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12 years in my existence
20,0000 new troops
2008 Presidential proof
A bunch of scared fools
A miracle
a never ending
A Pattern of behavior
a time to kill
Acting Chief Justice
Actions without thinking
AIG is Rogue Fed
All I have is Fool
All the Kings Men
All the little Maniacs
America's Economic Break
Angered to tears
As they Perish
Assistant Chief
Attention FBI scum
Attorney need
Barack is the answer
Belinda Jackson ?Pro Se?
Belinda Jackson Facebook
Black Balled
Blagojevich Belinda J.
blocked life
blue collar criminal
Breach of Public Trust
brutally honest
Burke Williams and Sorens
By Any Means.....
By Appointment
By Faith
Can you believe
centrally stupid
Change is in play
Changing the Lead Story..
cheaters haters losers
Chronic understatement
cia has a nazi cell
CIA Torture Report
CIA you're a waste
clinically mental on ill
Comment and read
conflict innuendo
Constant stupidity
Contracted Stalker
Corrupting other so not
Corruption at the Top
corruption is the rule
Corruption will not cease
Cover up
Crippling my health
Crooked Federal Agents
Dear AG Holder
Decoy News
Defined Judge Maurer
Democratic Fools
Desperation can be endure
Director Brenanan
Dirty Rotten Crooks USDOJ/CIA
Division Chief
Do you want names?
Documentation Documentati
Done For
Doug Bray Court Admin
Equal but not protected
Eric Holder Attorney Gen.
Esau Abounds
Every Single Rock
Evidence Galore
Excluded Multnomah Librar
Facility Management
Fantasy oh but say it is
federal agenst jealousy..
Federal Agent
Federal Corruption
Federal Government
Federal Law Enforcement
Feeling Better
Fellow Americans
folly during a life
Fools Abound
fruad also
Functioning with a Brain
George Tenet
Gosh Darn
Goverment Corruptoin
Halfwitted nature of man
Hard of Hearing
heart attack or stroke
Human Rights
Hung out to die
i am being blocked
I am not Al Capone
I am not TheMafia
I am stalked
I don't understand
I duh know!!!
I feel like Osama
I have acted in response
I love being right.....
Idiocy catch all FBI
Idiot hooked fools gold
Illegally manipulating
Insane and I mean it.
Iron Clad Proof
Is Rotten
Is this true?
it is the FBI
Jared Garth
Jesse Jackson is a fool
Judge Alito
Judge Jury and Excutioner
Just tired of Stupid
Kinkos Corruption
Kissing the folly's ass
Kyron Horman
Law and No Order
Legal Representation
Lewis "Scooter" Libby
Lon Mabon--FBI Style
Loretta Lynch well please contro
Mad as Hell
Man is a Liar
March 14
Mayor Potter
Mental Health
Mind Boggling
Mr. Doug Bray
Mr. Fool
Mr. Whiteman
Never can I hire an Attorney
No Party Affiliation Now
No she did not in 2009
Not dead yet
Not my America
Obama '09
Obama Change
Obama Change please
Obama is not
obssesive fanatical
obstruction of justice
One Woman could not...
open and peruse
Open Season
Oregon Corruption
Oregon Federal Judges
Oregon Medical Board
Oregon Secretary of State
Oregon State Bar
Organized Crime FBI
Overt Action
overt criminality
Peyton Place
pleasing man
Portland Detective
Portland FBI
Pray for me
President Elect
President Elect Barck O.
President Obama's Legacy for Obama
Protecting FBI Tactics
Psychiatric trash
Racketeer Influenced
Rape is a Federal Agent tool
refused medical help
relative to oddly dead
Respect President Obama
Robert Jordan is Gone
Sargent Vic Cody news
Second Chances
Sen. Grassly
Sen. Hillary Clinton
Senator Barack
Senator Barack Obama
Senator Hilary Clinton
Sensational Angst
Sexual Abuse
snowden helped the Feds
Someone erasing
Special Agent eternal
Special Agent In Charge
State of the Union
Stimulus Bill
Stinky Stankin Foolery
Straight with no chaser
stupid should be studied
Stupids on Sale
suffering fools
Taunting is torture
tears for years
The Art of Smiling
The Check is cashed
The Crew is on the job...
The Crime
The divilish fools
The minds of men!!!
The Oregonian
The Senator is a tool
These Freaks have already
These men and women
These Mutha F@Ckas
These Mutha Fucka have gone bese
these simpletons need hel
They have jumped off
They Jumped Guys
They ran and told my Mom
thick like AIDS
this document was mailed
This I must share
This is a hot as hell
This is a plea....
This proves Obstruction
Tiger has a life
Tiger Woods..not
To Jail with the Halfwits
Torture is a weapon
United States Postal
up a creek
us atty no jurisdiction
US Atty. Kent Robertson
US DOJ Letterhead
Utter Corrupt
Utter Disregard
Wasting Time
Way Out Side the Line
We are a pitiful Nation
We are Fools
we have no idea
Where are my RIGHTS
Where are the troops
who allow stupid to continue
Why does hunger lead
Why is authourity so
Wikileaks help me
Without Regard
Without Regards
Written on all Walls
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Arthur Balizan and George Dorsett-Death Penalty
Now Playing: Balizan and Dorsett sitting in a tree
Topic: Kissing the folly's ass
I know you are probably wondering what would lead Federal Law Enforcements to such disasterous behavior.  The use of Rape by a Law Enforcement entity is quite disasterous for civilization and the Government which would use it...surely this alone  blights the Countries  reputation and crediability for years to come...I mean after all we went to Iraq to stop Saddam's Rape rooms...who knew FBI and Secret Service Officials found that rape room are quite functional...the reason why it has been 15 years is because the FBI is filled with bumbling idiots whom are quite often manipulated by other branches of Federal Law Enforcement...The FBI is a embarassment and every single time they raise an objection to anything the ridicule is resounding....I am stuck between stupid and damned stupid...I have survived for no reason at all because the powers that be are never going to allow the American public to know what was done under our flag in our name...the sad part is not what happened to me and my family but that my Country could be so pimped by nothig more than Criminals...Once my older Brother tried to blackmail me about a caper we pulled off together...He said I going to tell mama what we did...I said come on lets go tell together....Somehow he did not want to go tell anymore and guess whom was left running things...Little Sister...I am not afraid of these baffoons...I just wish there was more than one of me....They raped me and taunted me with thier rape...And as loud as I say it they will spend million to keep it a secret...the problem is these Rogue Federal Agent...Grotty, Czdy, Dorsett, Beuhiem and Robert Jordan/Stephen Fiddler..US Attorney Acting Ken Robinson..are paying these conspirators in every currency known to man...yes cash money, but also child porn is a currency, access to rape of a 12 year old also a  currency, no jailed time for criminal activity also a of meth and black tar heroin also currency..These fools are paying everyone with anything they ask for to keep it a serect what Federal Law Enforcement is doing to Me, Belinda Jackson, of Portland Oregon...and by the way the rape started in California but when I moved back to Portland Oregon in 1997, the FBI/Secret Service manipulated the Portland Federal Law Enforcement under Dave Czdy they were doing something  brand new and cutting edge; when in actuality these Portland Feds were just pimped into the program.What program Psychological attack as a tool of control...what made Ross Perot just bow out of the Presidential election years ago, what led to only an 18 year old kid challenge  former Mayor Vera Katz...what made Jim Lim not use the evidence I gave him against Ron Wyden...and Wyden is such a tool; does anyone but me wonder why Portland, Oregon has record unemployment when Wyden got a $357 million dollar grant to build lightrail...why such high unemployement because the 357 went to vendor not jobs and vendor make large donation...they are such selfish idiots..but they do not care about being caught are prosecuted....Can you believe this mess...Men are absolute dumb ass building a bridge to hell...How dare these dumb son of mother who did not care; think for one moment I would lay down in die for fools...I am going to live and survive these ederly failures...this psychological babble...I going to survive these fools and their folly...Belinda Jackson. 

Posted by mikejones3000 at 3:34 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Mr. Balizan
Now Playing: Hostile Take Over
Topic: Fellow Americans

Shortly to arrive on April 21, 2010 is my Anniversary with this ordeal with Federal Law Enforcement...Tragic this all started in April 1995 and it is 2010...What is the World coming to that FBI and Secret Service Official have this much extra time?  What is going on with me Corruption--I know explain well is so egregious and volatile..the measure is beyond measure.  I awoke three days go with unbearable wetness on my anal area.  I mean I thought I was leaking...How did this happen...what is going on?  I saved the Underwear and I realized the Government Rogue faction is back to rape are the psychological use of rape as a tool....Go Mr. Balizan, I guess the Quack Psychiatry team talk you into using rape again...The emotional understanding is amazing....I am undone and held together by Faith alone...the next morning my Vaginal area was complete wet...I am shocked but this time I was aware of the Hypnosis...I had flash of memory about some Penis---just a penis it was not attached to anyone...I remember a voice..but not the rape itself...So I have talked myself into the belief; the Corrupt Federal Agents I have demoralized are raping me...they are just trying to convinced me I am being raped as a tool of emotional abuse and psychiatric tactic...Yeah...I have talked myself into this...because the other times I was drugged and raped there was a recall triggered by a person are action...and I remember the physicality of the event...the occurrence on April 12 and 13---this was all mind I don’t know if I was drugged and completely incapacitated are if these Federal Agents actually are using rape as  tool again...Now you want to know why I don’t go to Law Enforcement...because I will be placed in prison or a psychiatric ward...Federal Law Enforcement are not going to let what they have done be honestly reviewed--The last time I told Law Enforcement I was placed in a Psychiatric hold and she lady asked me to answer this question--"What does it mean with people say the grass is greener on the other side." I answered the question honestly...individual believe that certain situation or condition are better that what is presently going on in their life...after I answered this Indian doctor at Providence Medical Center admitted me into incident--no violent behavior...the Hold was released by the Court Appointed Social Worker and it she said---"I don’t know why they have you hear...Then they kept me 24 hours more and demanded I call someone whom would stated to them I had somewhere to go...before they would release me...So this is why I haven't gone to the local Police Officer....I have realized these Federal Agents level of demoralization has actually triggered a bit of reality...If the fact they have attack me for 15 years ever is seriously investigated...they are going to face the death penalty...because Rape is torture and they have repeatedly tortured me under this ridiculous assertion I am going to "Break Under the Pressure" and "Go Crazy" then the Psychiatrist the Great is going to save the is a fantasy...I have reconciled their tactics and these fools do not have a chance in Hell against my truth..Last week I got a letter from the State Bar of California they have decline to investigate my charges against Burke Williams and Sorensen....not surprise this firm cooperated and conspired with Corrupt Federal Agents...they will be protected even if that means...stealing my complaint and impersonating the California State Bar Association ...this letter I receive from then signed by Cheryl Smith, Complaint Analyst is a joke...she really says Attorney can use any effort to my detriment...even commit a crime I guess....the same thing happened with my Complaint against Mr Van evidence of ethical wrong doing...I going to appeal both complaint...and I know I am saying everything correctly in my complaint...I believe this is corruption the Federal Agents are protecting their co-conspirator..this is my belief and I have evidence to prove it....but what has happened in the last 15 family has been attacked, my mother has been dealing with hoax doctors giving her Pancreatic Cancer...but no cancer meds....I literally picked up her Monthly perscriptions and no cancer meds...I laugh out loud and parade it all around...guess what a happen the next month I stopped picking up the Nephew Donta was chose to handled it...This is sad and pitiful all at once...I am literally stuck on stupid with Retarded FBI/Secret Service and Local Law Enforcement...I green SUV hit my bag last week March 26, 2010--I called the telephone reporting unit...and receive three successive calls back clearing the case...I was even afforded time to call back...this Malcolm Owen a total Cascadia client...diagnose Schizophrenic and Sex Offender...threatens to kill me in front of witness and the DA make it a Misdemeanor--did I mention witnesses...He has been out on his own recognance the whole time...the trial has been postponed twice and present Amber Moser is working out a plea deal with no jail time...The FBI and these other Rogue Federal Agents are taking care of their co-conspirators--And I am surviving based on faith and understanding...Yesterday...I am at Hollywood Transit Ctr. This White Woman and her daughter de-board the 77 Troutdale walke directly over to me and stand behind me to light up cigarettes on Tri-met property less thant 3 feet behind me...closer to two feet...I said please don’t smoke behind me...and I am attacked like a dog in heat they both go off...I laughed them off and walked away..Tri-met is a contained area these Rogue Federal Agents have used since 1997--the have place rapist to taunt and ex-convicts to assault and intimidate... Mr. Holder I am begging you to please come get your Halfwits..this is not tolerable.

 Belinda Jackson 

Posted by mikejones3000 at 5:09 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 28 April 2010 12:38 PM PDT
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Thursday, 1 April 2010
Now Playing:
Topic: it is the FBI
 Subject Jared Garth Division Counsel 
 Sent Date 04-01-2010 5:03:28 PM
 From "Belinda Jackson" <>
 To <>
 Cc <>
April 1, 2010

Dear Mr. Balizan

Special Agent In Charge Balizan, I, Belinda Jackson, am presently being harrassed and falsely accused by Corrupt Federal Law Enforcement. On March 31, 2010, at 2:28pm I contacted the Portland Oregon FBI, in an effort to follow-up on a Civil Rights Complaint I filed against the US Attorney Office in Portland, Oregon during my telephone conversation I was transferred and then Disconnected while a frantic female Special Agent stated "YOU CAN ONLY SPEAK TO JARED, BELINDA..When I asked for a Supervisor--Mr Garth Supervisor I was denied access and disconnected... I need to follow up because at present I am prohibited/blocked from the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Court House. I have tried on several occasion to contact The Office of the US Attorney and have them explain the instruction given to the Federal Marshals assigned to securing the Federal Court House; It has been communicated to me by Federal Marshalls I am prohibited from entering the building forever without recourse or cause. The US Attorney's Office has never filed criminal charges against me, Belinda Jackson, and I have never been able to defend myself against this blatant Constutional and and Oregon Bill of Rights violation. This is a violation of my Constitutional rights "Equal Protection Under the law" and I filed this complaint with your office on March 3, 2010, I have been notified through a communication from FBI employees a Memo has been given to all employees at the Portland FBI offices I, Belinda Jackson, must only speak with Mr. Jared Garth,Division Counsel---I need to know why this Memo and instruction was given..Specifically I, need to know If the Portland Office is being investigated or what law gives you office the right to target one American Citzen;
Mr. Garth being on vacation until March 29, 2010, And not until his return will my Civil Rights complaint be handled, another violtion of my Civil Rights. I need a written explanation sent by United States Postal Mail, why Mr. Garth has been designated as Belinda Jackson contact--I want to communicate with strict understanding Mr. Jared Garth, Division Counsel, has never facilitated or investigated any of the Federal criminal acts I have been forced to file with only him, based on some communication circulating in the Portland Oregon FBI Office. I further want to inform you, Mr. Balizan--I am an American citzen with no formal or informal relationship, liason, informant, operative or any other construed relationship with Federal or Local Law Enforcement...There has been this constant lie perpetrated by a Rogue Federal Faction that I, Belinda Jackson, am involved with Law Enforcement--This is untrue; I, Belinda Jackson residing in Portland, Oregon filed a criminal complaint against Special Agent in Charge(s) Dave Czdy, Robert Jordan, Supervisor Stephen Fiddler and Agents Grotty, Beuhiem, Pritchard, Meuller, Gonzalez, Hillary(first name)and William Traceder former General Counsel and I, Belinda Jackson, believe these Agents and Supervisory Staff are actively and openly involved in Corruption and Collusion.

Signature Belinda Jackson
6731 SE 82nd Apt 1
Portland, Oregon 97266
Mailing Address
PO Box 40804
Portland, Oregon 97240
cell 503 449 6913

Posted by mikejones3000 at 2:30 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 18 April 2010 3:08 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Oregon State Bar
Abuse of power is really quite simple,  Men or Women decide all aspect of your life utilizing a position of power which would be bette serve for some other situation that it was created for; Brad Tellam mailed me a letter Via United State Postal Mail on March 15, 2010, in which he stated Mr. Erik Van Hagen had violated no ethical policy as far as the Oregon State Bar is concerned. Mr. Tellam went on to stated April 16, 2009 something happened...This date is wrong;  I could present all sort of evidence which would prove corruption, collusion and Obsturction of Justice as well as conspiracy...but the evidence is at present public record so why bother....I will just fall procedure and file all appropriate criminal and appeal complaint.  I will be covered and when ever the United States Department of Justice decides to file formal charges against Rogue FBI and Secret Service officials...Statute of Limitation will not be near the conversation...I am covered by grace and intellect...but the FBI is damned idiots.

Posted by mikejones3000 at 12:34 PM PDT
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Friday, 26 February 2010

Subject US Attorney and FBI Corruption Civil Rights 
 Sent Date 02-26-2010 5:52:36 PM
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
 "Belinda Jackson" <>
 To <>
 Cc <>
February 26, 2010

Dear Acting Executive Director Mark Jones,

Mr. Jones, I am presently being blocked from entering Government Offices under the pretense of criminal Allegation which are completely fabricated by Corrupt Federal Law Enforcement stemming from the FBI Portland Oregon Office and US Attorney Portland, Oregon location. The US Marshall are blocking me  from entering the premises of the Mark Hatfield Federal Court House, where the US Attorney's Offices are located. I have requested to enter the premises on February 26, 2010 in an effort to look up records in the Federal Court House located in the same building. I am involved in an ongoing Appellate Case Belinda Jackson V. Trimet Case No. A143671 and their is a case I want to see involving Trimet. On Friday I was blocked on three different calls by the receptionist at 503 727 1000; Her statement to me was "Belinda Jackson" you are not allowed to call here or come to the building; she disconected the telephone call. I explained to the US Attorney's Receptionist; I simply need to go to the Federal Court House who would I speak to at the US Attorney that could communicate to the US Marshall in an effort to enter the premises. I was disconnected on three occassion; the last time the Receptionist stated the Supervisor was right there and I was to be disconnected and not to call again are arrive. This is a violation of my Civil Rights; the Federal Courthouse is housed in the same building and I do not believe the law can prevent me from entering a public building; I have not violated any laws and I have never been charged with a crime. I believe this whole thing is corruption perpetrated by Ken Robinson and the local FBI Office. I have a pending USDOJ complaint lodge againts Special Agents Grotty, Beauhiem, Gonzales, Pritichard, Meuller and Supervisors Czdy, Jordan, and Stephen Fiddler for corruption, obstruction of justice and a host of other infractions. I have cell phone records and a copy of my complaint to USDOJ. I am demanding an investigation of these Civil Rights violation which breach both the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...This is corruption at a scale which denigrates the very essence of the United States Department of Justice; in an effort to cover up thier criminal action I have been blocked from entering the very Federal Agency which were created to protect my rights; these agencies are protecting Corrupt US DOJ/FBI Employees. I demanding relief and these agencies to cease and desist with this criminal action; I, Belinda Jackson, have filed complaints with the US Marshal and the USDOJ each time these corrupt locals have obstructed justice....I am demanding relief ASAP...immmediately.

Posted by mikejones3000 at 3:23 PM PST
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