  “State of Oregon Employment Department” on every other letter, plus the fact when I contacted the Unemployment section the my claim had never been updated with a decision; The policy is simple any document that is sent to a claimant is automatically updated on their computerized Claim…I was told a decision would be sent on Friday; but for some reason I received on Wednesday, 11/19/2008…This never happens…I was denied access from speaking with Linda the so called adjudicator and  When I demanded to speak with John Young the Metro Center Manager for Unemployment benefits he flat out said I cannot explain why you decision was not updated in the computer….I know why because this is retaliation and conspiracy that I am having to suffer through until the United States Department of Justice Special Investigator are heard, counted, speak the hell up, and save me from these schizophrenic immature loser lost in the fantasy of total control….When I was working at Oregon  Steel out in Clackamas County this little loser says to me another employee ” We can stop her were just going to have to micro-manage it.”  These FBI or Secret Service or whomever and what the hell ever these fools are have lost their minds….it is so officials 14 years later because this started in 1995 May is the Month….now I been saying this Multnomah County Court Administrators Name in correctly he is “Doug Bray” I spoke with him on December 1, 2008 and he could not explain what happen to my “Writ of Review” stemming from the retaliatory efforts using Trimet Public Transportation and having me Excluded for 30 days…he has not contacted me are sent a letter…I guess he was told about my Micro-manage Suicide which never and will never happen….For the last time United States Department of Justice come get you FBI rogue as faction whom have attack, Belinda Jackson, life in Portland Oregon did I mention the followed me from Los Angeles California so it is not me, it their Quack as Embarrassment….These fools thought they were the potion…the magic pill that Psychiatry and torture would solve any problem well guess what Ho Mihn Chin, Hitler, Ide Amin, Castro and every other Nazi—I live in America and I am an American we don’t leave our Country we fight you to the death…14 year later….come get you loons USDOJ.

The end should is near; I mean with Blagojevich arrested on federal charges and all.  The means they are starting to clean up the messy Bush and Cheney; Rot at the top regime.  The Christmas Holiday has been tainted with attacks and malicious behavior for sometime so I am surviving these Rogue Federal Law Enforcement Idiots.  I have me Unemployment Hearing on Wednesday, 12/17/2008.  Which I am going on the record as saying this is a hoax.  I do not believe the adjudicator found I was terminated with cause essentially because I was told, I did not meet The Nines Expectation.  What a joke; you’re a Rogue Operation being directed by Corrupt Law Enforcement and you have the nerves to say, I, Belinda Jackson , do not meet expectations…Somehow beyond these fools understanding they just complimented my character.  I donot ever want to meet the expectation of Criminals.  The documents sent were from the “Oregon Employment Office”  when everyone knows it has all ways been  “State of Oregon Employment Department” on every other letter, plus the fact when I contacted the Unemployment section the my claim had never been updated with a decision; The policy is simple any document that is sent to a claimant is automatically updated on their computerized Claim…I was told a decision would be sent on Friday; but for some reason I received on Wednesday, 11/19/2008…This never happens…I was denied access from speaking with Linda the so called adjudicator and  When I demanded to speak with John Young the Metro Center Manager for Unemployment benefits he flat out said I cannot explain why you decision was not updated in the computer….I know why because this is retaliation and conspiracy that I am having to suffer through until the United States Department of Justice Special Investigator are heard, counted, speak the hell up, and save me from these schizophrenic immature loser lost in the fantasy of total control….When I was working at Oregon  Steel out in Clackamas County this little loser says to me another employee ” We can stop her were just going to have to micro-manage it.”  These FBI or Secret Service or whomever and what the hell ever these fools are have lost their minds….it is so officials 14 years later because this started in 1995 May is the Month….now I been saying this Multnomah County Court Administrators Name in correctly he is “Doug Bray” I spoke with him on December 1, 2008 and he could not explain what happen to my “Writ of Review” stemming from the retaliatory efforts using Trimet Public Transportation and having me Excluded for 30 days…he has not contacted me are sent a letter…I guess he was told about my Micro-manage Suicide which never and will never happen….For the last time United States Department of Justice come get you FBI rogue as faction whom have attack, Belinda Jackson, life in Portland Oregon did I mention the followed me from Los Angeles California so it is not me, it their Quack as Embarrassment….These fools thought they were the potion…the magic pill that Psychiatry and torture would solve any problem well guess what Ho Mihn Chin, Hitler, Ide Amin, Castro and every other Nazi—I live in America and I am an American we don’t leave our Country we fight you to the death…14 year later….come get you loons USDOJ.

Posted by mikejones3000 at 1:33 PM PST
Post Comment | Permalink
Blagojevich arrested now free me
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: come get you loons USDOJ.
The end should is near; I mean with Blagojevich arrested on federal charges and all.  The means they are starting to clean up the messy Bush and Cheney; Rot at the top regime.  The Christmas Holiday has been tainted with attacks and malicious behavior for sometime so I am surviving these Rogue Federal Law Enforcement Idiots.  I have me Unemployment Hearing on Wednesday, 12/17/2008.  Which I am going on the record as saying this is a hoax.  I do not believe the adjudicator found I was terminated with cause essentially because I was told, I did not meet The Nines Expectation.  What a joke; you’re a Rogue Operation being directed by Corrupt Law Enforcement and you have the nerves to say, I, Belinda Jackson , do not meet expectations…Somehow beyond these fools understanding they just complimented my character.  I donot ever want to meet the expectation of Criminals.  The documents sent were from the “Oregon Employment Office”  when everyone knows it has all ways been  “State of Oregon Employment Department” on every other letter, plus the fact when I contacted the Unemployment section the my claim had never been updated with a decision; The policy is simple any document that is sent to a claimant is automatically updated on their computerized Claim…I was told a decision would be sent on Friday; but for some reason I received on Wednesday, 11/19/2008…This never happens…I was denied access from speaking with Linda the so called adjudicator and  When I demanded to speak with John Young the Metro Center Manager for Unemployment benefits he flat out said I cannot explain why you decision was not updated in the computer….I know why because this is retaliation and conspiracy that I am having to suffer through until the United States Department of Justice Special Investigator are heard, counted, speak the hell up, and save me from these schizophrenic immature loser lost in the fantasy of total control….When I was working at Oregon  Steel out in Clackamas County this little loser says to me another employee ” We can stop her were just going to have to micro-manage it.”  These FBI or Secret Service or whomever and what the hell ever these fools are have lost their minds….it is so officials 14 years later because this started in 1995 May is the Month….now I been saying this Multnomah County Court Administrators Name in correctly he is “Doug Bray” I spoke with him on December 1, 2008 and he could not explain what happen to my “Writ of Review” stemming from the retaliatory efforts using Trimet Public Transportation and having me Excluded for 30 days…he has not contacted me are sent a letter…I guess he was told about my Micro-manage Suicide which never and will never happen….For the last time United States Department of Justice come get you FBI rogue as faction whom have attack, Belinda Jackson, life in Portland Oregon did I mention the followed me from Los Angeles California so it is not me, it their Quack as Embarrassment….These fools thought they were the potion…the magic pill that Psychiatry and torture would solve any problem well guess what Ho Mihn Chin, Hitler, Ide Amin, Castro and every other Nazi—I live in America and I am an American we don’t leave our Country we fight you to the death…14 year later….come get you loons USDOJ. The end should is near; I mean with Blagojevich arrested on federal charges and all.  The means they are starting to clean up the messy Bush and Cheney; Rot at the top regime.  The Christmas Holiday has been tainted with attacks and malicious behavior for sometime so I am surviving these Rogue Federal Law Enforcement Idiots.  I have me Unemployment Hearing on Wednesday, 12/17/2008.  Which I am going on the record as saying this is a hoax.  I do not believe the adjudicator found I was terminated with cause essentially because I was told, I did not meet The Nines Expectation.  What a joke; you’re a Rogue Operation being directed by Corrupt Law Enforcement and you have the nerves to say, I, Belinda Jackson , do not meet expectations…Somehow beyond these fools understanding they just complimented my character.  I donot ever want to meet the expectation of Criminals.  The documents sent were from the “Oregon Employment Office”  when everyone knows it has all ways been  “State of Oregon Employment Department” on every other letter, plus the fact when I contacted the Unemployment section the my claim had never been updated with a decision; The policy is simple any document that is sent to a claimant is automatically updated on their computerized Claim…I was told a decision would be sent on Friday; but for some reason I received on Wednesday, 11/19/2008…This never happens…I was denied access from speaking with Linda the so called adjudicator and  When I demanded to speak with John Young the Metro Center Manager for Unemployment benefits he flat out said I cannot explain why you decision was not updated in the computer….I know why because this is retaliation and conspiracy that I am having to suffer through until the United States Department of Justice Special Investigator are heard, counted, speak the hell up, and save me from these schizophrenic immature loser lost in the fantasy of total control….When I was working at Oregon  Steel out in Clackamas County this little loser says to me another employee ” We can stop her were just going to have to micro-manage it.”  These FBI or Secret Service or whomever and what the hell ever these fools are have lost their minds….it is so officials 14 years later because this started in 1995 May is the Month….now I been saying this Multnomah County Court Administrators Name in correctly he is “Doug Bray” I spoke with him on December 1, 2008 and he could not explain what happen to my “Writ of Review” stemming from the retaliatory efforts using Trimet Public Transportation and having me Excluded for 30 days…he has not contacted me are sent a letter…I guess he was told about my Micro-manage Suicide which never and will never happen….For the last time United States Department of Justice come get you FBI rogue as faction whom have attack, Belinda Jackson, life in Portland Oregon did I mention the followed me from Los Angeles California so it is not me, it their Quack as Embarrassment….These fools thought they were the potion…the magic pill that Psychiatry and torture would solve any problem well guess what Ho Mihn Chin, Hitler, Ide Amin, Castro and every other Nazi—I live in America and I am an American we don’t leave our Country we fight you to the death…14 year later….come get you loons USDOJ.

The end should is near; I mean with Blagojevich arrested on federal charges and all.  The means they are starting to clean up the messy Bush and Cheney; Rot at the top regime.  The Christmas Holiday has been tainted with attacks and malicious behavior for sometime so I am surviving these Rogue Federal Law Enforcement Idiots.  I have me Unemployment Hearing on Wednesday, 12/17/2008.  Which I am going on the record as saying this is a hoax.  I do not believe the adjudicator found I was terminated with cause essentially because I was told, I did not meet The Nines Expectation.  What a joke; you’re a Rogue Operation being directed by Corrupt Law Enforcement and you have the nerves to say, I, Belinda Jackson , do not meet expectations…Somehow beyond these fools understanding they just complimented my character.  I donot ever want to meet the expectation of Criminals.  The documents sent were from the “Oregon Employment Office”  when everyone knows it has all ways been  “State of Oregon Employment Department” on every other letter, plus the fact when I contacted the Unemployment section the my claim had never been updated with a decision; The policy is simple any document that is sent to a claimant is automatically updated on their computerized Claim…I was told a decision would be sent on Friday; but for some reason I received on Wednesday, 11/19/2008…This never happens…I was denied access from speaking with Linda the so called adjudicator and  When I demanded to speak with John Young the Metro Center Manager for Unemployment benefits he flat out said I cannot explain why you decision was not updated in the computer….I know why because this is retaliation and conspiracy that I am having to suffer through until the United States Department of Justice Special Investigator are heard, counted, speak the hell up, and save me from these schizophrenic immature loser lost in the fantasy of total control….When I was working at Oregon  Steel out in Clackamas County this little loser says to me another employee ” We can stop her were just going to have to micro-manage it.”  These FBI or Secret Service or whomever and what the hell ever these fools are have lost their minds….it is so officials 14 years later because this started in 1995 May is the Month….now I been saying this Multnomah County Court Administrators Name in correctly he is “Doug Bray” I spoke with him on December 1, 2008 and he could not explain what happen to my “Writ of Review” stemming from the retaliatory efforts using Trimet Public Transportation and having me Excluded for 30 days…he has not contacted me are sent a letter…I guess he was told about my Micro-manage Suicide which never and will never happen….For the last time United States Department of Justice come get you FBI rogue as faction whom have attack, Belinda Jackson, life in Portland Oregon did I mention the followed me from Los Angeles California so it is not me, it their Quack as Embarrassment….These fools thought they were the potion…the magic pill that Psychiatry and torture would solve any problem well guess what Ho Mihn Chin, Hitler, Ide Amin, Castro and every other Nazi—I live in America and I am an American we don’t leave our Country we fight you to the death…14 year later….come get you loons USDOJ.

Posted by mikejones3000 at 1:33 PM PST
Post Comment | Permalink
Monday, 8 December 2008
SSTCR Website Comments
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: Subject Re: SSTCR Website Comments
 Subject Re: SSTCR Website Comments 
 Sent Date 12-04-2008 3:49:21 PM
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
 Intake <>
 To Belinda Jackson <>
Belinda Jackson wrote:
> Name Belinda Jackson
> Email
> Message Hello, My Brother is James Jackson, he is presently
> incarcerated at Snake River Correctional Facility, and on December 3,
> 2008 in Judge Kantor Court Room a Hearing will be conducted based on
> allegations stemming from his 1996 conviction on Sexual Assault,
> alledgedly the DNA evidence the Procutor used to convict my Brother
> never existed. Presently he has a court appointed Attorney and would
> like her to leave the case and have Mr. Rose handle it on a pro bono
> condition. You can contact me at 503 449 6913 or 503 381 4178 it is
> okay to leave a message. Regards, Belinda Jackson (Relative)
Dear Ms. Jackson,
My name is
Brooklyn, and I am a law clerk for the attorneys at this
firm. I spoke with the attorneys concerning both messages we received
from you. First, unfortunately Mr. Rose is out of time and resources to
take up any pro bono work currently, and the time constraint of a
hearing in such a short time is unworkable. Additionally, we are unable
to work on the issues you have with the federal law enforcement
officials. Please feel free to contact another law firm or attorney, as
another attorney may be able to take on either or both of your current
issues. Please be advised that there are certain time limitations that
apply to any potential claims you may have. If you do not act within
those time frames, your rights may be lost. Therefore, if you wish to
obtain another attorney to assist you in this matter, you must do so as
soon as possible. Good luck.

 Subject Re: SSTCR Website Comments 
 Sent Date 12-04-2008 3:49:21 PM
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
 Intake <>
 To Belinda Jackson <>
Belinda Jackson wrote:
> Name Belinda Jackson
> Email
> Message Hello, My Brother is James Jackson, he is presently
> incarcerated at Snake River Correctional Facility, and on December 3,
> 2008 in Judge Kantor Court Room a Hearing will be conducted based on
> allegations stemming from his 1996 conviction on Sexual Assault,
> alledgedly the DNA evidence the Procutor used to convict my Brother
> never existed. Presently he has a court appointed Attorney and would
> like her to leave the case and have Mr. Rose handle it on a pro bono
> condition. You can contact me at 503 449 6913 or 503 381 4178 it is
> okay to leave a message. Regards, Belinda Jackson (Relative)
Dear Ms. Jackson,
My name is
Brooklyn, and I am a law clerk for the attorneys at this
firm. I spoke with the attorneys concerning both messages we received
from you. First, unfortunately Mr. Rose is out of time and resources to
take up any pro bono work currently, and the time constraint of a
hearing in such a short time is unworkable. Additionally, we are unable
to work on the issues you have with the federal law enforcement
officials. Please feel free to contact another law firm or attorney, as
another attorney may be able to take on either or both of your current
issues. Please be advised that there are certain time limitations that
apply to any potential claims you may have. If you do not act within
those time frames, your rights may be lost. Therefore, if you wish to
obtain another attorney to assist you in this matter, you must do so as
soon as possible. Good luck.

 Subject Re: SSTCR Website Comments 
 Sent Date 12-04-2008 3:49:21 PM
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
 Intake <>
 To Belinda Jackson <>
Belinda Jackson wrote:
> Name Belinda Jackson
> Email
> Message Hello, My Brother is James Jackson, he is presently
> incarcerated at Snake River Correctional Facility, and on December 3,
> 2008 in Judge Kantor Court Room a Hearing will be conducted based on
> allegations stemming from his 1996 conviction on Sexual Assault,
> alledgedly the DNA evidence the Procutor used to convict my Brother
> never existed. Presently he has a court appointed Attorney and would
> like her to leave the case and have Mr. Rose handle it on a pro bono
> condition. You can contact me at 503 449 6913 or 503 381 4178 it is
> okay to leave a message. Regards, Belinda Jackson (Relative)
Dear Ms. Jackson,
My name is
Brooklyn, and I am a law clerk for the attorneys at this
firm. I spoke with the attorneys concerning both messages we received
from you. First, unfortunately Mr. Rose is out of time and resources to
take up any pro bono work currently, and the time constraint of a
hearing in such a short time is unworkable. Additionally, we are unable
to work on the issues you have with the federal law enforcement
officials. Please feel free to contact another law firm or attorney, as
another attorney may be able to take on either or both of your current
issues. Please be advised that there are certain time limitations that
apply to any potential claims you may have. If you do not act within
those time frames, your rights may be lost. Therefore, if you wish to
obtain another attorney to assist you in this matter, you must do so as
soon as possible. Good luck.


Posted by mikejones3000 at 1:57 PM PST
Post Comment | Permalink
Sunday, 7 December 2008
Local Office Portland, Oregon FBI
Now Playing: really pissed off these Quacks.
Topic: Special Agent In Charge
So how many times have I said Psychiatry is a joke?  I am  not sure if it’s over 100,000.00 times yet.  The level of Emotional and Physical manipulation my body undergoes makes me a modern marvel of science.  I mean these idiots actually give "Your so damn useless and stupid" serious pause. Moronic is an understatement; On Saturday my Sister (Reva Jones) stated to me; Mom was given a year to live; the cancer is hidden in her pancreas and if it moves to her liver (The Doctor see a spot) than she has a year to live.  But, Reva says we will not know for sure until Monday; If our Mom has a year to live…..what Doctor gives you this sort of information without clear conclusive proof this is factual…Oh I know  who The Psychiatrist whom  believe everyone has a breaking point; And I, Belinda Jackson, am at present in a control study by a bunch of  Lunatic, trying to figure out my "Breaking Point"What is “The cancer is hidden in the pancreas"….How does Cancer hide? Especially since my Mother was given a clean Bill of Health by Dr. Derek Taylor just a week befor the find "Belinda Jackson Breaking point effort" Which was after "The Operation cause Belinda Jackson to commit suicide" Effort failed.   I have heard a lot but this is thick 20 days before Christmas….But I am not at all surprise…On Monday I met with Doug Bray the Court Administrator for Multnomah District Court and he has no idea how my “Writ of Review” A legal document was filed away in the basement of the Courthouse; He is looking into it; and Judge Kantor pretty much made my Brothers'  DNA Case look more Corrupt than the FBI/USDOJ Employees using Drugging and Sexual Abuse as a weapon of intimidation and elimination.  And we must not forget Emily Jackson over at Steenson et al…Oh yeah she gave me a call on Thursday and I contacted her back on Friday about 4:00pm.  First we  discussed my Brother request to have Attorney Rose assist him with this DNA debacle….The conversation was shocking; I mean Emily was asking relevant question even stated Attorney Rose needed the Transcript before deciding on a case then we started on my case for J. Ashlee Albies, Emily just happened to be the Legal Clerk for both Attorney, so obviously coincidental…hold up I am not done…it is obviously coincidental…listen as I started  to mention being prohibited from entering Federal Court Building, FBI local Office, Oregon Employment Department, and the Writ of Review; I was asked to hold, then a ringing in my ear…then a receptionist answers, during this time Emily Jackson calls my Cell voicemail and leaves me and my Brother (Mr. DNA) a dear Attorney letters…Did I mention the Portland Police destroyed the DNA sample so Judge Kantor dismissed his motion because it was Moot based on the fact DNA has been destroyed, and in Open Court Judge Kantor stated he was did not know the law concerning the motion stemming from the discretion of giving but Judicial and Forensic review of the DNA processing…Judge Kantor did preserve all document and Mr. Multnomah Prosecutor objected based on time needs but Judge Kantor was firm “Preserve all Mr. Jackson, paper in Multnomah Court File room” (Think it was a jab at me, think…nah….Yes I was transferred back to Emily Jackson, whom informed me I had spoken to Brooklyn…(No I had not Ms. Emily Jackson) Oh she said, not spoke but Brooklyn had emailed me Steenson, Tewbury, (?) and Rose were not longer taking Pro Se cases…It not Pro Se…”Oh I mean Pro Bono.”  Emily said….and how about me…I was informed by Emily Jackson  that J. Ashlee Albies only handle Civil Right Case against the State Government not the Federal Government…And to that I say is she not the Director for the Oregon Office of The National Lawyer Guild…National but Local…okay…What does it mean my Blogging viewing public…it means the FBI is blocking me from retaining  an Attorney as they kill off my Mother at Good Samaritan during the Christmas Holiday…I am thinking I have really pissed off these Quacks. 

Posted by mikejones3000 at 3:19 PM PST
Updated: Monday, 8 December 2008 2:02 PM PST
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Wednesday, 3 December 2008
We Will Call The F Hoax B I for the record
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: Pschiatrist aka Quack
Topic: Not dead yet
The audacity of an idiot to feign offense is almost as redundant as a fool being right about anything.  This attack against me and my family is the biggest Psychological debacle in the history of time.  The fact both my Mother and Brother were and are being place and severe and unfogiving tumoil and conflict is just a slight reflection on thier deprave indifference.  These idiot FBI and Federal Law Enforcement Agents simply do not and cannot care; It's a job that has gone horrificly wrong based on thier own incompetence and utter stupidity...In your right mind do your ever consider Rape as a tool...but these fools not only considered they executed and then used the act as a taunt and torture tool...Because Psychiatry said...Yes Psychiatry said, I would be so devestated my letter and request would be halted...FOOL.  Now my Mother is in the Hospital hopelessly lost in the pretense of you better believe me Belinda...The entire fiasco is a hoax and if they would have been able to manipulate some sort of reaction out of me other than laughter and ridicule my Mother would be home...But she does care last time I was thier she was still working for the Rogue Federal Agent and getting the best drugs ever...Deprave Indifference on both thier parts...Then thier my Brother, James Donald Jackson he is incarcerated at Snake River Correction Institution for Sexual Assault and somehow he got a hold of the some information which stated the DNA evidence used against him at trial was fruadulent and did not and could not have been used to convict him...Well the Judge Kantors Office in the Multnomah County Court House was joke and I mean this to the fullest...This is some sort of ploy to keep introduceing Rape into my life; I guess the Psychiatrist believe Rape is the catch all magic potion to solve Corruption....The judge didnt seem to care the DNA evidence had been destroyed in the case and made a decision to deny the potion after he stated out loud in open court he did not know about the Law itself...I guess and Appeal will bail him out but that so unfair since my Brother as been trying to get this heard since 2001....Yes the entire head is Rotten...I stuck on stupid with these fool....Guess What the State of Oregon has decide to deny my Employment I have not job, a brother bring up Sexual Assault, a Mother in the Hospital faking but getting really good dope and finally a contant concert of Rape, Rape, Rape...Quack central has had ample opportunity at Belinda Jackson, do these fools ever realize are am I going to have to be murdered before the big..OOPS resounds.

Posted by mikejones3000 at 1:37 PM PST
Updated: Wednesday, 3 December 2008 1:51 PM PST
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